massamune Arc User


  • This thread perfectly shows the lack of support for this version of PW. Who would have thought that Americans could do worse than Malaysians at running an MMO? Random bannings, stupid cash shop prices, insulting responses from staff, and now allowing scams to linger in their forum. Nicely done PWE.
  • Just one, so far.
  • Your argument against the inclusion of a PVE server is wrong anyway. It isn't a case of a PWE server lacking anything in comparison to a forced PVP server. The PVE server has an EXTRA function that if they cared about testing they would have included. This way how will they know before OB if there's ways (like in other…
  • You didn't even read my damn post before spouting more garbage. I said I don't care about that, others do, NOT ME. Get it through your head. 9/10 of my post wasn't even about that, and my OP in this topic didn't even mention it. I just said you should have some respect for those that do feel strongly about it, not that I…
  • Annoyed, yes, surprised, no. Clearly this was done to lower the assault on the login server at 12:01. It's still well, if not unfair at least a bit deceptive to say just earlier today it will for sure be at midnight then renege on that.
  • It looks identical to MY-EN graphically.
  • For you. Not for everyone. Personally this is low on my list of priorities, but some people feel strongly about it so have a bit of respect for differing tastes. The simple conclusion is PWE doesn't want us to use the pve servers. They think they'll generate less revenue (and they may be right in that.) Taking this into…
  • Y'know an official response like this on a subject that every noob and his sister has been asking about here in a dozen threads seems worthy of that lil "Official Announcements" forum that's still collecting dust. Considering this poor moderator has been having to lock and link to this topic all over the place today, it's…
  • *shoots self*
  • If you were there, if you remember, Leode played the race card to polarize that issue over there. It's hardly racist to quote his own words. Fact of the matter is, many Asians do have a tendency to get up in arms about this kind of joke. It isn't racist to say that, it is something of a generalization and it's qualified as…
  • They tried banning this in MY-EN. I'll never forget Leode posting a big long rant about it saying it's so terrible, it will be banned, deal with it, "it's an Asian thing..." Of course they didn't ban account sellers, buyers, rmt'ers, most hackers, anyone in warlord or immo... But they want to ban people for making jokes.…
  • Go to this link and register on their site: Go now. If there's any keys left you'll get one as soon as you login in the center of the page in the link above. Then just edit your profile on this site and add the key, it will change to say "accepted." That assures you a…
  • 81 seeds atm, which for a torrent like this that's not much more than 24 hours old isn't bad at all. That said, anyone that downloads it via torrent please do seed for awhile! Even if your upload says 20 kb/s or something, it's worth doing, as that upload rate will vary greatly based on who and how many are connected to…
  • If it's occasional you're more or less correct. If it's frequent you start losing $$ in hiero, miji, etc. That's when it gets annoying.
  • Look at the times on his posts before trying to reprimand. Obviously an accidental second post. It happens to the best of us sometimes, either an accidental double click on the submit button or just lag. Sheesh.
  • That gets old. Seriously. It kills the social aspect of the game, and it turns the grind into even more work.
  • Umm hello? That's a double negative with actually means Europeans will be banned, which is incorrect. I think you forgot a comma. :P
  • I'm not touching your other two points, leave that to be demonstrated by PWE. This one I can tell you there's no need to worry, unless they've drastically changed the client for this version (in which case there'd be an uproar on the forums by now, and there isn't) PW does not use gameguard. Thank gods. Yeah that's really…
  • kelansan, how did you get 50 posts on here without stumbling across the answer to that question? I mean it's gotta be quoted in a dozen threads, plus the one that orinj answered to begin with, plus Karmelia's FAQ. If this topic was just a trolling attempt on the subject it was a pretty poor one.
  • Overall the penalties in PW for PK are pretty mild compared to a lot of mmos. Unless you intend to be permanently red named I'd say don't worry. Basically there's three kinds of pkers I've encountered: 1. Permared gankers that target noobs, thinking 1 shotting someone 40 levels lower is entertainment. 2. People that…
  • Where did I associate RQ with offering malicious code? I didn't. I said (about five times now cause your eyesight doesn't seem to be so hot) that by setting this precedent, this PWE "approval" of third party downloads, they're opening the door to the next noob that may very well **** them. If that happened do you really…
  • Nobody was saying anything negative about RQ until they started responding with profanities. And, MY-EN at least had the sense to tell people only to download from the official site, if you have a fansite, link to the official download. This is what the vast majority of mmos do, and for good reason. Try, just try, to think…
  • This is what I'm saying. Despite what these ever deeply offended RQ people keep saying I never bashed the safety of their download once. I said it's an incorrect precedent, and it is. But if PWE wants to risk thousands of dollars (or more) in lost revenues due to this kind of potential scandal, there isn't much I can do…
  • So you approve of their cursing and swearing in every other post in this thread. Okay. I didn't flame anyone. Every version of PW is or turns into a multi million dollar business. It's unprofessional to risk negaitve publicity (a scandal) just to get an already available file hosted in another location. Telling the masses…
  • The problem is you're counting on the masses to both know how to do that, and to go through downloading the whole client from an unofficial source in order to do so. The masses shouldn't NEED to check the md5 of their download, because it should be coming from a source they trust (the PWE site or the torrent created by…
  • I think it's pretty safe to say that given the combination of an unofficial download and the attitude shown by the RQ people in this thread, not many are going to download it anyway. If PWE did indeed approve this in advance, then they should have announced that themselves. It's very poor business practice for them to do…
  • It's better to seed the torrent than try and provide unofficial mirrors. Seriously I wouldn't trust a download from anywhere that PWE hadn't endorsed on their download page. No offense, but it's a bad precedent to start, cause there's always some idiot that will try and abuse it.
  • ALL the cash items in this game are available for ingame gold. That's one of the biggest highlights of PW. Most mmos lock cash items so they aren't tradeable, often even between characters on the same account. Here anyone can buy them and put them in a stall or AH or sell privately to another player. It's common, lots of…
  • Zing! hehe nice one Karm.:D @phate - you're exaggerating. We had options, sites like asiapworld were awesome, not linked to any illegal activities that I ever heard of. The one you're referring to just got the most business because most of the people on that version wanted to buy gold directly (RMT stuff not AH stuff)…
  • If I was at all surprised it was pleasantly so at the distribution of IPs, not that that brief segment is really representative of anything.