moofasa Arc User


  • im sorry but do you people even bother to read the other posts.... as well as the sticky. the game is not ognna be up and running till 12AM PDT. in EDT thats 3AM. check with your respective time zone. and ignore the counter on the front page its practically useless since it runs off of your computers system clock.
  • my assumption is that the patch servers are still not up so updates arent going to function properly for anyone itll all severs go up
  • oh i see lol well everyone has something diff. tbh im not 100% sure, maybe its just cookies or the browser being spazzy or spyware or something like that. try clearning firefox's cache and everything it might work. i could be wrong tho these are just ideas that might work. if it is the browser being spazzy then maybe…
  • ur good to go then man lol calm yourself
    in no email? Comment by moofasa August 2008
  • why are you using firefox 2? there is firefox 3. Edit Note: No im not getting this problem with firefox 3
  • lmao dont you love it when people on forums just POINT you in the right direction instead of just giving you the answer =P
  • i dont think its an "IF". when you sign up for and follow the perfectworld instructions you get a key. take that key and copy/paste into your account info on then activate. it should then show a green sentence saying something like "beta key activated" something like that then you are good to go
    in no email? Comment by moofasa August 2008
  • will answer that =)
  • it will always say accepted you need to go get a beta key visit for one
    in no email? Comment by moofasa August 2008
  • reread my post, already stated that in point two =P but yes i agree that it was stupid on their part to do that
  • i wouldnt bet on the patch to be finished in the morning either =P
  • eff it bro im playin halo while i wait for this thing to come up lol im not sleepin
  • you will get timed out cause its still not 12AM PDT... the clock on the main page uses the data from your computers individual system clock. therfore in your time zone its counting back up, while in PDT california its counting down sitll with about 2 hours 40 mins more or less
  • probably because the patching servers still arent up. sticky on this forum board stated that all servers go up 12AM PDT thats including gameplay and patchign servers. also keep in mind that you arent the only ones trying to patch ahead of time =P
  • between PDT and EDT its a 3 hour diff so we in NY will be waiting till 3AM to start playing this game. also a note on the flash counter on the front page, it runs using your ocmputers system clock. so for us in EDT zone it will be counting up, in PDT it will still be counting down.
  • just a random question to you, did you verify the files before installing?