memoomoo Arc User


  • Yups, I've been doing that for 99 times and woots finally it could run smothly on verifing at the 100th. I just hope that we're not getting anymore problem with update anymore in the future :rolleyes: EDIT: ohh btw, if it gets stuck again, just Retry it. Don't Stop Update/Verify ^^
  • I have another problem now lol..... game closes by itself when I click Enter at character screen................ :/
  • I'm not sure if this going to work for everyone but it did for me. When you get stuck and client asks to try again or stop update. Click stop update and exit game. Run game again and hit update game -> CONTINUE UPDATE. So basically everytime you get stuck. Just stop updating ->exit game->run game->update game->continue…
  • LOL I didn't even bother to read all those 4 pages ^^...... but YES Paypal sucks >.< That site is 100 and 1 percent is true! I do a homebase business on eBay for leaving and did have a darn hard time just becuase of Paypal. Funny thing is: Contacted customer supports 100+ of times but hopeless and in the…
  • wth.... =.= 100zen=1gold and the lowest price for Zen ingame right now is 100k coins, so.... it costs 10m of coins for 1GOLD and the lowest price for PetRide is 1GOLDS that ends up 100m of coins :eek::eek: I'll just walk instead!
  • ok back to game.... see yall in side ^^
  • PVE server is over loaded 0.o
  • I think having an option to enable/disable Player Info is a good thing....... Myselt sometime want to show off my gears too but not in a duel :( . Pvp is mostly about gears/build and fighting style. If others can easily see through my stuffs, that's 50% of my strategy is known :rolleyes: Just my 2cents :)