zen is 3 times the cost of cubi?



  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i feel robbed...like an idiot i waited until now to check the price of zen..ive spent a lot of money on MY server but the price here is ridiculous.
    Im from the UK and i can honestly not see people paying
    Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.
    Laurence J Peter(1919-1988)
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    And all the calculations for ZEN is for 1 character right? What if a guy/gal chose to play multiple characters? I was waiting for official exchange rate for ZEN, now that i've seen it seriously considering to go back to my other mmo online. Thank You for all your effort PWI.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Since you say you observe user feedback, here is mine:
    I want to spend money. I want to play this game. However, I can't see the value in spending 60+ dollars just to max my inventory and storage. Even spent over time, its still too much considering what it is I'm buying. Especially considering how many other items are considered "essential." I understand that this is how the game makes its income, and I respect that. But this pricing is making items that are necessary for players to play your game (or at least play it enjoyably - meditating for half of my game time is NOT fun) unobtainable, at least for those of us with common sense (or without mommy's credit card.) Please make zen affordable. Increase the prices of "fancy" items if that's what it takes, but you're going to lose players if you keep it like this. I don't want to see my friends leave any more than you do, so please fix this soon!
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    off course PW-MY is cheaper for USA players u cant compare their money with USA dollar or euro

    For a player from malasia 1 cubi = 1 Malasia dollar duuuuu
    same for PW-INT 1 dollar = 1 Zen
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    wizzmaster wrote: »
    off course PW-MY is cheaper for USA players u cant compare their money with USA dollar or euro

    For a player from malasia 1 cubi = 1 Malasia dollar duuuuu
    same for PW-INT 1 dollar = 1 Zen

    which is why unless something is done this game will fail to attract enough paying customers to remain a viable business
    Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.
    Laurence J Peter(1919-1988)
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    we're grinding zen-less in our underwear; refusing to buy fashion/other expensive things. All are welcome to come join the underwear party:)
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    julz wrote: »
    we're grinding zen-less in our underwear; refusing to buy fashion/other expensive things. All are welcome to come join the underwear party:)

    Count me in. :]
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well if prices remain like this me and my guild will stop playing here and go back to pw-my. Not willing to pay these crazy prices when i can get a lot more in the other version.
  • Posts: 453
    edited September 2008
    rev wrote: »
    Go sing the petition!

    1$per gold,
  • Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This is utterly retarted.

    When I first heard abot Perfect World International I thought to myself, "Wow, finally a good game with no lag, awesome" Now I am thinkin.."Why the hell did I leave my lvl 7X EA on MY and actually create a guild and buy a website to come to a server thats 3x expensive as MY"

    I would quit in a heartbeat if it wasnt for my guild and my friends.

    You guys seriously need to do somethin about this because you are going to lose alot of money, players, and respect from this community.
  • Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Attention to GMs- You make more money by dropping the prices.

    What would you rather have? The 100 guys willing to pay 1$ per 1 Gold or the couple thousand willing to pay 25 cents per Gold?

    Let me do some math for you guys.

    100 Guys buying 100 Gold @ 1 dollar = 10000 $

    2000 Guys buying 100 Gold @ 25 cents = 50000 $

    50000 > 10000

    You're welcome.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It's true, I'd spend so much more if Zen was cheap. Now I'm just cheaping myself and limiting Hierograms and everything. Wont spend too much in this game unfortunately - thus is why I stated Aion will be my next game. However; I'm hoping it'll change. Also this is why I'm playing PvE; one of my 15+ reasons.
  • Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Eh, I was dumb and gave away all my **** on MY, I'll stay here regardless of the cash shop prices. It's still a good game and a community. But, I definatly won't be spending a fraction of the money I probably would have had the prices been comparable to MY.

    3x WB Heaven's Tear
  • Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    embl3m wrote: »
    Attention to GMs- You make more money by dropping the prices.

    What would you rather have? The 100 guys willing to pay 1$ per 1 Gold or the couple thousand willing to pay 25 cents per Gold?

    Let me do some math for you guys.

    100 Guys buying 100 Gold @ 1 dollar = 10000 $

    2000 Guys buying 100 Gold @ 25 cents = 50000 $

    50000 > 10000

    You're welcome.

