Archer build questions

Kyra__ - Heavens Tear
Kyra__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Archer
First off I would like to apologize to the viewers for this post, I know that the question "How do I build my Archer" is probably the most asked question in this section but I searched and have a few specific questions that have yet to be answered.

First of all I have all my points in dex, and just enough for my armor. My Vit and Mag are still at 5, am I playing smart about my build or should I re-analyze what I'm doing?

Second, what weapon is over-all better for an Archer, Bow or Cross-Bow? and does it alternate between levels?

Third, is leveling and using the "Take Aim" skill worth it in the later levels because right now I see no use for it.

and last but not least are there any very basic tips or personalized skill tips that anyone has to offer?

Thanks in advance for the advice guysb:victory
Post edited by Kyra__ - Heavens Tear on


  • Destrukt - Heavens Tear
    Destrukt - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i know i'm a lower level than you but i've done my fair of looking around for this info also so i'll try to share it :)

    1.) from what i know there is either a hybrid or pure dex archer. hybrid you'll usually go about allocating your points 3dex/1str/1con and is meant for a more TW/PvE archer because survivability is much higher. the pure dex archer, 4dex/1str, is based more towards PvP but can also be effective in tw/pve as long as you get the right equipment and of course you deal massive amounts of damage w/ crits. so you should decide on your style and choose one or the other

    2.) i believe these are usually interchangeable with the majority going with a bow for aesthetics...xbow adds some range and less variability in damage but not as high a max damage (if i'm correct)

    3.) take aim is useless

    4.) you'll have to ask someone else about those :p

    hope these help
  • virems
    virems Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Con is ...Which stat ? Cause all I see is Vit, Str, Dex, INT
  • phase2
    phase2 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Pure dex builds with strength used for weapon min reqs is usually a good build if you have a party with you or have AMAZING armour, otherwise ur a one hit kill. What i've done with my archer is put just enough in vit so i can take a few hits comfortably. If you really are unsure about wat to do, then go to auction/blacksmith and use a weapon that you want to use later on as a template. Then try to match ur points with teh weapon requirements.

    As for your weapn question, its dependant mostly on personal preference. However sligshots seem to be the better but have higher reqs and make u look like a runt in pre-school =p.

    Take aim is obviously designed for ur initial shot and does reasonable amounts of damage. BUT charge time puts me too sleep and i doubt ppl are gonna wait for you to charge up in PVP rofl.

    hmmm.... heres a few off the top of my head.
    * If u plan to do DQs do them early wen ur lower levels! Otherwise when you are a higher lvl and you try to farm a lower lvl DQ's... it wont happen. So u will end up having to suck up to sum noobs are EVEN (heaven forbid) pay for them with coin!! =o

    Erupt Spark is ****... waste of a spark! Other then pretty lights it is kindy useless. Ohh yes 150% damage sounds appealing... but in the same amount of time to cast the spark you coulda had 2 quick shots in, making up for the extra damage of the erupt PLUS keeping ur spark. If you intend to use ur chi for damage get Aim low. The damage is high even for low levels, costs reasonable mana, and most importantly it stuns for a set time.. like sitting ducks aye? Also the skill is also physical damage so it means death to clerics and venos in pvp.

    alrite hope tha helps
  • virems
    virems Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I was thinking of using this one , But I'm not sure What Agility is ... Gonna go on a limb and say Dex...

    EDIT: Link to Original page
  • chaotic1
    chaotic1 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    WOW dont mean to be rude or anything but these guys don kno what they are talking about.
    EA Builds:
    Pure is great for pvp and pve as the hgih crit and dodge make u hard to hit and mean u do fairly high damage. Also with a few hp stones u can have the same hp as a vit buld archer. This is my build and works great most mobs u can kill b4 they reach u however it is harder to level in the 40-50 range as a lot of magic mobs and they hurt.

    Hybrid is also a good build but evade and crit is much lower meaning u have a hard time hitting other archers and barbarian/BM hit u fairly consistently as low dodge so your hp HAS to make up for it. For pve its a fairly good idea as more hp to take damage but mobs take longer to kill so u can expect to take hits from evry mob but have good hp to cope. (Not great hp a lot of repairs and hp pots needed)

    Take Aim
    PLEASE some1 tel noobs to stop bashing take aim!!! It is your strongest skill at endgame and the charge time goes down as u level it so it gets faster. Also u can release it early so no need to wait around if ur impatient AND if u stun ur opponent u can charge to max with ease.

    Before anyone asks yes it is stronger than deadly shot tho at mid range of 50-65 ish deadly shot does slightly more damage.

    Spark Eruption
    This is an EXCELLENT move for wasting some1 in pvp after u tick their heiro(charm) as it can destroy their h fast and that second delay u r INVINCIBLE. Also it works great for pve on defense enhanced etc... Also at low level u barely have enough spark to use aim low all that much and it freezes them for so little a period u are better off hitting spark and doing mega damage for 4 or so big skills rather than holding then 4 secs and geting 2 free hits b4 it comes after u.

