link Arc User


  • Still got about 3 hours till servers go up.
  • Hmm, I was playing 9Dragons before PW-MY.
  • Mines fine, I'm running on a Vista Home Premium 32-Bit. I used the Direct Download link from this site. :S If you have a 64-Bit then you might have some troubles.
  • Very ;D When the game goes wrong, don't blame the mods... their life is hard enough going through the forums killing flames/spam. xD
  • Welcome new comer and.... you murderer! T_T But I still see like 1-2 Oceania guild members roaming around sometimes.
  • Forum Mods aren't that useful for full on game info you realise that right? You'd have to wait for an Admin to post info, or a selected Mod to be a voice for an Admin on server info. Other then that, they're just about as clueless as us possibly a little less. I should know, I dealt with those kind of issues where players…
  • Well, the countdown is on a countdown to midnight and is based on your computer date/time settings. :S But if your in Cali, I'm in NY... if it both starts at midnight then uhh? *head spins* Too confusing...
  • Lmao, you're right. I haven't.... I'm on the 50/50 scale of being reknowned. :p
  • xD dont worry I got jet black hair but its str8... I get those blonde moments always at those push and pull doors xD.... Anyways back onto topic... is anyone even sure that it starts at 12 Midnite?
  • Ah don't worry everyone gets those "Blonde moments" :p
  • *wonders what your name is* Thank you tho. :)
  • I know... I was just asking... then saying that there is more then half a day left. :S
  • Where'd 6 come from anyways? There's still a little more then half a day.
  • Welcome First Timers. :) I was/am [Link] aka Pervy Guild Master ^^
  • Yeah, I have to agree with you there Oracle is some messed up place. Thank god I became white today. Now I can do my WMs in peace. :D
  • 9/10. I like that guy. :) Eh, It's a guy smiling, but it supposed to match my avatar which well I can't place on yet. Ohwell.
  • Yup Yup, we're both going to join under differnt names. :) Also, our commanders going to join as well. :P
  • Yeah, those kill quests are a bit boring, but later on you would've gotten timed quests finding hard item drops, boss quests, etc. There is just a bit more, like a little of this and a little of that. You just have to level high enough to get the best of things as in all games. :)
    in Variation Comment by link August 2008
  • Yup, it's definately level 40. Also as a side note, when or if you do manage to get one, go Horse Racing. :D You don't really have to use a horse, it's just the name. :)
    in mounts... Comment by link August 2008
  • Ok so I skimmed through most of the problems and yes I've encountered them as well. But truly besides the bugs are the quests at a higher level I've gotten a quest inside of an area which hasn't even been implemented in the game yet the quests have been placed in.
  • Crazed Henly fans?! O_o Oo I wanna join! I love the song too!... (but keep the sick beat this PW has I love it more in my car) ;)
  • 8/10 Love the pinkish and such :D but 20/10 if that lip kiss was for me ;)
  • Lmao! Nice... :p I'm kinda known in oracle. :P Well I'm that guy who owns that Pervy Guild ;) aka [Link] aka Pervy Guild Master ;)
  • Ah, damn... whoops guess I kinda over looked that intro thread... but what's that about the IP Block? Because hell I spent some money in that game. -.- Also, I'm thinking.... of a new game I might have to create a new thread for :D.