

  • Um, its good, I probably will use it as an -im bored- game. TBH it was better than i thought it would be due to so many people telling me horror stories of the malay version (I think its the malay version). The things i do not like so far is that some of the quests are kinda vague, the maps are huge which makes those run…
  • Thanks for the guide but is there a site that shows at least the icons for the skills so i can figure out which skill is which? Because the names do not really meet up.
  • I agree! No marriage plz D:
  • Of course, but without the marriage they wouldnt be as corny as the other married couples. Unless they make a man/girl char, then its back to the insulin shots @_@
  • Not really, just saying there will be even more corny couples to deal with.
  • I dont think my post had anything to do with being against **** marriage or having an opinion on whether it should be instantiated or not, more like luvvy duvvy couples who ruin the whole gaming experience. Ive always been against in game marriage in general.
  • Considering people get fired for such things, i do not think it would be a problem.
  • Its bad enough hetero marriage couples act so luvvy duvvy in game, but to deal with it from the **** couples (who from what ive seen acts even worse, especially when they have kids)? I may need to two shots on insulin when i log in @_@
  • Friend told me about it.