New EPIC TW Strategy?



  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Seems to me that this is a problem across more then a few servers...

    Sadly I doubt the fail TW bidding system will be changed anytime soon though b:surrender
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Nuke_Cleric - Sanctuary
    Nuke_Cleric - Sanctuary Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I'm curious to know what do you guys from all the servers collectively think about this scenario:

    One of the top guilds on your server has both its main guild and its alt guild on the map. For the sake of simplicity, we shall call this guild ButtHurt. So there is ButtHurt, and BabyButtHurt on the map. Both guilds get attacked, and the attacks end up in the same time slot. The leader of ButtHurt then.. you guessed it, gets butthurt that he/she/it cannot defend both at the same time. So what they decide to do is mass migrate a bunch of mains from ButtHurt into BabyButtHurt so that they can keep all the lands, while at the same time mass QQing that other guilds have alt guilds on the map too.

    Then one week, ButtHurt places a bid on a land. They get outbid. So the ButtHurt leader rallies his/her/its members to send tickets reporting the other guild that outbid them for "fake bidding." Due to mass volume and epic QQ, their requests are met by the GMs, and the flock of dodos flies home cawing "victory."

    Then, in between, they decide "hey, that was super effective, why don't we employ this tactic in other venues, such as getting members of that guild that pwns us banned for either offensive names, or multiclienting, or ini editing their characters? Nevermind the fact that half of our members have ini edits, and some with offensive names (including the leader). It's us, we're the chosen people. We can do whatever the hell we want." So they do it, and again, they succeed.

    Fast forward to yet another week where ButtHurt had been outbid, most likely because their leader is too stupid or too stingy to place a sufficient bid (you'd think someone would learn, wouldn't you?), and what do they do? You guessed it! Spam the GMs with tickets claiming yet another fake bid.

    So, in total, there is a guild which has no trouble whatsoever holding its own in TW, on more than one faction, yet its leadership and member base systematically resort to the "Ban Strategy" in order to achieve their wants in TW.

    Is this cowardly? Manipulative? A gross injustice? Exploitation and abuse of the TW and ticketing system? I'll let you all decide. Feel free to discuss.

    Hmm so let me get this straight, everytime such said "ButtHurt" faction gets outbidded for whatever reasons by another faction (regardless if this faction is capable or not of standing a legitimate chance to win) they resort to using this "ticketing strategy" to get the leader of the opposing faction they bidded on banned? What if the leader of that faction had nothing to do with that other faction/s outbidding "ButtHurt"? Seems most unfair to me if this person gets banned for unjusified reasons just because "ButtHurt" faction members spammed the GMs with tickets as a strategy to stop this faction from bidding the following weeks and to discourage its members.

    Do GMs have preferences with "cashshoppers" rather then "non cashoppers or small time cashshoppers"? I think they do.

    Do GMs overlook when 'cashshoppers" break and/or abuse the system? I think they do.

    Do GMs side with the faction that holds the most 'cashshoppers' and go on banning spree
    that other players that are "non or small time cashoppers" from the opposing faction just because the cashshoppers said so? Maybe they do (I think that's what this thread is all about)

    In my most humble opinion, if "ButtHurt" can't win a legitimate bid, or get so upset over the fact that they couldn't manage to win the TW, they shouldn't resort to abusing the ticketing system (I don't think it's legal but since the gms are allied with them "the cashshopper" it becomes legal?) to the point it becomes complete and open hatred and harrassment (which is also not legal). It drains out all of the fun this game has left aka TW (hardly with so many 1shots from r9s) and the spirit of competition and fairness gets blown out of the water.

    It's all a BIG conspiracy theory and me myself think that is real as I am witnessing this patterns everyday here in Sanctuary. Shame on you GMs if this is real, you might aswell give this ppl back all the money they've spent on the game to make up for your lack of standars and they misery you've put this players through.

    I also have some wonderful ideas for this new sucky system you call "TW bidding", read below:

    Any faction that declares war on another faction territory should meet the following requierements:

    A) Faction lvl 1 should have the minimum of 40 players that meet the 100 TW hours to be able to place a bid.

    B) Faction lvl 2 should have the minimum of 80 players that meet the 100 TW hours to be able to place a bid.

    C) Faction lvl 3 should have the minimum of 160 players that meet the 100 TW hours to be able to place a bid.

    D) Only a Faction lvl 2 or higher will be able to place a bid on a Lvl 3 Faction.