    I was about to post something like this in a few minutes, nicely said mate.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have the idea that price is in fact not set up by PWI but by PW Beijing itself.
    Looking at both english versions, you can see how Beijing likes to control everything, deciding which features will be avalaible for which franchise, when it'll be avalaible; regardless of customers will.
    ie people complains everywhere about the security lock, but I bet that neither PWI or Cubi will be able to have it removed/toned down. Beijing says it's like that, like or not. Full stop
    I have the idea that europeans soon will have to deal with 1 Zen/Cubi/whatever = 1€
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i new it =o!

    its another game for gms to make money

    zen is way overpriced................ and ppl... will buy.. and gms will get rich.....
    .... i was planing whollleee bunch of bank ex stones, glitter flaps, and a few other pking items
    ..... but not at the price its at now................. mine as well pay for wow, with these prices......

    over priced cash shop, makes the game unfair and no fun, to whom cant afford these insain prices

    maby in a few months they can move out there basements

    o yea panda i went there ;o

    winged elf archer
    pvp pwnge
  • Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    A person that has not played this fun game, with a character that has been built to level 90+, may not have the insight of knowing how much pleasure is available from this mmorpg.

    It is true that to get the most fun from Perfect World, one must be able to enjoy cash shop items.

    Some items are exclusive to the cash shop. Depending on the price, players, with limited incomes, may be deprived of those items altogether.

    Other items, available in the cash shop, have an "in game" alternative. A player, that spends their time getting the "in game' alternative, uses their game time differently than a player that buys the cash shop items.

    Some of the cash shop items, exclusive to the cash shop, put players that don't buy and use them, at a significant disavantage, in a game that has PKing in its design.

    The end result is players that buy cash shop items, have power over, the ones that don't buy cash shop items, in addition to leveling faster, looking better, and having more fun.

    Since "winning" the game, "Perfect World", is defined by owning and keeping territories, the faction, with players, that have the most money to spend on mmorpgs, wins.

    I believe there is a marketing stradegy, for Perfect World, that practically removes the disproportionate advantage of money, per your pricing structure.

    I hope you figure it out before this server solidifies a reputation of being unrealistically priced.

    FYI If I played on this server my typical way, each character, I built, would cost me approximately $150.00 to set it up and $100.00 per month to play.
    Is this post appropriate?

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i agree =o

    winged elf archer
    pvp pwnge
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    $10 for a shirt.
    Even in real life you may find cheaper. :p

    I intended to play a blademaster and buy hp+mp charms for faster leveling and pvp. But after seeing the prices for zen I may have to consider playing a venomancer instead which is much cheaper to run. Or perhaps quit altogether.

    Afterall, I haven't invested much into this game yet so I am free to quit anytime. Maybe I should do that?
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ky1e wrote: »
    i new it =o!

    its another game for gms to make money

    zen is way overpriced................ and ppl... will buy.. and gms will get rich.....

    sorry hun but GM wont get rich they are just a part of the working force of the company, so no Mather how much Zen a player buys the gms wont get any rich they will get paid what the company sign then for.

    I telling you because i a Gm in a X game and I still not rich. :(
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    tao wrote: »
    $10 for a shirt.
    Even in real life you may find cheaper. :p

    I intended to play a blademaster and buy hp+mp charms for faster leveling and pvp. But after seeing the prices for zen I may have to consider playing a venomancer instead which is much cheaper to run. Or perhaps quit altogether.

    Afterall, I haven't invested much into this game yet so I am free to quit anytime. Maybe I should do that?

    lol play runescape, flyff, wow.. ect

    u choose xD there all cheaper then this

    winged elf archer
    pvp pwnge
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    wizzmaster wrote: »
    sorry hun but GM wont get rich they are just a part of the working force of the company, so no Mather how much Zen a player buys the gms wont get any rich they will get paid what the company sign then for.

    I telling you because i a Gm in a X game and I still not rich. :(

    ahhh lol
    true, true 0=-]

    winged elf archer
    pvp pwnge
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    embl3m wrote: »
    Attention to GMs- You make more money by dropping the prices.

    What would you rather have? The 100 guys willing to pay 1$ per 1 Gold or the couple thousand willing to pay 25 cents per Gold?

    Let me do some math for you guys.

    100 Guys buying 100 Gold @ 1 dollar = 10000 $

    2000 Guys buying 100 Gold @ 25 cents = 50000 $

    50000 > 10000

    You're welcome.

    (google it if you don't know what that means)
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    embl3m wrote: »
    Attention to GMs- You make more money by dropping the prices.

    What would you rather have? The 100 guys willing to pay 1$ per 1 Gold or the couple thousand willing to pay 25 cents per Gold?

