mprkeller Arc User


  • I don't know who has been spreading these rumours, Crimson never had and never will have server domination ambitions. Can't understand why people keep saying it's a threat. b:surrender Right now any of the four major guilds remaining have as much equal chances of being a 'threat'. It would become more interesting the next…
  • I don't think there's anything wrong with that conversation with Barba. It's kind of like what a decent, respectable person would say to you in real life. I'm sure you would know that, right? Certainly no immaturity or hypocrisy there, which you yourself said is lacking in Harshlands. He could have shot you down right then…
  • well crimson is just acting as responsible gamers. if crimson doesn't do it, who will? the others just don't care thinking it won't affect them. bots are the scourge of mmo's, and if GMs doesn't do something about it, people will soon leave for other games. seen it happened many times. so far, crimson is the only guild…
  • i think i can understand what you're feeling, but if you look at it, it just so happened that paradox was in the way. if qqme was directly below it it can attack it anytime it wants. if not crimson taking initiative, qqme would have taken your land anyway. or qqme can just wait as it knows the everyone expects crim to make…
  • i don't think anybody lied.. if you think about it, crim was really going to go for qqme and to finish them off once and for all. it doesn't makes sense to make your enemies grow any more stronger, isn't it? if it's afraid of qqme why bother expanding south and share border with enemy? when they could just have used…
  • Agreed. Sooner or later, from a strategic point of view, some guilds will definitely combine. I dunno about QQme or Crimson though, there's just too much bad blood between them ever since. Maybe Crimson/Kylin (or Heavenly?) is more possible than that. b:surrender But of course, anything can happen and that's the beauty of…
  • The great majority of Crimson are actually cool once you get to know them, Aurian. I won't deny there are a few that are just plain idiots. But they are very very few. And unfortunately since sometimes these are the loudmouths, they are the ones that gets noticed and so gives a negative impression of the guild. Crimson…
  • Just a general opinion. As someone says there are many ways of looking at it. Factors may include like public/player community perception of it, tw/map control, pvp, influence, levels etc 1) Crimson (though position is severely being threatened, need more guys to step up and provide more leadership) 2) Kingdom (only…
  • I dunno why every QQmes(and sympathizers) get all so worked up and so excited everytime they kill a Crim. Why do they get special treatment? No need to advertise as in pvp, you win some you lose some. That's life. b:surrender The hyperbole however is very riculous i.e. 3 digit death count? I mean hello?? I don't think…
  • Last time it was alleged it takes 3v1 then 6v20 and now 37v7 for Crim to beat you. Wow, you guys must really be 'improving'(or botting?) these days b:chuckle Anyways, if your theory is correct, why did you guys left Pend and gave up your lands for free? And why attack BC when, if Crim really needs 259 to win, you could…
  • I agree, it's too soft. Seeing that it gives such an unfair disadvantage and from many MMOs it's proven botting destroys a game it should have been a perma-ban.
  • Leave the poor Jar Jar alone. b:laugh Dunno why some people got a beef with Jar Jar. There are even these Jar Jar hate web sites. b:surrender
  • Crimson has probably more KoS than any other guild on this server and there are dozens other individual Koses. So it is hardly carebear, action never runs out. I don't know if it's the same for your guild. Crimson has won many guild wars, majority of those opposing guilds you don't see anymore. Being the largest guild,…
  • I think it is you who doesn't know what you're talking about, my friend. Botting, glitching and disrupting the normal flow of the game are all against the ToS. Rules that any Crim member adheres to, otherwise "auto-kicked" from the guild. On the other hand, it is clear that your so-called guild doesn't adhere to any rules,…
  • With many members of QQme got banned for botting and members leaving the guild, maybe add QQme (aka flavour of the week guild) to the list of failed guilds. Well, unless they manage to pull it off in this weeks TW against BC. BC seems to be getting stronger so it would be an upset if that happens. Any predictions, anyone?…
  • They'll make a great couple, don't you think so? b:chuckle
  • If the report is true, then this confirms QQme members are heavy botters. If you watch them close enough you can always catch them in the act. From what I know complaints have been sent to the GMs. They are also a bunch of griefers you can always see then random killing lowbies preventing them doing quests. Sheesh, what…
  • lmao.. he's probably too busy right now screenshotting every Kingdom forum threads there is and then move on to another guild b:chuckle
  • Well well. Spying and sneaking out strictly confidential forum contents from another guild. Such is the ETHICS of these people. This is too low, even for you funlolz. You must be real proud of this. Know that these are posts are exclusively by guild members and knowing these are protected from outsiders, they are free to…
  • Yeah GW2 gonna be nice. I think Aion too. Anyone know when's the release?
    in QQme Comment by mprkeller April 2009
  • Asperity was the leader of Mercs. Supposedly majority of Mercs are in Enemy guild now. As for the leader of Concept, it's anybody's guess. Honestly, you have no connections with Concept at all? Why would their GM whisper you about their bidding and telling you not to worry then? And what's the reason for the TW no-show?…
  • Maybe add Concept, an LS-alt guild(or is it Pend's), to the list of fails for repeatedly trying to fake-bid on Pend's land(now Crimson's). Too bad, Concept can't raise money fast enough during the bidding. b:surrender
  • Wow, that's friggin' hilarious. b:laugh Well done Alex.
  • Correct, as my favorite hero dubya used to say, 'You're either with us or against us' b:victory wait, that's just a joke, I just can't resist b:laugh
  • Well then, it seems you answered your own question there. It is clear that you have to work out your internal problems(i.e. leadership?) first before starting an all-out war with the best guild on the server. You should have built up your bases first. You did think this through right? And now you expect other guilds to…
  • Dunno, my experiences so far with them in-game has been pleasant and friendly. Are you sure they're not ex-Crimson? Crimson is a large guild and like other guilds it will have a few bad eggs. You cannot generalize. Also, Crimson has a strict no-rpk policy, whoever disobeys gets the boot. I mentioned LS just to point out…
  • Am I the only one seeing the irony here? All the hatred is coming from Pendulum who just lost their land? While all the other guilds have a great relationship with Crimson. So who has better credibility? An elitist, trashtalking random PK guild(Pendulum) or a disciplined, helpful and friendly guild(Crimson) ? Someone make…
  • Nobody's saying you're a terrible. The thing is, it's still too early to tell what's going to happen at this point. Crimson controls what, 6 lands only? Same number of land like LS and other major guilds. So why the hatred? And still plenty of lands out there, nobody's hogging them all. Crimson already said they'll leave…
  • I cannot understand why you keep blaming Crimson's numerical advantage, I mean if that is so, why not just recruit more people? Surely, it is not Crimson's fault that so many players are aspiring to join it? b:surrender If Crimson's image is so bad why are we not running out of recruits while Pend seems unable to attract…
  • The only guild that let Pend to borrow their members is LS, their supposed ally for convenience at the moment. And yes, the mood of the server is changing indeed, from Pink to Green each week. b:chuckle Maybe you need to open your eyes to reality, my friend. b:victory