This Game Seems Boring...

Posts: 4 Arc User
edited April 2009 in General Discussion
I would really like people to prove me wrong because I do want to play this game, but I just can't get attatched to it.

First off, the graphics arn't really good. I heard a lot of people talk about the great graphics, but I've seen a lot of games with better graphics. I have my resolution on 1240x800 and everything turned on high.

The game doesn't really lead me, or pull me in. There were only like 3 starting quests that lead to a village and than you just walk around the huge village looking for othe random quests. I like games with better tutorial quests and maybe a main storyline.

The combat seems extremely slow, but I think it might be because im constantly ksed and all the monsters are so far away from each other, I can never find a mob.

Usually, I don't mind the slow leveling so I depend on quests, but the quests are not interesting at all. Usually just kill x amount of monsters which is hard since the amount of monsters in an area is very little.

The world seems too huge for me. the areas seem like an endless field where you can keep walking on forever and get lost. The maps don't even show npcs or specific locations of a town.

So can anyone tell me why they think this game is fun?

Also, does this count as a review of the game? :D
Post edited by epix on


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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    sounds like u play too much maplestory:D:D
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    No, im comparing this game to Word of Kung Fu (asian 3d style mmorpg) and Rohan which both have MUCH better graphics than this game. Both also have bigger mobs, detailed maps and a more memorable environment.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    epix wrote: »
    epix wrote: »
    epix wrote: »
    epix wrote: »

    I lol'd.

    Rohan was terrible and its graphics were terrible.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    World of Kung Fu do have better graphics in comparing the character, but the area and map graphics are way better at PW. Also the customization. :)

    I don't really know how to get you in, you just have to like it...
  • Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    are those games you're mentioning 2D games or 3D games?
    I will be your angel
    Protecting you from heaven
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    both are 3d games
    world of kung fu was not bad
    but Rohan..... well it had a nice website, i guess
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You need to turn the special effects on...
    You can change the minimap to your favorite...
    Mobs are not rare, depends on where you look.
    Use find quest button.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Just a friendly reminder - discussion of other games are not allowed on these boards. Will lock/delete thread if the continued discussion veers in that direction. :cool:

    Follow me on twitter:
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    How about comparison? Not like we're advertising...
  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    im sorry but if your going to criticize a games graphics at least have a computer that can play it at its full potential 1240x800 im sorry but if you had it on 1680x1050 with max settings you would not make such silly comments i have tried many other mmos including the previously mentioned and there simply is no comparing them

    you fail for having a crappy computer

    go buy a new one
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ok 1st of i played world of kung fu and it was so **** maple story is for little school girls and you might not have good graphics cuz maybe your video card sucks or your hole system stinks and as for mobs look for em and hello it's open beta do you no how may people are killing monsters to lvl up comon..and it'sa good mmo what do you want? free roam is fun.....
    and if you want to lvl try doing for me.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The thread maker is right. All these quests are boring. Go kill 10 poopoopods ok now go kill 50 flamingsacks now repeat 50,000 times until you go insane :D No storyline, crafting is boring, ugly **** characters running around in their underwear wtf :rolleyes: Rename this game PerfectTurd
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lucita wrote: »
    ugly **** characters running around in their underwear wtf :rolleyes:

    well depend on the creator of the character because mine character always looking good :cool:
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Haaa what the heck man... okay mostly all free mmos have the same kinda quest your never gonna escape it and if you two hate it so bad why do you even bother on posting on the fourms just stop playing. and trust me your not gonna get a better free mmo period. and tell me what free game do you know thats has a worthy story line. none if u ask me.:rolleyes::
  • Posts: 225
    edited September 2008
    You complain about no plot but have you actually tried reading the quest dialouge? Or reaching level 9 maybe?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Dang ZoeFox been crushing them levels haha good work dude :cool:
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    epix wrote: »
    I would really like people to prove me wrong because I do want to play this game, but I just can't get attatched to it.

    First off, the graphics arn't really good. I heard a lot of people talk about the great graphics, but I've seen a lot of games with better graphics. I have my resolution on 1240x800 and everything turned on high.

    The game doesn't really lead me, or pull me in. There were only like 3 starting quests that lead to a village and than you just walk around the huge village looking for othe random quests. I like games with better tutorial quests and maybe a main storyline.

    The combat seems extremely slow, but I think it might be because im constantly ksed and all the monsters are so far away from each other, I can never find a mob.

    Usually, I don't mind the slow leveling so I depend on quests, but the quests are not interesting at all. Usually just kill x amount of monsters which is hard since the amount of monsters in an area is very little.

    The world seems too huge for me. the areas seem like an endless field where you can keep walking on forever and get lost. The maps don't even show npcs or specific locations of a town.

    So can anyone tell me why they think this game is fun?

    Also, does this count as a review of the game? :D

    Graphics: did you turn on the special effects? i.e. soften, harden, etc. And did you turn off Best Performance Mode? Can your graphic card and driver handle the graphics? Or maybe the PW graphics just isn't your style. I played games that had very good graphics, but I just didn't dig the style.

    Quests and maps: you simply do not know how to use the quest and map interfaces. Although I admit there's no info on how to use them on this website. There are good guides on the Perfect World Philippines' English website.

    I have yet to encounter a F2P game that has a better quest system than PW. If you want more interesting and varied quests, you'd have to go P2P.