    Let me do some math for you guys.

    100 Guys buying 100 Gold @ 1 dollar = 10000 $

    2000 Guys buying 100 Gold @ 25 cents = 50000 $

    50000 > 10000

    You're welcome.


    Thank you, embl3m!
    IGN ~ Ruve ~ 2x Wizard
    Server ~ Lost City
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    embl3m wrote: »
    Attention to GMs- You make more money by dropping the prices.

    What would you rather have? The 100 guys willing to pay 1$ per 1 Gold or the couple thousand willing to pay 25 cents per Gold?

    Let me do some math for you guys.

    100 Guys buying 100 Gold @ 1 dollar = 10000 $

    2000 Guys buying 100 Gold @ 25 cents = 50000 $

    50000 > 10000

    You're welcome.


    I put this in the other post and Ill put it here too:

    I also agree the price of gold in this game is just crazy. I came from PW Malaysia and was very excited about finally getting some USA servers. I spent alot of money on cubi gold in PWM. I spent all evening busting butt to get to lvl 10 made my profile logged in to go on a gold shopping spree saw the prices, laughed and logged back out.

    Theres NO WAY Im paying those prices. $63 to get married? Yeah right, keep dreaming... I can buy 100 cubi gold on PW Malaysia for $30 and on PWI it would cost me $100!. Why in the heck are prices 3x more exspensive here? And the game just started, its just **** to charge that much.

    So more than likely I wont be playing long. I wont be paying that much for gold and when the game gets too boring or hard without it, Im out of here if the prices arent lowered.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    wizzmaster wrote: »
    off course PW-MY is cheaper for USA players u cant compare their money with USA dollar or euro

    For a player from malasia 1 cubi = 1 Malasia dollar duuuuu
    same for PW-INT 1 dollar = 1 Zen

    Remeber that when you buy from Cubinet :

    - The reseller (Offgamers or AsiaPWorld) take a share of the selling price.
    - Bejing PW Co take a share of every chas shop sales.

    - You buy directly from them (no middlemen take a cut on the sales)
    - PWE is a subsidiary company of Bejing PW Co. They don't need to take a share on cash shop sales since the money goes to them anyway.

    Soooooooo... Cubinet is still able to make a profit by selling his cubi 3 times cheaper even if 2 other company takes a share of the profits.

    Here, they are selling ZEN 3 times as much as cubis, even if no one have to take a share of the profits.

    Go figure.....

    PS : can we predict gold sellers will make a fortune on these servers?
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    Remeber that when you buy from Cubinet :

    - The reseller (Offgamers or AsiaPWorld) take a share of the selling price.
    - Bejing PW Co take a share of every chas shop sales.

    - You buy directly from them (no middlemen take a cut on the sales)
    - PWE is a subsidiary company of Bejing PW Co. They don't need to take a share on cash shop sales since the money goes to them anyway.

    Soooooooo... Cubinet is still able to make a profit by selling his cubi 3 times cheaper even if 2 other company takes a share of the profits.

    Here, they are selling ZEN 3 times as much as cubis, even if no one have to take a share of the profits.

    Go figure.....

    very true i agree is a wow prices but just remember is the place where the server are host USA go around other USA company games and you would see their cash shop are almost the same ( not going give examples) I remember paying 10$ for a costume hosted where ( in the land of the free) so go figured. And was dealing with the company directly. ( I not surprise with the prices)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    As long as there are stupid rich americans these guys won't be losing business anytime soon. I've seen how much these oblivious guys can spend on games like this :rolleyes:

    God bless America! /sarcasm
    Lost City
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    vigor wrote: »
    As long as there are stupid rich americans these guys won't be losing business anytime soon. I've seen how much these oblivious guys can spend on games like this :rolleyes:

    God bless America! /sarcasm

    true but not only Americans I know people from other region of the world spent even more. (97.1 of the population of the world are working salary people 1.9 % are poor and have nothing only 1% have enough money for all those 99% sad but true.
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    vigor wrote: »
    As long as there are stupid rich americans these guys won't be losing business anytime soon. I've seen how much these oblivious guys can spend on games like this :rolleyes:

    God bless America! /sarcasm

    What the hell is you're problem with Americans? Just because the server has high price, you make some STUPID comments on us?? Even if it's sarcasm I find it offending. Don't make remarks on any countries/religion if you don't know **** about them :mad:
This discussion has been closed.