    Im a Conqueror Executor Lv 77 EA atm and i do know what im talking about.

    Anyone need any in game help or advice PM me my in game name is Chaotiic (yes there is two i's) Lost city server or post here again hope i helped b:victory
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Same chaotic1
    Try using a Slingshot for pve it shoots much faster with consist damage so can wipe out mobs quickly and a xbow for pvp as it deals big damage as players have a lot less hp so u can wipe them out quickly. Bows are generally not used unless they have some great stats on them.

    Howver at low level where u will not keep ur weapons for long jus use the best one availble and try getting friends to craft them or craft them urself. The higher the stars the more base damage the weapon has.

    Note: Virems yes agility is the old malaysian server name for dexterity
    Official Guild History

  • darkshadz
    darkshadz Posts: 3
    edited October 2008
    At level 19, you'll get a lvl 20 crossbow from the FB19. It's the best weapon until lvl 30s from what I heard and on top of that you can socket it with gems that add physical attacks. I'm lvl 26 and I'm still using that xbow.

    Like you said Chaotiic, take aim is a great skill. I use it as an opener when lvling. I was also wondering why people were bashing that skill.
  • Pyreon - Heavens Tear
    Pyreon - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I played a level 87 archer in Delphi, and have to say that take aim is ****. The only thing it is good for is that, at level one, you can release it early thus having an attacking that is faster than your normal attack speed. Now as far as end game, when you are post 80, you can afford to waste your spirit points on take aim if you wish.

    I started as a Pure Dex build in Delphi, and for pk, it rocks balls, if you hit first. however I do recommend the build translated by opelxfrost, the hybrid build is by far superior, and he does know what he is talking about, believe me.

    Anyway, I restated because in PvE pure dex is lame:

    Yes, you do high damage
    Yes, you have a high dodge and make non-spear bms look like idiots.
    and Yes, you can add +hp soulstones to get vit-build hp


    Please note that the hybrid build does not do that less of damage, and there is of course the option to only add as much vit as you need to feel comfortable. Many people have a certain number they stop at, 50 or so etc. If you are dying to easy, or in very few hits, add some con.

    Also pure dex will be **** in fbs, bosses, mini-bosses, territory wars, normal mobs, elite mobs....the wind?

    And although the pure dex has a ridiculous dodge rate, it does not dodge magic which has a 100% hit rate.

    So the excess dex is honestly, a complete waste, being that most mobs have magic attacks, and that it is REALLY embarrassing to get **** by a wizard,or even worse....a cleric, but you would have to really suck to loose to a cleric. No offense, good class, but not PvP, other than the skill of the player blah blah.

    Also, not a bad idea to add HP+ stones to your gear, having even more hp than pure dex, and add p.att stones to your weapon.

    Being that you are in Heaven's Tear, a PvE server, I strongly suggest that you go with the hybrid build.

    And it sounds like you don't know what your talking about, being that those pictures that Virems suggested have came from the official chinese site, regarding the best builds for each character...I'm sure the developers know what is best, being that the...uhm....made them.

    Long story short:

    PVE = Vit build with picture that virems suggested, maybe a little less vit if you are comfortable with it.

    PVP = Still have to say Vit-Build, however if you avoid wizards hunting you, pure dex can be killer, and is, just don't get killed....Use the invisibility cloak if you have it. b:chuckle

    TW = VIT-Build is a must

    With 5 Vit, you WILL get your **** owned.

    and don't worry about having less vit, bms still can't hit you, but if they have a spear, worry a little bit.
  • Pyreon - Heavens Tear
    Pyreon - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Oh, I forgot about spark eruption.

    Get it, you are an idiot if you don't.

    Cast it right before a bm or wiz spell lands, timed right will waste their chi and their chance of killing you, and you kill also kill them faster.

    But, yea, take aim, is lame, as least in early levels, after that...

    ugh...its still lame.
  • Rhys_tussand - Heavens Tear
    Rhys_tussand - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    virems wrote: »
    I was thinking of using this one , But I'm not sure What Agility is ... Gonna go on a limb and say Dex...

    EDIT: Link to Original page

    you had it right it's 2 links to the picture

    Edit: I believe this is the link you wanted -->
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    In response to Pyreon's post.

    Pure Dex build isnt lame la...

    As an archer a simple fact is u will always take significant damage from both mage and melee types because light armour sucks. The hybrid build does at first glance seem the best to combat this but to be honest it has its drawbacks aswell.

    Hybrid vs Mage - Mage 2-3 shots u....

    Dex vs Mage - Mage 2 shots u.....

    Doesnt make too much difference the extra hp doesnt make u a take much more.

