mrmcnasty1 Arc User


  • Oh Gms why would you hurt yourselfs buy lowering the sucess rate on packs then bring them back. From what I have read this is disapponting. I would be very upset to spend 175 dallors for no true in game value.
  • OK 1--I was told you get banned for 7 days and thats what i am trying to find out is it true and where can I read this info? 2---The intire faction I am sure knows what there leaders are up to in most cases. They did not try to hide it from them. I think the intire faction should suffer the punishment of lose. But as for…
  • Fisrt off I dont need you guys spamming my thread that is rude and uncalled for. Those who thinks it funny to comment on every post should get banned for stupidity. I didnt know the answer I only asumed that is was bannable. So far I dont see eny of you guys registered GMs or modarators so as it stands I dont see were it…
  • Eny and all Factions on all servers. Seems to me a 7 day banned means nothing to the leader of a faction. I mean come on really thats not even a slap on the hand. The only thing they lose is the chance to attack for 1 week. They can still defend and still partisapate in the TWs that are already posted. So they in turn buy…
  • I personlay think that the punishment for this should be more strick than the leader getting a 7day ban. To me this is not punishment at all. He can still use vent to lead his team and he can use alts to play the game as well. I think that when a faction does somthing like this they should be forced to forfeit the TW for…
  • Running in place game freezing and getting stuck minning for Materials.
  • You mean this System InformationTime of this report: 5/17/2009, 20:32:46 Machine name: SPITBALL-PC Operating System: Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6001) Service Pack 1 (6001.vistasp1_gdr.090302-1506) Language: English (Regional Setting: English) System Manufacturer: Dell Inc. System Model: Inspiron 531 BIOS:…
  • having same problems BM 33 pink