killermcd Arc User


  • What do you do with the items you receive while doing World Quests? Do they have a use? I have 8 or so, dolls, umbrellas...what are they for?
  • I used a lvl 8 Barb to kill the lvl 8 turtles that drop hay at a rate of 24%. 221 turtles later, I still only had one hay and a new lvl barb. Should have been alot more don't you think?
  • I got up this am hoping to see an update as mentioned before so my baby barb could learn his Cultivation and get some skills. No patch!!!! Why not? The only acceptable excuse is that the dev's are to busy trying to fix the economy to worry about this glitch.
  • These so called "free" offers for rewards like the "Mygift" have been around on other games for years. You must fill out dozens of forms complete surveys and do silver, platinum and gold offers. Popup pages will spring forth like crazy. But always you have to provide a credit card number or your cell phone number and then…
  • Thanks, I got myself a reset all and my stats are now 65 vit, 158 str, 62 dex and 5 mag. Love the new attack power but hate the 400hp I lost...
  • 87 Vit, 64 Dex, 117 Str and 10 Mag is my build right now. I know I screwed up on the mag for sure but how much should I take off the others with a "reset all scroll" to get my strength, Vit and Dex right?