    I have friends who are hybrid build so i can give u an idea of hp difference at 78-80 range

    Lv 78 Chaotiic- Hp 2.9k
    Lv 80 Anonymous Friend- Hp 3.6k hp

    Mage of equivalent level damage 1.5-2.1k

    Still a 2 shot either way in terms of magic opponents.

    The major difference between Hybrid and Dex other than hp is the Dodge rate and Crit rate

    The dodge makes a HUGE difference when fighting melee players and mobs. I have tanked 2 BM and a Hybrid EA and come out alive because im so hard to hit. By going Hybrid u sacrifice ur dodge and get hit so much u really need the extra hp.

    Agaisn magic users dodge does absolutely nothing as they always hit.

    Crit Rate
    I currently have 20% crit rate. This crit saves me more than any hp as everyone knows its annoying to kill BM and WB i get a crit and they are a 2-3 shot easy. Also every archer hates the dreaded Cleric shield. When they throw up that barrier it is all about ur metal attacks as physical does squat. With a high crit rate its not a problem as the crits mean u still do significant dammage to clerics when shielded.

    Mages are never anything to worry about. Unless they surprise u and get u with a doom skill u can easily stun and normal shot their life away not even worth considering them 1v1.

    When fighting mobs Hybrid build get a lot less crits and do similar (tho less) damage so DO kill slower. Its a simple fact. Beside past lv60 pve is childs play with u wiping out mobs long b4 they reach u so no damage taken anyway.

    The only reason i would say to go Hybrid is in the annoying middle stage of 40-60 where there are a lot of magic mobs and ur damage isnt significant enough not to get hit.
    Official Guild History

  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    On the note of territory wars Hybrid or Dex I find when i die it is never to one opponent it is usually a full party hitting me and that funny thing of numbers appearing after you are dead happens. One of my friends qouted "i got hit for about 7k total all the attacks coming at me". In TW when i die i never think "i wish i had more hp" as it really wouldn't have made a difference.

    Heaven EA skill- Take aim
    Charge for up to 3.0 seconds to attack enemy, inflicting base physical damage plus up to 400% of weapon damage.

    Requires 1 arrow, bolt or shot.

    Sage version always gives 500% of weapon damage.

    500% damage weapon damage is ****?
    Official Guild History

  • mezzy
    mezzy Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    In response to Pyreon's post.

    Lv 78 Chaotiic- Hp 2.9k
    Lv 80 Anonymous Friend- Hp 3.6k hp .

    b:chuckle @ Anonymous friend.. is that who I think it is? ^_^
  • Pyreon - Heavens Tear
    Pyreon - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The main criticism I have for Take Aim, is that being that we are the most expensive class, at early levels leveling up take aim is too expensive mana wise to level, after 70 or 80..why not, if you have the extra skills points and cash, but a lower level archer should pick Deadly Shot over take aim, which is much faster, another reason is the uncertainty of the percentage in hit of Take Aim, which is UP TO 400%, until 89, I don't see it as being a safe bet.

    Also, I may be wrong but I think at lvl 10 Take Aim only gives 300%, but sage does increase that to 500%.

    Considering build, I guess it is really how you play, as well as how much money you put in to it etc.

    I think that the Pure dex is worse in my opinion for pvp, because with damage reduced by 75% in pvp since all skills except interestingly,Take Aim, do fix damage + weapon damage,and not % of weapon damage. And if going demon path there are only two skills with a 100% hit rate, which would be eased with a larger amount of hp.

    It could also be by which path a person plans to choose at 89. Sage seems to benefit the pure dex archer, while demon path seems a little more rewarding to the hybrid build.

    I am also not a "real" hybrid, I usually cut off con at a certain level when I reach a certain comfort zone, but I don't like getting owned in dungeons, which is also caused by lag.

    But definitely, there is no reason not to start out pure dex and see if you like it, and if you start dying, you can also start adding a little to con.

    Also in PvP I do think the Pure dex may in some areas have a little advantage, but to answer the original posters inquiry being in a PvE server, if you are asking if you are doing it right, you may need a little con,especially since PK isn't a factor.
  • adra12
    adra12 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008

    But, yea, take aim, is lame, as least in early levels, after that...

    ugh...its still lame.

    To a pure dex or nearly pure dex archer it is incredibly useful PVE. Leading with it means your done a ton more damage to the mob before it even knows your there, which means less attacks taken and less damage taken, which means less dying and longer charm life.

    I'll trade the slight dps hit for survivability every time, wouldn't you?
  • shivvyy
    shivvyy Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Oh, I forgot about spark eruption.

    Get it, you are an idiot if you don't.

    Cast it right before a bm or wiz spell lands, timed right will waste their chi and their chance of killing you, and you kill also kill them faster.

    But, yea, take aim, is lame, as least in early levels, after that...

    ugh...its still lame.

    Towards The End Game It Become So PwnAGE the Cast Time Is FAster and It Does MASSIVE DAMAGE