    E) All bids will be announced with which faction and how much coins.

    F) The faction must have a legitimate chance to win for it not to be considered a fake bid (therefore only lvl 2 faction that can field 80 members with TW hours are allowed to place a bid on lvl 3 land-holding factions)

    This way we would make sure only serious factions with the intention of fighting are the only ones bidding, at least it should help minimize the fake bids. I haven't even worked around this idea much since I consider is so obvious and anyways, not my job.

    Dig more into an issue before letting off the Banhammer GMs and for the love of God try be a bit more unbiased, your community can see it clearly and it doesn't affect anyone else than yourselves. No wonder PWI lost over 20% of its players serverwide since the first release of anni packs LOL amoung other things.

    Hate me all you want, my 2 cents. <3 b:bye
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Which has never happened until the faction disbanded. It's just more exaggerations and QQ. And thats supposing that 99% of those TWs weren't 8 mins steam roll.

    It happened on Sanctuary every week for almost 3 months against Nef lol. And yeah, I agree the current TW bidding system is fail, it's easier to get bid blocked by other factions now...
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    This happens on my server, the leader of a 180+ person faction encourages everyone to mass submit tickets, and results are seen.

    Sometimes i really think the gms don't have clue. A faction can use out of game means + unsportsmanlike conduct to achieve advantage in game.

    Now honestly the GMS ban with discrimination. If you have cash shopped zero you are treated differently than if you've spent a lot. A veno in my faction, lvl 100 who had cash shopped zero was perm banned for account sharing with his irl brother.
  • //athan - Dreamweaver21
    //athan - Dreamweaver21 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I dont need allies to accomplish TW. But since it was brought up. It was EQ who asked almost every faction on server to gank us before our first TW with them.

    hmmm again, werent u leader of EQ then Tempest? who were ganking Calamity on purpose? and even with Dynasty?
    How is regen like TW weekend now? I almost forgot to ask? I hear your own leader goes to bootcamp TW instead.

    show against regen, and atack us, and we will see b:cute
  • leojap
    leojap Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    lets stop the QQing and play the game Aubree hmm?

    you failed with EQ, you failed with Tempest and now even with your new intandem, you make these posts on forums and make your faction look desperate.
    Once again, you only see whats in front of you and never whats ahead of you.

    If you insist on being a leader and succeeding, do so with your own accomplishments rather than trying to base your credit on making others look bad.

    you are one of the last people that should be QQing about gank; i'm just reminding you of your own values. so lets cut it out and enjoy the game.

    stop whining and enjoy the game aubree
  • Mazsi_two - Dreamweaver
    Mazsi_two - Dreamweaver Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    How is regen like TW weekend now? I almost forgot to ask? I hear your own leader goes to bootcamp TW instead.

    its happening coz we have to many ppls rdy to tw in FILL and just 1 war. our leader giving spot to members ~ b:pleased
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    hmmm again, werent u leader of EQ then Tempest? who were ganking Calamity on purpose? and even with Dynasty?

    show against regen, and atack us, and we will see b:cute

    You missed the TW we showed against regen and won? Sorry you missed that! We attack who we want. You or Andres don't control who I attack.

    @ Maz He needed give room for a no show TW LOL kk yea yea we go with that one!! It sure isn't cause they aren't sharing leadership or anything. That would never happen.

    @Ez Ajay started the ganks against Cala, or did you forget? I just continued his strategy. Now, I don't need to gank and regen does. I just find that LOLOLOLOLOLOL but you get the point. And my faction only has 160 members.

    Really I think you are all the butthurt ones cause you couldn't roll us and let alone win a 1v1. Must have damaged that ego pretty good. I do feel bad for the ones who actually want to TW in Regen. Ofc I always have room for them in my faction b:victory

    A little regen kitty did purr in my ear tonight about booty going after EQ tho.. That's interesting... Hmmmm
  • leojap
    leojap Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I had no idea who started to gank who back then.
    I was new to EQ and left not too long after cuz of the leadership that you had a big part in, did you forget?

    logically, why would regen need to gank any faction?

    come at us 1v1 again then over n over till you might figure out a way...and one day you might actually have the right to express ur ego globally.
    isnt it regen that you wanna beat so bad since i dunno when?
    why bully a rebuilding faction that you weakened by your own hands? convince me in a noble manner.
    or do you simple want to take the missing pieces on your puzzle from others?
    lets just keep in mind that they are not pawns on a chessboard.

