odin Arc User



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  • The cost of playing PWE - over the top, the cost of a laugh, priceless.
  • This post (like many other people's) is another attempt to genuinely help this Perfect World hoster be wildly successful. We love this game. It is EXTREMELY entertaining, under certain circumstances. Many of us know, even when we spend $50+ dollars a month, our entertainment return is substantial. Under those…
  • I have called PWI and left a message and my number, with the hope I would get a return call and have an opportunity to make a more insightful contribution to PWI, about pricing, than is possible in a forum filled with, possibly valid but distracting opinions. Also possibly make a contribution to the success of a company I…
  • I will buy stock again when/if i see cs prices that convince me PWI will thrive. Will this post be removed too?
  • (Post removed, please keep responses appropriate and productive)
  • FAQs: 1. Why would PWI set these prices? Answer: (Speculation) Because the price setters haven't played a character, in this game, to a high level, and don't know the cause and effect of their pricing. (they are going by other country's pricing and increasing prices relative to USA incomes.) 2. What is so expensive with…
  • Hiya Smex, I tried to make a serious thread about pricing, making the point that having a good understanding of the cause and effect of cash shop prices, requires the person setting the price to have PW playing experience (to lvl 90+). It is titled PWI MARKETING (memo to Marketing Dept.) They locked it so it would die the…
  • Business 101, A company with overpriced products makes less money than the company with reasonably priced products. Result - The stock value goes down. Investers may lose money. Buy high, sell low. (PWRD does not pay dividends at this time.) However, maybe the niche market (wealthy people) will spend enough money, for big…
  • This thread is set up for getting patrons' serious and helpful opinions and I want to give a serious opinion. I can only hope it is helpful. Only PWI can decide that. I started a serious thread about marketing, and pointed out that it is important to know the pricing implications, before I make posts with my observations…
  • See a pricing discussion here.
  • 1 silver PWI heiro mp/hp = 1 gold MY/EN gold heiro mp/hp. I think the current pricing is more about not knowing the game than maxing the price and reducing the price as needed to get patrons. The "maxing price" marketing strategy pisses people off, and creates a "prices to high" reputation. Surly the marketing department…
  • Keep the $1.00 for 1 gold conversion. This makes it easy for us understand how much we are spending for cash shop items. (Adjusting the cash shop prices accomplishes a "fix").
  • A person that has not played this fun game, with a character that has been built to level 90+, may not have the insight of knowing how much pleasure is available from this mmorpg. It is true that to get the most fun from Perfect World, one must be able to enjoy cash shop items. Some items are exclusive to the cash shop.…
  • Thanks GMs/Admins. GJ
  • A great read. Enjoy!
  • After reviewing the following information, it is clear to see our Euro-buddies will have problems joining us, in events, if the Lost City server is set to EST. The following are the default event times on non-PWI servers. If the default event times remain the same on the PWI servers, then the event times will be as posted,…
  • Cookies for all and each Barbarian joining can have one of my sisters
  • Don't be confused Anima. The previous quote is a RQ post. To hear something about "fair" from the RQ leadership, is a joke. The same goes for "mature", "truth", etc. My response was to Shizo, only. And I honestly don't want him to worry about whether we will be addressing unfair, immature, etc., behavior, affirmatively and…
  • Wargasm, GJ on list. Thanks for listing Dynasty.
  • FYI Our guild has been listed in the stickied guild list as Dynasty. Dynasty is the name we hope to get for OB. Ofc we won't know 4 sure, until we get it.
  • Fair and mature, I'm sure. Not to worry. Thx for the GL bump.
  • Sure Gankin. Key HERE and register in our forums. I've been monitoring our forums for people registering so your account should be activated within seconds of registering. C ya there
  • Hi Mas, Thanks for the GL. It is true that our emphasis is on fun, inter-guild cooperation, intra-guild cooperation, as we actively discourage drama, in and out of our guild, with or without PK/PVP. In the past, on other servers (CN/MY, MY/EN, & PWEurope (private, a ping time issue) our style seems to have been a winning…
  • Thanks Aurie, A guild member, suggested the oath idea, to avoid having to make a long list of guild policies. I hope we covered all the bases with that oath. (We used the Olympic's oath as a template). It wouldn't bother me a bit if other guilds used it or a similar word configurations for their own oath. It would be good…
  • Thanks for your reply concerning "buying zen". If we are not able to buy zen before closed beta ends, that leaves a 4 hour window for me to buy zen before open beta begins. If zen is not available before closed beta ends, then I shouldn't be surprised if it is not available when open beta begins. hmm, I guess I should…
  • tomwl01 Sure. send 'em over.
  • Thanks for all the GL bumps.
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