nicollio Arc User


  • never mind! It turns out i had my 3d graphics processor turned off for my virtual machine. In the future if anyone is using VMWare Fusion, i have found a solution to the problem! While your virtual machine is turned off, go to the menu and under the 'Virtual machine' menu click on settings. Go to graphics, then click…
  • we're in the same boat as we're both downloading the entirety of the game client and having the bizzare character message popping up. hm. well, i think that since i've seen a few posts about how this has started happening just a few days ago, which is when 102 was released, that may show some connection…
  • it let him play without installing the patch? I thought you had to have the most recently updated version of the game to play. Well, that explains it then. epic fail patch 102! lol
  • seriously lol. It looks like a majority of the problems are origionating from the new patch coming out though, patch 102. Maybe offer PWI on patch 101 instead?
  • Yep. same here. I was wondering if there's a version of PWI for mac users, as i run windows on my mac through VMWare Fusion and i get that same message.
  • i think i stated that wrong...It's as if i'm on Windows XP, just i'm running it through a parallel program. It runs everything else windows just fine, It's not my operating system. Windows XP SP2 is my operating system, i just run it through VMWare Fusion. It doesn't really need to be supported to work...Which is confusing…
  • Chipset Model: GeForce 8600M GT I use Windows XP SP2 through a parallel program called VMWare Fusion, I have a macbook pro. The graphics card is a GeForce 8600 GT on my computer. I know that this computer can run games pretty well too, it runs WC3 better than any other computer i've seen it played on. sry for the other…
  • I am doing the same thing!! I use VMWare Fusion and i got the same message. I did what andracil posted to do before in that link, but it didn't change the message. It's still coming up. I've been looking into this in depth and i've noticed a pattern with a few people, although it seems the issue is with the patch 102…
  • i'm not sure but after looking down the forum pages a bit, it looks like a lot of people have been having this problem. Only after downloading patch 102 though. Maybe there's something wrong with the patch? It's been happening on a few different OSs from what i've seen, AzureRequem has windows XP SP3 i have XP SP2 and i…
  • i've sent a ticket in with my information already but i am awaiting a response. here's the information you're asking for though, i hope that our info matches up so if it is something wrong with the driver than it will be easily fixed. Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2…
  • yeah...i tried doing all of that and the same thing is happening to me. I have windows XP SP2 and i sent in a ticket already with my dxdiag information, and i have tried installing the language packs from my windows XP disc, i'm running out of options, and it just refuses to work. If it helps, i have already reinstalled…
  • yeah, i'm not at the point of slamming my head against the wall, but i'm pretty close. I tried restarting and installing windows xp east asian language packs, but it didn't do anything helpful =( if there is any way to solve this problem please help us!
  • Soo...i've been getting the same thing. I have spent about 5 hours reinstalling and installing the game client after downloading driver updates, language packs, and i have been having the same problem. I've tried using port forwarding, sending tickets (only sent one but no reply yet, about a day ago. I am patient), and…