    nonetheless, im glad you find it appealing and i honestly would like you to live your fun times to the max.
    im glad you find it as amusing as i find this post.

    good day
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Move the DW discussion to the DW forum please. That forum is boring right now and can use some drama b:laugh

    Pay attention Ty b:laugh
    I still remain convinced he was referring to the situation on RT. b:shutup

    @ Ez but you proclaim you know so well? All I hear is


    Again with the misinformation. I left EQ in Nov. Never asked anyone to go with. It isn't my problem if people felt they needed to go with me rather than stay in EQ. Jazy pm'd me like a day later asking if I would be upset she stayed. I said no ofc I wouldn't. Ask her. Biggie and Val left sometime later too. I had never asked either to leave but did say why I left. They later left and went to regen for the very same reasons. You talk so much yet no nothing? You just hear the rhetoric and take it as truth. Zero, bodine and jami etc all left before I started my faction. They went to fishies faction QQmoar. I said hey I'll get vent forums etc and we can do a TW faction there. Tell me why the leader of EQ not being able to hold their players is my fault? I may have asked 3 people I know as good players to join my faction. But I am allowed to do that. Stop crying over lost players. They have free will. The 2 I asked are still in EQ are still there. I only asked once. I don't beg. I don't brainwash. They had free will too. Am I to blame for those who went to regen? Or where does that fault lie?
  • leojap
    leojap Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    k 1 last reply.
    but you do/allow many things that make ppl want to gank you.
    so pls stop the QQ about tw and face your own cause.
    cuz your entire post is just you QQing

    tah tah b:bye
  • Fuzznutts - Sanctuary
    Fuzznutts - Sanctuary Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited June 2011

    I've thought about applying to some of the larger factions before on my server, but after skimming through all of this...........I think I'll just stay in my nice quiet faction. b:thanks
    If we always do what we've always done,
    We'll always get what we've always got~ (Unknown)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    leojap wrote: »
    k 1 last reply.
    but you do/allow many things that make ppl want to gank you.
    so pls stop the QQ about tw and face your own cause.
    cuz your entire post is just you QQing

    tah tah b:bye

    Original plan was to build then go up the left side of map. But madison came south. So what, Im going to let her attack my faction? No. She then became first enemy behind Regen. Yet she would like to pollute her faction into thinking I made this faction to attack EQ. Was not the case at all. Ask leaders of both dyna and tempest. Because they were in the area, I let them know if we were blocked I'd have to take the land to get up north to the left. Eq attacking Tempest screwed that all up and made IT the enemy to EQ when they declared war through guild base function.

    Oh Im not QQing. I feel satisfied in what I have accomplished. My faction is strong and growing stronger. The ganks only bring us more TW motivated players. Thank you. I just thought it be funny to list since there were so many other complaining of shady TW tactics. I dont mind ganked actually. Gives us more practice and higher goals.
  • leojap
    leojap Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    good for you :D
    so there is no need for further discussion

    now let's enjoy pwi b:victory
  • HeavensRage - Raging Tide
    HeavensRage - Raging Tide Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    It's sad because the only reason that this whole "exchange" can take place is because the PWE staff are incompetent, inconsistent, lazy and extremely detached from the playerbase.
  • Bloody_Evga - Sanctuary
    Bloody_Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Hmm so let me get this straight, everytime such said "ButtHurt" faction gets outbidded for whatever reasons by another faction (regardless if this faction is capable or not of standing a legitimate chance to win) they resort to using this "ticketing strategy" to get the leader of the opposing faction they bidded on banned? What if the leader of that faction had nothing to do with that other faction/s outbidding "ButtHurt"? Seems most unfair to me if this person gets banned for unjusified reasons just because "ButtHurt" faction members spammed the GMs with tickets as a strategy to stop this faction from bidding the following weeks and to discourage its members.

    Do GMs have preferences with "cashshoppers" rather then "non cashoppers or small time cashshoppers"? I think they do.

    Do GMs overlook when 'cashshoppers" break and/or abuse the system? I think they do.

    Do GMs side with the faction that holds the most 'cashshoppers' and go on banning spree
    that other players that are "non or small time cashoppers" from the opposing faction just because the cashshoppers said so? Maybe they do (I think that's what this thread is all about)

    In my most humble opinion, if "ButtHurt" can't win a legitimate bid, or get so upset over the fact that they couldn't manage to win the TW, they shouldn't resort to abusing the ticketing system (I don't think it's legal but since the gms are allied with them "the cashshopper" it becomes legal?) to the point it becomes complete and open hatred and harrassment (which is also not legal). It drains out all of the fun this game has left aka TW (hardly with so many 1shots from r9s) and the spirit of competition and fairness gets blown out of the water.

