pimpeh Arc User


  • **** bms,lol.CC'ing was the thing that actually made that class a bit more interesting,stick to archer although tab-targeting still sound's incredibly boring it beat's TW'ing as a bm. Farming sucks and it's boring as hell,merching or CS'ing should be the only true money making ways remaining. I mostly play LoL(EU…
  • Don't tell me you still don't have at least 1 r9 or 2nd tier nirv part Tony.Just wthell do you do all the time when you play? It's like you're not playing at all b:shocked .
  • Sup blondy Justine? Still being a pro fox I hope.
  • Sucks to be "those" guys b:quiet then.
  • Weee,I actually remembered at least 1 account.I'll definitely be adding you man,you always made me laugh.Also,I'll probably make a US account for LoL sooner or later when I got everything I want on my main EU one and since I don't know any1 there,would be fun to play with some PWI folks. Hi to every1 else too since I…
  • I'm starting to get lazy to switch between my FW account & PWI one so imma post with this from time to time. LIZZYYYY ,BYEEE I'll MISS YO....oh wait we can talk on msn anytime.b:laugh
    in bye <3 Comment by pimpeh April 2011
  • Oh glad you liked them and you posted a link to one of my best before I did,QQ.Would've posted them myself but wanted to have a more experienced bm watch them before making the public. But anyways,hope you guys enjoy them. EDIT : oops,didn't notice I was on my FW account -.-
  • So like, a better topic than this - I didn't get in FW CB 3 :( b:cry Can I blame you guys ?
  • Shadow,you are my hero. b:laugh Epic! b:laugh
  • Can't focus fire some1 that get's 1-2 shot :) There is one good thing about this tho...I now use half the charm costs I used to because I can't tank at all. xD
  • Getting lazy to keep switching PWI/FW accounts so I'll just post on my FW one. 1st of all I wanna say ... what took you so long?b:cute Was expecting this for a while now. Now I'll talk about this once. Whether you get it or not...that's your problem,not mine : 1 - I didn't say I'll stop logging,I said I'll be inactive and…
  • This ^ is what I've been doing ever since I started this game and I'm glad I did . I was never a great farmer , never a great merch , never a great CSer , my gear wasn't bad but wasn't great either , just average . Ofc , I've done a little of everything above as well but far less than some ppl and tried to enjoy every good…