kalexia Arc User


  • ~insert strife's insecurity here~ steam roll? regret to inform u vindi steam rolls b:chuckle....u guys sort of just huff and puff a lil bit...and then brag about it...so we choose u guys to practice on what does that tell you? LOL low man on the pole always gonna get it first! oh and btw if Sassi gonna ramble it won't be a…
  • b:chuckle Funny stuff predevil...wonder if the rest of Enely feels similar to your opinion? or if ur suckin' and blowin' ur own hot air??Why u app to Regi if Enely is all THAT?hmm?....wasn't long ago that Enely was in these shoes so how about u and ur overblown ego get a sense of what the future has in store for you! Your…
  • Doesn't matter what you say....doesn't matter what you do... Vindicate holds its own...you can ban our leader and we still don't stop being Vindicate...WE make Vindicate, our faction is more than a leader...it's people who share the same vision and choose to share the same goal, willing to work hard and fight to get there…
  • b:victory kirby sing me the FRIDAY song....we gonna get down on friiiiiiday...one can only hope that butthurt or babybutthurt bid on us....*puts on her rubber gloves* *packs her tissue for the qq'rs* let's party betches!
  • I do not QQ with this...I call you all out....BRING IT... honestly...you have all had your chance at us and where are you on the map? IF you are not on the map you LOST! Don't QQ because a stronger faction pwns your ***... lol to the new tw strategy of 'banning' so no bids can be made by the STRONGER faction! LOL LOL LOL…
  • First off I wasn't aware that that ever happened...and I am sure if you reported it to a Vindicate officer you would find that you would be recompensated IF our faction actually did steal your WB...I have great faith in our leadership and officers to resolve the issues/conflicts that come up...so if it happens in the…
  • b:angrysee IF it blocks the typing in chat should it NOT ALSO ban the use of offensive words in names? HMMM wth is wrong with the thinking behind this ? Hilarious...oh and yes how about the faction named PNAS? or the one named ****? and the character named coolie_skunt?GM's tell me you seriously are not that naive to NOT…