    It's all a BIG conspiracy theory and me myself think that is real as I am witnessing this patterns everyday here in Sanctuary. Shame on you GMs if this is real, you might aswell give this ppl back all the money they've spent on the game to make up for your lack of standars and they misery you've put this players through.

    I also have some wonderful ideas for this new sucky system you call "TW bidding", read below:

    Any faction that declares war on another faction territory should meet the following requierements:

    A) Faction lvl 1 should have the minimum of 40 players that meet the 100 TW hours to be able to place a bid.

    B) Faction lvl 2 should have the minimum of 80 players that meet the 100 TW hours to be able to place a bid.

    C) Faction lvl 3 should have the minimum of 160 players that meet the 100 TW hours to be able to place a bid.

    D) Only a Faction lvl 2 or higher will be able to place a bid on a Lvl 3 Faction.

    E) All bids will be announced with which faction and how much coins.

    F) The faction must have a legitimate chance to win for it not to be considered a fake bid (therefore only lvl 2 faction that can field 80 members with TW hours are allowed to place a bid on lvl 3 land-holding factions)

    This way we would make sure only serious factions with the intention of fighting are the only ones bidding, at least it should help minimize the fake bids. I haven't even worked around this idea much since I consider is so obvious and anyways, not my job.

    Dig more into an issue before letting off the Banhammer GMs and for the love of God try be a bit more unbiased, your community can see it clearly and it doesn't affect anyone else than yourselves. No wonder PWI lost over 20% of its players serverwide since the first release of anni packs LOL amoung other things.

    Hate me all you want, my 2 cents. <3 b:bye

    wall of text x.x

    but do you remember more than a year back when somebody in nef left the faction, made this own faction and did a fake bid to somewhat try to protect nef? our leader got ban too b:surrender

    i think the way pwi works is leader needs to be responsible for their members action, and there is no such thing as i didn't do it so don't blame me!
  • RealVonDutch - Sanctuary
    RealVonDutch - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Bunch of ignorant fools,

    why get a leader, lets name her mecy the veno (this is all purely hypothetical), banned so u can get easy land... Why are u in this game for PVE? dont make me laugh.

    Grow a spine and quit the ticketting when there is no obvious reason.

    Yes some members may behave "out of order" (not to be discussed) and "not decent" but they are not invincible and neither are they running from you. So get ur as.s out of this mess and stop the ignorant ticketting.

    ****'s faction won't get better by it, neiter am I.

    U know I respect most players and I am respected by most, but dont let me make a stop-the-ticketting-in-PWI-facebook page...

    I will do it!

    bunch of ***** (I pur the * there, so feel free to fill it in)
    Sins are Scissors, Psychics are Rocks, and Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.

    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock ...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE.
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Hmmm I feel so good in my non-TW faction b:victory
  • kalexia
    kalexia Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I do not QQ with this...I call you all out....BRING IT... have all had your chance at us and where are you on the map? IF you are not on the map you LOST! Don't QQ because a stronger faction pwns your ***...

    lol to the new tw strategy of 'banning' so no bids can be made by the STRONGER faction! LOL LOL LOL if you want to TW against us at least make a bid that is lose the bid cuz you bid tooooo LOW...

    Bring it you whiny betches! But make sure your faction follows ALL the rules when you bid on us...and PWI Gm's make sure you ENFORCE ALL the same rules you make Vindi's follow.

    Make sure you can win...or at least lose with some dignity and honour...

    Come get US! You CANNOT defeat us...we will rise up and kick you in the TURTLE !

    YOU BEEN SASS"D nvm rick rolled!
  • Ssapintrayas - Dreamweaver
    Ssapintrayas - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Oh the Drama isnt it heartwarming!

    Tossing arround insults, being aggressive and getting personal. Not only on the Forum but also on WC theres always a member drawing my attention with wonderfully not-provokating statements like "join us if you got unlimited credit cards!".
    Then wondering how it come the faction attracts hatred and gets ganked! Oh my!

