Same sex marriage



  • specter
    specter Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    zezix wrote: »
    Yeah! I want a male werefox :P

    Please don't! Leave WF and WB alone, foxies are known for being the sexiest race in PW, why to change that?

    *tries to imagine 'sexy' male-werefox*
    ZOMGOMGZWTF? Gayish pipsqueak who looks like a member of Japanese boysband? No, thanx.

    Male Winged Elves are more than enough :P

    Similar thing with massive female werebeasts... Gah x.X
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Apologies, didn't read this thread, so if this was said before I'm sorry.

    I wish same-sex hoist cuddling and marriage was allowed in this game, but I think one of the major reasons it won't be - how does a fox hoist cuddle a fox, and a tiger hoist cuddle a tiger.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • soukyuu
    soukyuu Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    ark wrote: »
    Lol zeifer, don't put such thoughts in my head *bangs head on wall*. Seriously, I DID NOT need that image =p
    Hey, i brought in that image first xD

    Personally, i wouldn't want it to be implemented. I do tolerate other people's sexual orientation but tolerating and accepting are 2 different things.;)
    PW has been endless frustration for me #2
  • phoztek
    phoztek Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Im laughing so bad....

    Check this out:

    When marriage was implemented on MY-EN, i asked in world shout why couldnt there be **** marriage and a GM kindly answer me:

    GM - Please refrain to ur language, **** marriage is not allowed on MY culture and ur words may be taken as an offense
    ME - What do u mean?
    GM - The integrity of the server can be at risk
    ME - LOL ??? So the opression continues ? Cant speak at all
    *Shouts again ( Hey if ur **** u cant play on this server, GM says its an offense to MY culture )
    GM - Dear player i warned u not to talk about this subject anymore
    ME - Meaning.. If i was **** (which im not) i need to leave the game or just shutup right ?
    GM - Dear player ur on a 24h Mute, i advice u not to talk about this subject anymore
    GM - Have a nice day

    And that was it :P, well i laugh about this a lot... but oh well Opressed Asia lol
  • soukyuu
    soukyuu Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    don't see anything wrong with what the GM did :p
    you were not respecting their laws so you got muted.
    same would happen in the US if you started to talk about say, child... err i rather stop.

    info about homosexuality laws
    PW has been endless frustration for me #2
  • infrequentia
    infrequentia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    So I kinda read through the thread and it seems like most people are saying that "all" and "**** people" are not the same. Since when is "all" not everyone ?
    I find it a bit discriminating. :/

    If YOU don't want to marry the same sex, then don't. But please, don't stop others from doing so if they want to and if it's possible to fix that feature.
    It should be fair for all, yes ? No matter what side you lean towards.
  • soukyuu
    soukyuu Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    mhh i don't know if that was directed at me but... i try my best to not discriminate anyone whether i like them or what they do or not. i just think that should this be implemented there will be enough jerks who "play ****" and run around annoying both hetero- and homosexual players <_<
    PW has been endless frustration for me #2
  • specter
    specter Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    So I kinda read through the thread and it seems like most people are saying that "all" and "**** people" are not the same. Since when is "all" not everyone ?
    I find it a bit discriminating. :/

    If YOU don't want to marry the same sex, then don't. But please, don't stop others from doing so if they want to and if it's possible to fix that feature.
    It should be fair for all, yes ? No matter what side you lean towards.


    (10 chars limit)
  • infrequentia
    infrequentia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    soukyuu wrote: »
    mhh i don't know if that was directed at me but... i try my best to not discriminate anyone whether i like them or what they do or not. i just think that should this be implemented there will be enough jerks who "play ****" and run around annoying both hetero- and homosexual players <_<

    I didn't direct it towards only one person, but most people who posted in this thread.

    Annoying them = Harrassing them = Banable.
    It's not like that would have been the ONLY thing that people could harrass others with. And I doubt you could stop people from being, for lack of another word, ****, just by not implanting that feature.
  • mikkuru
    mikkuru Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    I would also like to remind you that aprox. 95% of female characters in games are male played.
    Some females like to play as male characters. Yes, straight males and females.
    So it's just not a matter of sexual preference, but actual gameplay preference aswell.

    If not to allow same sex marriage, atleast make it possible that same gender people can carry each other when the other flies.
  • infrequentia
    infrequentia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    I did have that in mind too. A lot of males play female characters and a few females play male characters (I've seen it happen!). And, for example, if a male playing a female character want to marry a female who is also playing a female character, then if that feature wasn't available, then it wouldn't work. Which would be pretty sad. =( That you pretty much HAVE to choose the same sex as you are IRL. :eek:
  • ercasam
    ercasam Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    I know there's alot of guys I play with that play girl characters

    Was this thread a joke or are people really bothered by this?
    ::::.::::.:::.::.:.Don't Worry I'm A Doctor.:.::.:::.::::.:::::
  • specter
    specter Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    And that's what I'm talking about. I'm playing female characters in every mmo cause looking at male **** all day isn't something that I like... So why can't I marry a real girl in the game if I ever met one? :P