    I wondered at the distance of the mobs when I first started too, but very early in the game you'll get lots of aggro mobs, and I almost always play low-defense type characters, and the distance between mobs really helps in avoiding aggros. I've never leveled high enough to AOE, so I don't know how that would work here. Once I got used to it, I never have trouble finding enough mobs. Just today I played a Barbarian, and there were tons of ppl doing the same quests as me, a lot of them Venomancers who can easily KS me, but I still finished the quests with no trouble. If you don't want to be KSed, go for a high-damage char, preferably with ranged attacks.

    There is a main plot to the game, it becomes very obvious once you reach Archosaur at around level 20. There are also many side plots. So far I've noticed a small number of quests that refer to well-known Chinese folklore and myths. There's one quest in Archosaur that is based on a proverbial story about a man who wanted to hide his money (measured in silvers, coppers, and golds at the time), and he wanted to hide 300 silvers. So he buried it in the ground. To make it extra secure so that nobody would ever think to look for money there, he put up a sign on the spot, saying "300 silvers aren't buried here" (此地无银三百两). When you get the quest item to finish this quest, and you hover your cursor over it, it'll actually says "300 silvers". I've always wondered what the gaming experience is like for people who don't know these stories though.

    neways, just my two cents.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This game does have good graphics .. im playing on 22" lcd 1680x1050 everything max up with 16XQ aa and 16X af

    running on 8800gt super overclock

    ram 1000mhz

    quad cores

    i think this game is better than Lineage 2 ( graphics and gameplay )

    and BTW .. what video card u got ? does it have dx 10.1 ? or shader 4.0+ ? cause the water looks mad nice in this game !
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    That is not a review, that is a joke ^^.
    Please look at the tutorial at the game start carefully, it will help you life easier a bit in PW.
    And about PW graphic, it is still one of the finest in the market, eventhough it is more than 3 years old.

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It's quite easy.

    Ooops... Did I say that out loud?
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You could always go play WoW. I mean, everyone else does, so why not you?

    This game isn't for everyone, but that is true for every game out there. Technically, this one is still in why not forgive it for now if it lacks in some areas.

    Instead of making posts like this, give something constructive. Tell the devs what you think should be added or changed to make it better. Of course, that would take a little effort.

    If you want to play it, which you say, then play it. You can find something in it that will give you a reason to play, or make you want to play. You do have your own imagination don't you?
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I just can't believe that some people even bother to say I dont like it, help me out, its so easy, there are people who like it and stop bothering, I think that this thread is not needed anymore. /closed.
    I like the game, I've been through all the beta's of L2 and WoW, trust me, WoW wasnt even close to this in beta stage.
  • Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This game does have good graphics .. im playing on 22" lcd 1680x1050 everything max up with 16XQ aa and 16X af
    and BTW .. what video card u got ? does it have dx 10.1 ? or shader 4.0+ ? cause the water looks mad nice in this game !
    Perfect World is a DirectX9 game. DirectX 10 won't give you any better graphics.
    PW has been endless frustration for me #2
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Well. I have gotten two chars to level 20 both bms. and so far the only thing that was "fun" in this game was the FB 19. And it wasnt fun because the only people i could get to help me with it were level 70. BORING. So far ive seen no group dueling, no pking, barely any groups, when people do get into a group they just run off. I feel you man, its like why am i playing this. Arena is broke, i mean seriously. Why be online and have other people standing arround for no reason. Im really confused i guess. Where is the fun in this game, it just seams like a endless grind to get to a higher level, hoping that then the game will be fun. But so far no fun.

    What im really asking is why is this a online game if there is nothing that you do together with other players???????
    Glorified single player if you ask me.

    Would someone that has alot of exp and really knows this game tell me what is fun about it? Im not criticizing this game i LIKE IT, i just feel trapped by it instead of enjoying it.

    Is it the player base? Is it that no one speaks the same language?

    Someone please tell me what i am missing here!

    Wheres the MULTI player to this MMORPG?
  • Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    hoodat wrote: »
    Well. I have gotten two chars to level 20 both bms. and so far the only thing that was "fun" in this game was the FB 19. And it wasnt fun because the only people i could get to help me with it were level 70. BORING. So far ive seen no group dueling, no pking, barely any groups, when people do get into a group they just run off. I feel you man, its like why am i playing this. Arena is broke, i mean seriously. Why be online and have other people standing arround for no reason. Im really confused i guess. Where is the fun in this game, it just seams like a endless grind to get to a higher level, hoping that then the game will be fun. But so far no fun.

    What im really asking is why is this a online game if there is nothing that you do together with other players???????
    Glorified single player if you ask me.

    Would someone that has alot of exp and really knows this game tell me what is fun about it? Im not criticizing this game i LIKE IT, i just feel trapped by it instead of enjoying it.

    Is it the player base? Is it that no one speaks the same language?

    Someone please tell me what i am missing here!

    Wheres the MULTI player to this MMORPG?

    Where's the Multi in this game? How about doing FB's with a group, that's multiplayer, doing TW, gotta have a guild for that. Zhen party? Pretty sure you do. Doing quests with friends or people your level to help each other? Helping each other with bosses? There's plenty of stuff. Only reason you feel like this is a single player game is because you're only level 20, you don't need a party right now to level up, later on you'll need one for zhen etc.

  • Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Don't necro very very old threads please.
This discussion has been closed.