    Maybe one needs to be out of this TW Daily-Soap to see this cause and effect?
  • ReMakaBo - Archosaur
    ReMakaBo - Archosaur Posts: 845 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I just wonder how many servers has a butthurt, and a babybutthurt faction on them. b:shutup
  • Mazsi_two - Dreamweaver
    Mazsi_two - Dreamweaver Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    @ Maz He needed give room for a no show TW LOL kk yea yea we go with that one!! It sure isn't cause they aren't sharing leadership or anything. That would never happen.

    wow sure if u wanna see it between in lines do it. i see: our leader just dont wanna be so selfish goin into every single tw, when our members have so big % show up on our side. sadly thing, is just 4-5 mins war. and no show up on other side coz ther not enough ppls rdy to kick asses? >.>

    im not saying in our faction everything perfect. but we work on it get better. dunno why its so hurt to u. u are not working on same in ur faction? if there something wrong its not coz something u faild? u know i dont rly care u guys how and where doin. i wanna enjoy my own game style, and im sure in faction there other ppls just in same. and its not fit with urs. this is why we r in different line and faction. and its all okay. would be bored if we have same mind. b:shocked

    in last line in my comment: is just a game. try to enjoy and dont stress over pls . stress make wrinkle on girl's face =/ b:flower
  • babybutthurt
    babybutthurt Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I just wonder how many servers has a butthurt, and a babybutthurt faction on them. b:shutup

    all of them. gms are too damn lazy to do anything about it too they havent even put this thread in check
  • BloodyOne - Dreamweaver
    BloodyOne - Dreamweaver Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    @ BloodyOne we have 6 lands. Compared to the 11 owned by regen or the 12 owned by :3. Yes we can say we are the underdog faction. But we also have the most potential.
    only makin another comment cause the drama ball slowed down D:
    but yea how is 6 lands on our map even remotly underdogish? i can understand if you got 1 or 2 lands callin yourself the underdog heck mabe even three lands but come on you have the third most lands on our server. b:cry 6 is such a small amount of lands these days
    b:shocked no signature
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Wait which faction is "ButtHurt" again?
    The faction submitting tickets or the faction making QQ topics on anonymous troll accounts? b:laugh
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
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  • //athan - Dreamweaver22
    //athan - Dreamweaver22 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Original plan was to build then go up the left side of map. But madison came south. So what, Im going to let her attack MY faction?

    i thought a faction was a group of ppl, but seems u just have 160 slaves , and ur the GOD b:victory

    and funny how ur proud of that "victory", not even pulling catas lol, like i said earlier, u should maybe say "we didnt lose", cause i should remind u, crystal was at what, 2-3M? with full DD squads defending in base.

    other funny fact, i remember all the wcs when IT came out, wanted to beat regen blablabla, and after this "victory" u dont atack us? i can just see ur damn ego, cause u know u cant beat us with an atack, so u just atack EQ, and u can say all the time "we won against regen :O" when some ppl answer to ur QQ posts xD

    btw, since we're talking about QQ for ganks, OMG AUBREE U GANKED EQ THIS WEEK END WITH CATFACE :O :O b:shockedb:shocked u have no honor u cant beat anything or? (was an aubree dramatisationb:laugh)

  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I dont need allies to accomplish TW.

    nope never.
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • ZAPATON - Sanctuary
    ZAPATON - Sanctuary Posts: 875 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Wait which faction is "ButtHurt" again?
    The faction submitting tickets or the faction making QQ topics on anonymous troll accounts? b:laugh

    By now I think both b:faint

    Woops, sorry all for interrupting your all-servers-all-factions QQ wars. b:shocked

    Keep going at it now b:pleased

  • BloodyOne - Dreamweaver
    BloodyOne - Dreamweaver Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    the Plume one was Tempestb:laugh
    b:shocked no signature
  • Dsholder - Dreamweaver
    Dsholder - Dreamweaver Posts: 626 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    I wonder if Intandem will no-show if Regenesis gets a 1 v 1 against them this weekend. Perhaps Aubree will go delusional and have a relapse of flash backs against the Inversion TW and start screaming and yelling for everyone to go into the Inversion TW and farm kills to make Inversion pay.

    If history does repeat itself, like it has over 3 times now, then Intandem will just try to pick off the easier targets near them, while giving land away to the stronger factions who attack them each week.

    By the way, I'm not going to hesitate if you threaten to submit false tickets against other TW powers Aubree. If that's what you'll try to win, I'm going to go ahead and let you know, none of them will be banned; instead you'll most likely end up banned for harassment.

    FYI: None of your friends are forum mods anymore, and they won't be deleting my posts anymore.

    Here is why Aubree does TW:

    TW Pay

    If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.