nauziem Arc User


  • Eeps, misspost.
  • Not sure of the co-ords, and its not so easy to dig them up as im kinda on my phone rather than a pc. I believe you should be able to spot them around that town though. I've never tried catching one from the ground, i guess if they're too high you might have to wait until you can fly... Or have someone else help you.
  • Ty guys, looks like ill take a skatefish for a whirl at this stage... And maybe look for something a bit more durable when my pet bag can accomodate :)
  • tyvm guys, plenty to think about there :)
  • Heh... really wish there was some other form of notification for maintenence so we didnt have to go through the "omgz my comps broke" thoughts. I was a few seconds away from creating a very similar thread... and I've been playing for a looong time.
  • Awesome, and many thanks for the speeedy reply ;)
  • I imagine at least that a GM is not a developer: I dont claim to be a person who knows exactly how it goes, but it would make sense to me that these would be different roles. The person who is troubleshooting problems for individual players, and chatting to the malcontents is probably not the same person who scripts the…
  • Okay well to respond to a couple of these posts: a. There were a couple reasons I wrote this guide originally only to Level 45ish, firstly I figured people would start to get a feel for the class themselves by then, and secondly I don't consider myself a guru of the class -- I more wanted to fill a void and provide a…
  • In response to the various comments regarding the new released content being for 70+, keep in mind: a.) 70+ people have been levelling away with the current content for longer than you. And you will be 70+ at some stage and want all the content you can have. b.) 70+ people are not going to be completely absorbed with the…
  • Well the suggestions i made were to be more of a skeleton of primary starting abilities. I probably would use viscious arrow after frost arrow in rotations though. your knockback appears to be a little too late in your rotation as well, you want to knock your opponent before they get anywhere near melee range so that you…
  • One of the most popular builds is the 'pure', wherein you allocate 4 points dexterity, and 1 point strength EVERY level. Check my thread 'archer basics' for more details, or look up other "build" or "stats" threads on the forum.
  • The builds are simply as listed, a 'pure' archer (the build i recommend) will place 1 point in strength, and 4 in dexterity EVERY level. Vitality and Magic remain at 5.
  • White are your starting wings (obviously) Eagle are L30 quest reward wings (+0.5m/s) Bloodmist (+1.0m/s)[bat wings] are cash shop, req level 30 Glitter Flaps (+1.5m/s)[butterfly] are cash shop, req level 30 Elven Radiance (+1.5m/s)[transparent golden] are cash shop, req level 50 Wings of Daedalus (+2.0m/s)[metal] were…
  • I think you're wrong about the lightning tree, if you scroll over the abilities they all require a 'ranged weapon' (you may be confusing this with the lightning skills not suffering a penalty when used in melee). So this would leave Winged Pledge as your only main abilitiy. WP does have a fairly quick cooldown though.. so…
  • I think technically 7-2-1 is Hybrid-Hybrid... My problem with 7-2-1 is this: I feel that if you are going to stray from the 4:1 pure build, your reasoning should be that you want a meaninful difference in your HP, I dont think 7-2-1 offers this.
  • Charms help a lot in PVP so unfortunately, the answer is yes. To play both games at their full potential takes money, this one just takes a bit more calculation to figure out how much you'll be spending. It is definately possible to play it cash-free, but you will be at a disadvantage when it comes to a few aspects of the…
  • I'm Australian too, If you set up a PayPal account, with linked bank account that should do the trick. It's a little tricky to set up and configure originally, but from there on in, online payments are fairly easy. Basically, you set up the account, and link your bank account to it via the PayPal site (most bank accounts…
  • I've spent a little time browsing these forums, a lot of the complaints directed at pricing seem ill-conceived -- Yes items like mounts are expensive, but they are only bought once: compared to a pay-to-play game over a long period of time, this becomes not a major issue. Charms however, seem very different, creating a…