phase2 Arc User


  • i was told to check the firewall and sumthing to do with port... but its off now soooo?
  • i have same problem.... please HELP!
  • uggggghhhhh!!!!! i downloaded the manual and applied it. But everytime i try to log on it says "Unable to Connect"... wats goin on?
  • for a long time i was under the impression my skills were not good. lvl 65 archer with 44 vit, but it seriously is not worth all the dex in my oppinion. If your a pure dex then yes chances are better to kill no doubt... but u pull more agro and you have less health to withstand damage... So your a one hit kill for any…
  • Archers do have the worst armour in the game. They aren't strong against anything! they take lots of damage from all types and are 2,3 hit kills from bosses. That being sad... archers to rock my socks!
  • Pure dex builds with strength used for weapon min reqs is usually a good build if you have a party with you or have AMAZING armour, otherwise ur a one hit kill. What i've done with my archer is put just enough in vit so i can take a few hits comfortably. If you really are unsure about wat to do, then go to…