It's a traditional Chinese wedding gown. Is it ugly because it's not western? Please don't start this bigotry.
I want to know that as well.
Makes sense it seem's to you like a waist of time. Haiku is not something everyone can do well. Since they won't let us write it in Japanese, I'll skip it as well. Words English + haiku just doesn't seem right.
That's what puzzles me as well. It would make sense if we're talking 5 Chinese elements; any kind of damage from "Fire" enemy, be it physical or not, would inflict you fire damage. If you know anything about Feng Shui or Yin and Yang order in the world, you would know elements affect anything and everything that exists.…
So, could you kindly consider that Europeans don't say up all night to play PWI?
I was just speaking from my experience. If that makes me a rude bigot, so be it.
@deathomen I tried x64 version and most of the games had the same problem - Low FPS. @gryphen I'm using Vista Ultimate x86. Enough to say all is working perfectly well. FPS range from max to little less than max in crowded areas. You can try if you like... or not. It's good to format your HDD now and then ;)
Ok, I'm convinced. Sign me in. I was in a guild with a frustrated little girl as a guild leader. You know how kids get when they get so-called "power" in their hands, they think they're invincible. So she has this omnipotent attitude in whatever she would say, calling people worthless and whatnot. I've seen it happen quite…
Dear person who created this thread (I forgot your name), Nothing will help you with your problem. I know exactly where the problem lies: Vista Ultimate x64. Install Vista Ultimate x86 (32 bit) and you'll be more than fine.
It's only common sense to ban Brazilians from PWE. Brazilians pretty much ruined every MMORPG I have ever played. Pangya (JP) and Albatross18 after that, Ragnarok Online 1, Tibia, Sword Of The New World.... Should I keep going? They're terrible gamers, they quit a lot (quitters galore), most of them don't know English at…
I guess I could join... eventually. Though I really don't think 21+ years of age gives you a hint of how much someone is mature. I know plenty of 30+ years old people that should go back to kindergarten for some additional 2-3 years. It would be better if you had written "to anyone that feels mature enough to join without…
I'm looking for Angel3 from Closed Beta... I'm still Kyou. Also, Indifox :3 Add me as your friend if you're on Heaven's Tear (PvE)
ember is clueless. Lol, some people, really... :rolleyes:
You're very welcome. And if you want a completely clean screenshot, without mob names/your name/other players names i.e. perfect screenshot; go to "options" - "ui" and uncheck all the checkboxes regarding ingame text. Take your screenies and turn it back on. Be sure to swap from Ctrl + H to displayed interface when you…
Press "Print Screen" button on your keyboard. PrtScn is near F12 button. Be sure to do Ctrl + H before you PrtScn as it hides the interface (chat, skills etc.).
Please check all of the quest names and quest objectives. Some of them are a bit screwy.
Open Beta Bugs: - Hair isn't what it depicts in the Character create menu (Still) - Smilies are totally screwed up (Emoticons) in the game - misplaced and fastened up - Tracking quest button doesn't display a few quests... at all - You should really run over the "Dragon Herald" NPC's quest, he's offering "molds" in 2 same…
Fix em.... and fix em.
It's quite easy. GTFO. Ooops... Did I say that out loud?
Lameness alert! :rolleyes:
Well... I don't care about PW Europe one way or another... I want to keep playing here. If PWI admins decide to ban Eu players when PW Europe comes, please tell us now so we don't play on PWI at all. I don't want to reach level 100 just to see that I cannot log in and play anymore when PW Eu comes out.
Oh, yay :D
A nice patch and we're all set for OB... I hope they read suggestions thread ;)
PvE. First MMORPG that can provide a real quality PvE.
No, it isn't. You suck.
If you hope something like that, you get slapped by karma at the end. I'm sure Mexican people don't wish something like that on you. I hope people get to evacuate on time...
Left one is better ;)
That would make the game a few times more beautiful IMO.
Happens to me too, now and then.
Are you 9?