lajer Arc User


  • Yes, There will be a wipe
  • Although I may just be blind I still havn't found a button to send private messages to players from this forum quiet yet, if someone could explain it, or maybe if its not here put it in would be nice Thanks :D
  • Lol Right on I'm only 65 :( I play on Oracle You?
  • Eek, Well I'm not as high as most of you all I'm from MY-EN Level 6x EA
  • Count me in , Game name will mostlikely be the same as my forum name, I work alot so I dont gain massive amounts of levels like yall will but :) Nice to meet you ^.^
    in Guild Comment by lajer July 2008
  • Heh, I'm very exited bout being lagless, not that I lagged all that much in MY-EN but ofcorse it had its moments :P Perhaps the rates on the servers are going to be the same, just because it seems to have worked so well on all the other PW's (Other then private servers that is)
  • I could careless bout most of the name-changes, figures they always have to make something new>.>? neway, I happen to really like venomacer really fits the WF :P That char is so ebul!
    in Class Names Comment by lajer July 2008
  • Because they're changing name to just "Barbarian" Is it still going to be a ONLY beast man char? Or will you be able to choose a human form aswell..(or just stick to warrior) haha :P anyway just curious
  • I also, agree, It'd be nice to see some new fashions, maybe ...few differnet items..perhaps a diff glow? unno, i've gone through pretty much everything on my-en it'd be nice to see a few new updates to keep us older players still active as we were when we started, anyhow Thanks for the forum ^.^ Seems like a good idea to…
    in Different? Comment by lajer July 2008