    And I bet you all already heard that MMORPG = Many Men Online Role Playing Girls and GIRL = Guy In Real Life...
  • noriega
    noriega Posts: 9
    edited July 2008
    Its bad enough hetero marriage couples act so luvvy duvvy in game, but to deal with it from the **** couples (who from what ive seen acts even worse, especially when they have kids)? I may need to two shots on insulin when i log in @_@
  • soukyuu
    soukyuu Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    whatever happens, don't turn this thread into a hetero vs. homo war please.
    PW has been endless frustration for me #2
  • infrequentia
    infrequentia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    noriega wrote: »
    Its bad enough hetero marriage couples act so luvvy duvvy in game, but to deal with it from the **** couples (who from what ive seen acts even worse, especially when they have kids)? I may need to two shots on insulin when i log in @_@

    You're being completly infair. :/
    Shouldn't it be the same for everyone ? Shouldn't **** couples be able to marry and be happy just the same as straight couples ?
    The sex of the person you like shouldn't matter. It should be just the same.
  • noriega
    noriega Posts: 9
    edited July 2008
    I dont think my post had anything to do with being against **** marriage or having an opinion on whether it should be instantiated or not, more like luvvy duvvy couples who ruin the whole gaming experience. Ive always been against in game marriage in general.
  • miwhite
    miwhite Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Umm ok please do not start this again LOL... BUUT Genderless Hoist Cuddle would be nice.. not sure what it will be called in this version... on the same sex marriage i say... no.
  • infrequentia
    infrequentia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    noriega wrote: »
    I dont think my post had anything to do with being against **** marriage or having an opinion on whether it should be instantiated or not, more like luvvy duvvy couples who ruin the whole gaming experience. Ive always been against in game marriage in general.

    You're the one splitting them into two categories.
  • noriega
    noriega Posts: 9
    edited July 2008
    Not really, just saying there will be even more corny couples to deal with.
  • infrequentia
    infrequentia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    You know, even if there won't be any same sex marriage, they will still be together, you know, and you'll still probably see them around.
  • noriega
    noriega Posts: 9
    edited July 2008
    Of course, but without the marriage they wouldnt be as corny as the other married couples. Unless they make a man/girl char, then its back to the insulin shots @_@
  • infrequentia
    infrequentia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Then just remove the whole feature!
    Should be either for everyone, or no one. D:
  • noriega
    noriega Posts: 9
    edited July 2008
    I agree! No marriage plz D:
  • lucifer
    lucifer Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    I for say that homosexuals should be allowed to get married.

    They should be allowed to be just as miserable as the rest of us. ;)
  • roxy
    roxy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008

    I think that no matter how many people request for it, it won't be granted so I think it's pointless to even wish in the first place. :(

    <img src=";

    To the world, you may be one person
    But to one person, you may be the world

    To the world, you may be one person
    But to one person, you may be the world
  • koz
    koz Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    1. The marriage system takes forever and a day to come out, so don't worry about it.
    2. They won't change the game that drastically for this version, much like the genders of the WB/WF. That is just how it has to be.
  • arcticas
    arcticas Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    I saw beta test and well ... why not ^^? Because until now i just played SW Galaxies, RF Online, Guild Wars and Lineage 2 but it was boring after some time I'm more like "Hunt them down" type that is why i mostly play FPS Games especially those where is enough blood like upcoming Project Origin

    And now after i played Devil May Cry 4 i think it is time for change... even if it will be only for a while like before.

    !!!Now to the topic!!! :rolleyes:

    So there can be even these things like marriage?

    To that two males or females are together in this kind of relationship ... in my opinion ... sure man, why not. If you look into past there were these persons like this before and they are here even now and still humans not some types those are away from our society or if i will be out of my fantasy limit ... heh :D ... no they are not mutants after those centuries so why not. xD

    Hey if I think about it :D ... girl and another girl best dream for guy in my opinion

    And for the end :-)

    Games were meant to be something where you can see things like Elfs, wizards, magic and a lot of crazy stuffs that i like. So why not this? ... Even Chinese are only part of human kind ^^
    "Wishing us luck that US division of game will try to do something :)"
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    You have to consider the fact that this game is based on Chinese mythology. As far as I know they didn't accept the idea of **** marriage very well. They didn't hate **** or didn't accept them but they thought the sole conception of marriage was just for a man and a woman
  • zeifer
    zeifer Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    This is plain simple, It's all a matter of psychology.

    #1 It's just a game, marrying my girlfriend ingame doesn't mean I'm really gonna marry her in real life. (I hope she never reads this post)

    #2 There will be a lot of minors playing this game and that could affect the way they think and are oriented.

    #3 Marriage was originally heterosexual in the first place

    #4 **** marriage isn't accepted "Internationally"

    #5 Referring to #1 What's the big deal of marrying someone in a game anyways? It's not like your missing out on some MAJOR feature of the game if your either homosexual or not.

    #6 Implementing it may cause a commotion anyways.
This discussion has been closed.