i've been getting this problem since before update so not surprised, i thought it was just windows 8 not being supported (doesnt crash on my windows 7 laptop)
you can hit lvl 80 in 2 days already, instant? you serious man? would you also like for your bhs to be done automatically? and bosses to be one hittable with a lvl 1 weapon? go back to unofficial content if you want that ****.
uh, if you're a sin you're a 1 shot unless you're fully r9rr, even fully vit +12ed, as long as u got aps set you're easy to kill, i've 1 hitted many before. and killing barbs even if they're fully +12 r9rr isnt a hard thing to do rofl. by the way you talk i bet u even made that up.
u gotta verify the client. I'm already on my second time verifying, only works for a little while til i find another part of the map that crashes me back again.
i never said they were equal in stats, i said they were equal in reforging levels, go to database and see what it takes to reforge them, same as adversity. it's for other client versions, not ours, and this question has been answered before, just gotta go and read forums a bit, not hard to do.
Chaos crossers are rrr9 daggers for a different client version (chinese version i think), they're equal to adversity daggers, they wont be coming to PWI
i was hoping this new update was going to add support to windows 8, but it's more glitchy than it was before, 2 minutes in and my client already crashed. Every single time this happens, i have to verify the game, and repeat every time i want to play. I was told this problem was going to be solved but it never changed. Now…
wait so panda sage form deals 100% damage? wtf, demon form turning useless even more now than it was before.
Seems like they did something for windows 8 machines. I have windows 8, and i was crashing every 5 minutes of gameplay until last update, now i get absolutely no lag, and no crashes whatsoever. my ping stays bellow 100 also. I'm thinking that maybe adding fixes for windows 8 might have screwed up other OS support. I'm no…
I also found another bug, when trying to complete the 60-80 public quest, it fails right after I'm done killing the 200 mobs, and the quest tracker no longer tracks it in a separate window. I picked up the quest again, same thing happened