nubeh Arc User


  • Wow... that was all very fun to read through. I'm glad for the positive feedback and interested in the other thoughts and opinions. Anyway, its really not so much about trying to complicate this, or make a fuss about what we already have. Its just a thought on improving the game play and making it more enjoyable for some…
  • I've also experienced some of these problems... 1. The village near Cambridge, West of Echo Desert where a WF has to set up traps: There was a leechdrake stuck in a building/tent. Didn't attack and couldn't be attacked, but it was odd seeing the head of a leechdrake sticking out from a wall... 2. Getting out of water: This…
  • I'm always tempted to just charge at the enemy and hit a skill button and release the movement command. I don't think its a matter of running AND shooting or casting a spell at the SAME time. But more running, hitting the attack command, and auto stopping to use the attack. That way you don't have to wait that 1 second to…
  • I'ma totally take my time and just check out every new little detail in the USA version. Having played MY I've decided to take my time, at least during the CB, and try out some character classes I didn't try in MY. School starts just before Aug. 19th which means I won't have hours on end to play. :/ So I might as well just…
  • *falls over and twitches* [rant] I'm quite happy with Perfect World the way it is, but such a feature would make me HAPPIER. However my happiness does not need to effect the game. I simply think it would be helpful if I wanted to get a level 20 something female character (myself playing as a female) to where we both need…
  • o.O Thanks Karmelia, Koz, and Shnuggs I guess I've just never seen the Lions Roar and a couple different varieties of armor. Hmm... Is Lion's Roar a skill learned once you are higher level? Anyway, I'm sure after a little bit I'll decide where I want to be, USA or MY. And I honestly hope it is USA. I'd rather support my…
  • Sorry, I was rather vague. I meant: From the pictures of the USA version that I've seen, it looks like the armor and skills are different from the MY version armor and skills (in all areas and classes). I was wondering if there are actually differences in the armor, the skills, and the hairstyles, or am I seeing things?…