odin Arc User



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  • Oops, I mean Unlimited's enemys list. Same group though right? I hear they intend to own Lost City server.
  • Oni, are you one of those vicious Pink Bunnies that is on the RageQuit enemy's list? I hear you guys own the Plume City arena. GJ
  • Thx Zezix, and drop by anytime Anima.
  • Thanks for the GL bumps guys. I hope we don't need them. he he Rockin' on!
  • Nope on the fist warrior, but you probably know me by a different name. I know many of the RageQuit peeps.
  • Thanks for your quick reply, however, my questions remains unanswered. The 3 possible answers to the first of my questions are: 1. Yes 2. No 3. I don't know. With possibly a "I hope we find out soon" elaboration. (I have money and I want to spend some of it with pwi. I check in "support" daily, for the "buy zen" options to…
  • Will we be able to buy zen before open beta begins? and Will we know about any Lost City "server time adjustment", before open beta begins? My Euro buddies are worried about 3am war times. (20:00 hours-Fri.,Sat.,& Sun., with server set to Eastern time, = 3am for many of them. The 9am and 2pm war times work ok.) It is…
  • Impressive. I would say gl with your guild but you don't need luck with your style. Rock on !!!
  • Looking at the server selection, in the log in process, both starting servers listed are pvp. Lost City - East and the other - West.
    in server times Comment by August 2008
  • I'll sell mine. hiya Smex
  • Our guild is an ambitious, active guild, with many PW veterens, whose leadership respects the playing style of its members, supports civility and cooperation in the guild, and civility toward "civil gamers", with or without pvp/pking. Our rule is to obey the rules of Perfect World International. Our goal is SUCCESS !!! If…
  • I obviously figured it out. Sorry about the spam.
  • Thx for the advice. I would have done that except I don't know why the post messed up yet. Before I tried to make a post, I had opened a new topic, made some entries, and copied to wordpad, but did not submit the topic. That way i could see the code of these forums and build my " topic", while I watched the Olympics, and…
  • Thanks soukyuu. It's good to know a fansite kit is being worked on. Fyi. I did a manual search (read all the topics in the suggestions forum and most of the spam in the suggestions sticky). I didn't use the search function before i posted but I will use it now to see what I get.
    in Fan site kit Comment by August 2008
  • hiya Info on this thread says much. http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=7311 I'd enjoy connecting with some peeps ready to play OB.
  • hmm, The private wasn't 300X rates. The rates were from 2X to 10X pre-wipe and 10Xish post-wipe. It is true that lvling is faster than official servers but I'm glad to have learned about the game with lvl 90+ toons. And Rule 34 is the guild that Phoenix surrounded. After we surrounded them, most of the "griefers" left…
  • hiya all you friendly peeps, Resume: MY/CN - 2+ months (with English patch), then MY/EN started. MY/EN - 6+ months (Oracle server, Valor guild), then PWEurope started. PWEurope (private, better ping time) - 6+ months (Phoenix guild, pre-wipe; Exiled guild, post-wipe), to present. Phoenix guild - In the Phoenix Council with…
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