marius#8026 Arc User


  • I don't know if G17r3 weapon will be hard to craft with xTourney activated, but I think it will be at least as common as warsoul weapons. G17r4 and r5 I believe will be very hard and expensive to get, only to heavy cash shoppers =S Well, I have to wait for the Elysium to see. Thanks for the answer, @superfedee.
  • Congratulations on the weapon, @superfedee. Hey, you guys from PWI don't have xTourney activated yet, right? I'm asking because I think with xTourney, craft G17 third cast would be much easier, no? Do you think if you have xTourney activated, more people would have G17r3 weapon? I'm asking because in my version of Perfect…
  • With all the answers in this topic, I made the decision to chase an A set now. Abbadon or AEU set. It will take a lot of time, but in the end it will be worth, I think. You said exactly what I think now: In short, it is easier to get random S cards, but in the end it's more expensive and not worth it. Also, problably when…
  • The chances are the same, but it's very rare see people with Six Candleflame set here. 365 days doing FSP to have remote chance (a bit under half of the people like you said) to achieve the set seems very very expensive to me. Expensive in terms of money and time. I can be wrong, but for me seems more easy to get random S…
  • Here people prefer use a random set of S cards than get a Six Candleflame set. I asked because in PWI, this set is much more common than here. But now I realize that get Six Candleflame is almost as difficult as here. Here we never had promotions of A packs, only on War Avatar Catalysts. Thanks for the answers.
  • A doubt I ever had was the fact that you guys from PWI seems to obtain Six Candleflame Sovereigns so easy. I play a version of PW similar to the chinese version. R9 is expensive, R9rrr version from PWI doesn't exists, well... these things that you guys probably know that is hard to obtain on another versions of this game.…
  • Thanks for the answer, Asterelle. Before the release of this pacth there were rumors about an upgrade on Roar. When the list of skills who suffered upgrades was released, Roar wasn't there. So I wondered that the information about Roar was wrong. Now, I guess Roar will really suffer an upgrade. Devour was a surprise…
  • So, according to Mars' post, barbs will have an aggro increasement on Devour and Roar too. But on Asterelle's post and mymbarb traduction there is nothing about Roar and Devour. These informatios about Devour and Roar are reliable?