ladybella32 Arc User


  • ya i just sent in another ticket , my system seems to be just fine its all upto date . i just downloaded the game friday , and i cant get it to stay up .i even re installed the whole game and its patches and whatever else it needed . something about chineese lang or something . i even downloaded that too . and still…
  • bumping up for info
  • ok i tried setting everything ot low rez and all and windowed my game, i get past login but when creating my char it either crashes on me with error or totally reboots my computer . dont know what else to do . im actaully getting very annoyed with it !
  • Hello im also having same problem , i just downloaded pw this morning and i cant get past login page to create a char. , it crashes on me or my computer reboots itself ! here is my display info also ! I dont have any other problems with my other games i play like age of conan or rohan they seem to work just fine no…
  • hello , i dunno if its the same thing or not but i just download pw this morning and i cant seem to get past my login w/o crashing or sometimes my computer reboots itself . i dont know whats wrong , i wasnt haveing any problems with my others games , i also play rohan and age of conan and they seemed to work fine for me…
  • i just also download PWi , and mine is doing the same thing , my computer has rebooted itself like 3-5x and i also had 3 error . i cant seem to get past my login the second time i did but while i was creating my char it crashed on me . my cpu seems to be ok i have nvidia geforce 8500 gt and i beleive its up to date , i…