mub Arc User


  • i know it's not difficult to take away their hp but there's no chance i could do that coz everytime the duel starts, they always stunlock first, after i'm out of stunlock, my plumshell wears off, right then, i still can't sleep them, coz they got the immune thin going on right after stunlock.... hope u guys get my point
  • i know i can sleep them and nuke, but they have that immune to movement skill.... and like someone said about kiting, i know it might works, but after i'm out of stunlock, they will just do normal attack , and since my shell is still in cooldown, i'll die. And just to clarify, when i'm out of stunlock, i can't sleep them,…
  • yes if you attack him, it wears off.
  • Send me a message, join Heaven Tear, i'll help you out when you join the server, i like to help people out, especially beginner. I want you to enjoy the game:D
  • You can stick to zeal if you want. About the genie skills, it doesn't matter which one u learn, it's not like "you're a cleric, you need to learn these skills...blah blah blah". I recommend you look at all the genie skills, i mean ALL of em xDDD i like to look at genie skill when i'm flying. Take your time to look at them,…
    in Cleric Genie? Comment by mub June 2010
  • Wield Thunder is a must have skill xDD I use it very often , greater dmg than others attack skills, except Tempest of course. For PvE, I use WT just like other skills such as Cyclone and Plume Shot. For PvP, Use Tempest, deadly skill :DDDD We don't use Tempest that much because of that 2 sparks costs.
  • haha thx guys now i'm pro at aoe grinding b:victory i can actually teach other now xD
  • yes i'm a u guys mean i can't do anything about it????? i'm nice to people, also i tell them to stop ksing me nicely if they do it by accident.....but they keep doing it......sigh better way than just give up the spot????
    in KSer Comment by mub May 2010
  • i try to ks back, but that only help them with their stinking quest =( stupid kser
    in KSer Comment by mub May 2010
  • yeah i think i forgot to mention i aoe an armor with 1200wood resis and an armor with 1700 wood resis wont' make much difference right???? that's what i wanna know haha
  • 1 hit x.x and i'm dead b:cry
    in VIT vs. PURE Comment by mub May 2010
  • b:thanks thanks guys xD i feel better now
  • i only have 1.6k hp..... so i wonder if i take like 10 of them, are they able to 1 hit me???? coz i died so many times beforeb:cry