miago Arc User


  • you will notice a box pop up if you have them in your friends list and double click thier names. it's called a chat box I believe but it's already in the game
  • Well I must say I think if charging is a big issue just don't train up res for those who want to not learn a skill not beneficial to them. I am a cleric and I'm able to have lvl 10 res but I only have lvl 2. do I get slack yes...but you know what if you heal people and they don't die then you don't need lvl 10. if you suck…
  • is it possible to maybe add a button to only heal self or faction members or squad mates' you can't heal people with swords after dueling, you don't heal your opponent when dueling, and you don't heal mobs when you fight them but if you pk you heal the opponent and not yourself. yet they pop up on your screen like a mob if…
  • you can have more then one pet everyone has a pet cage...you have to upgrade you cage to hold more I do like the auto targetting tab idea but would that fix the problem of healing your oponent? generally it happens like this...they attack portrait pops up ....I heal them ....click escape heal myself...try to click them and…
  • Drama in a good bye post Seems like you already have someone wanting you to stay Diety. Awesome gear btw man best of luck in girls and life
  • is it possible to make it so that you don't heal your opponent during pk battles it doesn't happen in duels and it doesn't happen fighting mobs but if Cleric is fighting another pk'er and then casts heal the cleric heals the person he's fighting and not himself. I can't really practice with duels healing myself since in…
  • the difference is buffs benefit you as well as everyone else. but Ressurection will NEVER benefit you. you HAVE TO lvl buffs cause you want to buff your own self you DON'T have to lvl ressurection and you don't have to get the 1hr party buffs, unless you're lazy...you can stick to the 30min solo buffs
  • actually a melee cleric could work...I believe they call them palladins but that build wouldn't work... maybe you should make the character and say how well it does...then post about the build you are doing? also that build would only auto attack...so your damage wouldn't be any good
  • in my opinion charging for a res is okay. A) random person asking and you don't really want to B) it doesn't bother you if they port to town C) they are not in your guild (since the main reason for getting it is for guildies) D) if you have a high lvl res it's funny no one even asked how much he would charge. I don't think…