missrumba1 Arc User


  • HI Nocturne, I am returning from a break from the game and am looking to join a mature guild, one thats active around the clock would be ideal (as I am from overseas) . I am a level 94 Wizard and have been playing on and off since jan-feb '09 . My in-game name is missrumba all lower case . Please feel free to pm me with…
  • In my opinion all drop rates have been lowered for this exact reason. And i do believe DQ drops rates have been lowered across the board, but more noticeably at higher level as people are more inclined to spend (charge money for) on a char they have put alot of time/ effort into.
  • Um what? Was that to me, and/or what are you referring to? Im lost lol b:surrender
  • LOLyou got me there b:laugh
  • LOL brings back memories of quite a few similar incidents here,tho they never had the balls to roll it back and make it right here from what i recall. Anyone recall different?
  • Any word on when the new classes with be implemented?
  • Probably INCORRECT . See, at the slot machines (pokies in my country) , others are more likley to put more money in if they see others winning. At the Jewelers they have the more expensive stuff on bright display, while the less prized less expensive stuff is elswhere in the store. The the supermarket/ department store,…
  • Leaving for the game everyones talking about that gets censored , it starts here in . In the meantime ive found another game to play. Reason : the DQ horses in the cash shop was the last straw, I got burned like so many others.
  • Here is a link to a Dragon Quest Guide that shows how much in game coins it costs to do a dragon quest as opposed to NPC'ing dq drops http://vanaheim.the-aria.com/pw/dragon-quest/ . I had so far 48 copper and 11 silver orders. Since i was using the dq drops for my dream of owning a SilverMane I was always poor and often…
  • Found a more relevant thread to post this in
  • I would prefer to spend a little while getting back what I had.... rather than now have to financially compete against the people who profited off this ****/ Glitch, if there is no rollback or other suitable consequence .
  • I've searched every where in forum and Googled , and cant seem to find the answer to my auction question. If I have 5 of something and only want to auction 4 how do i do that ? It always puts all of the items in that box in inventory up for auction .... is there a way to seperate mutiple items so i can auction / trade only…