otane Arc User


  • I don't think Elfen Lied is a porno, bible black yes. Anyways my name Bishy was suppost to be short for bishounen= female-looking sexy man But most people read it as a short form for bitchy cause it's word filtered. It works either way I'm usually angry at something.
  • I'd have to say give more right-clicking options on players. Mashing most of the actions together in a variety of sub-categories that expand larger than the first is a tad confusing. Though I know I'll be called lazy, make it so I can right click someone and add them to my friends list, not have to try to remember their…
  • Well I just started today, got to lvl 7 and then was told in about 10 hours my character was going to be deleted for the open beta thing. I don't really see why they'd wipe the character list considering it wasn't really a 'closed' beta. I looked it up on google after my friends told me to play it. Anyways on to topic. The…
  • "You wanna die again don't you?" Best line ever, I had to click the image again just to laugh at it some more.
  • I agree with this but I'm sure it will fix itself over time as more people notice/ correct it. I give kudos to the translators though. I wouldn't be able to translate english to english ,my grammar and just about everything is poor and it's my first language. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to translate an…
  • I dunno about Ram so much. I know this is off topic but I only have like 4oo something ram and I played WoW before fine too >.>'
  • Ideas are nice but I think the no damage and no breath meter are what separate PW from other mmorpgs, I enjoy the idea of being able to run away from death by falling from heights. Haven't had to use it yet but it'll certainly be epic when I do.
  • I'm not asian <.<' Dunno how big image is sorrehs I'm the Tobi on the left