Make PvP more better

hong Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Suggestion Box
PvP is good and all, but have you ever notice that you can't use any skills while doing something else? Such as, if I were running and tapping the skills, it wont cast unless I use it when my character stops moving. That's kind of, ****.

Unless this just happens to me? My ping was like what, 60? It's not the MY-EN lag, it's actually Perfect World. It might be just that particular server I was playing, but if it's in International too then yeah, let us use skills while running. It's lame how I have to stop to use a skill then move again.
Post edited by hong on


  • ren
    ren Posts: 662 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I don't recall encountering that problem back when I played, but I sure as hell hope it won't be a problem in this version. That's game-breakingly bad imo.
    Official PWI irc: (mirc command, opens in a new window and won't interfere with any servers you're already on) /server -m -j #pwint
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Uh, yeah. Skills can't be used while moving, sowwy :<
  • hong
    hong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    senovit wrote: »
    Uh, yeah. Skills can't be used while moving, sowwy :<

    That's why I made this suggestion, it ruins PvP =( I don't mean that if you MOVE and use a skill you still move, what I mean is to be able to use the skill and once it's used your character stops to create the visual effect. But from what I play, if you move you can't use a skill until you stop your character.
  • embl3m
    embl3m Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    do you have any idea what would happen if a EA could run while shooting?

    if anything the stuff that breaks the PVP is the dolls.
  • hong
    hong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    embl3m wrote: »
    do you have any idea what would happen if a EA could run while shooting?

    if anything the stuff that breaks the PVP is the dolls.

    Lol, you should becareful on what your saying. If you have to stop to use skills, you can't even use skills on Archers. They just run and kite and you can't do anything cause you have to run up to them to use skills. Then you have to fully stop your character to use your Melee skill. Infact, all I have to do is tap space bar and hit "WASD" and you literally wont touch me ever. Not just that, all I have to do is jump and your character will NEVER autohit me, forces you to double click or hold CTRL again. Then I'll just repeat, you can't kill me.

    What I mean was that if an EA chooses to regular hit, they can't move while they are performing that animation. If they shoot, they stand still until the animation is gone, then you can move. THE WHOLE point is that you literally can't do anything while you move unless your character stops moving. It works sometimes, and most of the time it doesn't.

    Edit: Sorry for not being specific. The suggestion was on "WASD" keys. If you click and move(which is so noob + ****) you can use skill/normal attack while moving. But using "WASD" keys, you can't. Fix it so "WASD" keys can D: It bugs out very often, probably in every monster. The first few skills you use should let you use "WASD" keys, but after that you'll have to pause your character to use a skill. As in -

    Run, skill, run, shoot, run skill, run run run run(Wtf can't use skills) run run run, stops *Spams the keyboard* *use skill* etc

    Run up to Archer skill, run up to Archer *Spams key* yeah you get the point

    I guess it's something that can't be fixed?
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Oh, I see what you mean now. Yeah for some reason WASD movement seems to stop commands given in game, so if I'm running away using the keyboard I can't order my pet to attack until I stop moving first.

    It's pretty lame :|
  • nubeh
    nubeh Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I'm always tempted to just charge at the enemy and hit a skill button and release the movement command.

    I don't think its a matter of running AND shooting or casting a spell at the SAME time. But more running, hitting the attack command, and auto stopping to use the attack. That way you don't have to wait that 1 second to stop all motion and use the attack.

    This is something I'd like to be able to do.

    However I'm pretty sure I've made my pet attack a targeted enemy while running about like an idiot.

    On another note, it would be pretty interesting to move and use a spell/attack at the SAME time. I've seen this in other games, lashing out at things while in motion and attacking multiple enemies with one attack. But those are other games, games I haven't bothered to try out.
    Heroes don't need super powers!
    Perfect World MY
    Server: Oracle
    Character: lvl 40 WF
  • hong
    hong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I didn't mean using skills and moving at the SAME time(That's imbal). What I mean is moving and using skill *Automatically stops the user to cast the spell* and run away once the animation is off. THAT is what I want. Right now it's using "WASD" keys and not being able to use skills unless you stop your character for like 1.5 seconds, which is lame.

    Also, if your a Melee class, auto hit wont work if someone moves. Like, it ruins the entire class. Blademaster has Sprint, but he can't auto attack + chase.
  • embl3m
    embl3m Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    hong wrote: »
    Lol, you should becareful on what your saying. If you have to stop to use skills, you can't even use skills on Archers. They just run and kite and you can't do anything cause you have to run up to them to use skills. Then you have to fully stop your character to use your Melee skill. Infact, all I have to do is tap space bar and hit "WASD" and you literally wont touch me ever. Not just that, all I have to do is jump and your character will NEVER autohit me, forces you to double click or hold CTRL again. Then I'll just repeat, you can't kill me.

    What I mean was that if an EA chooses to regular hit, they can't move while they are performing that animation. If they shoot, they stand still until the animation is gone, then you can move. THE WHOLE point is that you literally can't do anything while you move unless your character stops moving. It works sometimes, and most of the time it doesn't.

    Edit: Sorry for not being specific. The suggestion was on "WASD" keys. If you click and move(which is so noob + ****) you can use skill/normal attack while moving. But using "WASD" keys, you can't. Fix it so "WASD" keys can D: It bugs out very often, probably in every monster. The first few skills you use should let you use "WASD" keys, but after that you'll have to pause your character to use a skill. As in -

    Run, skill, run, shoot, run skill, run run run run(Wtf can't use skills) run run run, stops *Spams the keyboard* *use skill* etc

    Run up to Archer skill, run up to Archer *Spams key* yeah you get the point

    I guess it's something that can't be fixed?

