neogold9 Arc User


  • I read someone saying they are trying to fix it LOL How stupid do u think we are? I know there is no one doing anything about it, they are home watching tv and will only come back to work monday.
  • It seems like they work during the day and abandon the server on its own during the night. They seems to also not have any kind of system alert or actual person monitoring anything to send a text or anything in cases like this. If someone had a contact with them they would have said something by now.
  • This is a ticket type of request. But if u dont want to waste time waiting on a answer and it is a completely new email, then create another one... nothing to lose in this one anyway.
  • Feels like they dont have any sort of test at all. How can so many bugs/glitches/fails pass through developers in China and then also pass through the staff in PWI? I mean, its like they didnt even try the game... just to see if what they are programming works. f:kneel
  • I dont see any reason to agree with Noxioua. The only thing to be afraid is that someone could add a keylogger but that is easily checked by antivirus or website like You say, it will give error "Version too low" as if u tried it before and as if that wasnt enough, its nonsense of all, all the modified files…
  • The command xcopy can make a copy of the new files only. So a person with an updated game can type xcopy "C:\Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World International" "C:\Perfect World Entertainment\PWI_recent_files" /s /D:12-17-2014 /D:12-17-2014 sets the day to take as reference of what files to copy. /S set it to copy…
  • It seems to me that drkarchangel is intentionally filling up the threat so the talk about how to make our own manual patch disappear. f:worry
  • PWI Really have to make a manual patch option from now on. My internet is 5mbps but its wi-fi, so it has a really bad ping and because of that my patcher is now on 40% after 14hrs trying to download the patch. If I had a link to download using a download manager with acceleration option my update would be done hours ago.…
  • We can test if this method works. 1- The one making the patch need a copy the old PWI before update. Can copy before update or have a second PC. 2- Create our offline patch. 3- Rename the updated game folder so the game wont use it. (from \Perfect World International to \Perfect World InternationalUPDATED 4- paste our…
  • Chrisalys. You gave me a great idea... Someone who already downloaded the entire patch can use a command to create a copy of the new files and share with us in some file server. This is the first time I read about robocopy so I did a little research and it doesnt work the way we need but, I found another command. The…
  • Chrisalys. You gave me a great idea... Someone who already downloaded the entire patch can use a command to create a copy of the new files and share with us in some file server. This is the first time I read about robocopy so I did a little research and it doesnt work the way we need but, I found another command. The…