    Um, I was saying it would be over powerd if EA's could run while shooting since they're the fastest class. They could just run in one direction infinitely kiting and pummeling the opponent with normal shots.
  • ren
    ren Posts: 662 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    embl3m wrote: »
    Um, I was saying it would be over powerd if EA's could run while shooting since they're the fastest class. They could just run in one direction infinitely kiting and pummeling the opponent with normal shots.

    And that's not he was suggesting, I believe. What Rohan did was ****.
    Official PWI irc: (mirc command, opens in a new window and won't interfere with any servers you're already on) /server -m -j #pwint
  • embl3m
    embl3m Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ren wrote: »
    And that's not he was suggesting, I believe. What Rohan did was ****.

    "PvP is good and all, but have you ever notice that you can't use any skills while doing something else? Such as, if I were running and tapping the skills, it wont cast unless I use it when my character stops moving. That's kind of, ****."

    By the look of this hes saying its **** that he has to stop moving to use a skill? Pretty sure thats how the game was designed to be played. :eek:
  • ren
    ren Posts: 662 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    embl3m wrote: »

    "PvP is good and all, but have you ever notice that you can't use any skills while doing something else? Such as, if I were running and tapping the skills, it wont cast unless I use it when my character stops moving. That's kind of, ****."

    By the look of this hes saying its **** that he has to stop moving to use a skill? Pretty sure thats how the game was designed to be played. :eek:

    He's saying his character should automatically stop and then cast the skill when they key is used,
    instead of him having to take his hand off the key and wait a second til it lets him cast.

    But since it's a wasd thing I couldn't care less, wasd is garbage imo.
    Official PWI irc: (mirc command, opens in a new window and won't interfere with any servers you're already on) /server -m -j #pwint
  • embl3m
    embl3m Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ren wrote: »
    He's saying his character should automatically stop and then cast the skill when they key is used,
    instead of him having to take his hand off the key and wait a second til it lets him cast.

    But since it's a wasd thing I couldn't care less, wasd is garbage imo.

    His doesn't? Mine always did lol
  • hong
    hong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ren wrote: »
    He's saying his character should automatically stop and then cast the skill when they key is used,
    instead of him having to take his hand off the key and wait a second til it lets him cast.

    But since it's a wasd thing I couldn't care less, wasd is garbage imo.

    Ren is correct, that's what I was suggesting. Well, it bugs out for me for some reason and my friends. Maybe it's that particular server I was testing on... I always thought "WASD" is garbage until I got use to it. It's too easy with mouse, just click/use skill click. But if this glitch or whatever it is happens in International, I guess I have to use Mouse.
  • ren
    ren Posts: 662 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Don't tell me you were testing on a pserver... I could log on MY to check but I'm too lazy/also don't care.
    Official PWI irc: (mirc command, opens in a new window and won't interfere with any servers you're already on) /server -m -j #pwint
  • hong
    hong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    For that I was, cause the ping was 40 for me? And in MY you can't test anything there cause the ping is around 300? If I know I could test it in MY-EN I'd reinstall and hop on my EA and test it but with that ping I doubt it.
  • kaleidoscope
    kaleidoscope Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    embl3m wrote: »
    Um, I was saying it would be over powerd if EA's could run while shooting since they're the fastest class. They could just run in one direction infinitely kiting and pummeling the opponent with normal shots.

    I LOL'd.
    Like. Seriously LOL'd. Archers are not the fastest class, not even close. They have a dinky run speed buff, but compared to WB's runspeed in tiger form, WF"s runspeed, Humans sprint, and Mages teleport, Archers and kiting is not near as effective as everyone thinks it is.

    Also, yes, the way the game works is you have to be standing still before you can use a skill, which is a big pain in the ****. ;x Having skill keys interrupt the WASD feature would be great.

    I use point and click and don't have that problem much of the time as well, but in PvP, you need to be able to use WASD effectively, and the way it's set up now it doesn't support it.

    Really hopes this gets implemented.
    CB/ Ruin - Cleric
    OB/ Agony - Cleric
  • shizo
    shizo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Im a WR (Blademaster -.-) and i never had any problems with that.
    All i do is using my mouse to run and pressing the Fkeys for casting my skills.
    Aswell there is no way an EA can run away from me ;) run => stun => kissing floor. ^^ (Aslong the EA isn't godly equipped)
    Shizo - Blademaster 9x - Conqueror

    Quitted trolling the forums. PM me ingame, if want something

    Sig by Sev.
  • Juggalobeast - Harshlands
    Juggalobeast - Harshlands Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ok lets get this right iam barb i got be right at the enemy to attack n if they run i use HolyPath and ge tin front n stun them it snot a big deal dont like it ge ta veno nix n stop qqing
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    ■Not all scars show, not all wounds heal Sometimes you can't always see The pain someone feels
  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    hong wrote: »

    Run, skill, run, shoot, run skill, run run run run(Wtf can't use skills) run run run, stops *Spams the keyboard* *use skill* etc

    omg i thought it was a only problem of mine! than everyone has this issue! this sucks, i hate that sometimes clicking on a skill while moving works and sometimes it dont works. it should be always possible or never possible.

    btw, another thing that sucks is that after u click on a skill, it lasts 1 second before actually starting using it... BUT after u cast that skill, if u want to repeat the same skill (im talking bout plume shot or venomous scarab for example) it actually start channeling the second skill immediatly after the cast of the first one.

    instead, if u want to change skill, it will last another more second before using it...

    whats this thing? a bug or it is supposed to be like this? this game is already too stationary, why should it be more with these bugs?
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Holy necro, Batman!
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Closed for necro! b:angry
This discussion has been closed.