kaeyo Arc User


  • so basicaly, a refuge guild for all "mature" players from the 1337 speech, retardness, trolling, and what not "mature" ppl dont like lol
  • i would love to be part of such a guild >.>
  • well i always dreamed to play in game with large population of mature ppl, i think everyone likes a mature community...every body nice to each other and helping each other lol im only 16, i know im not mature in age, but i am in mentality... so if you can call mature to that too then im mature also >.>
  • exactly ...u guys are forgeting one big rule of marketing...with low prices people will buy more zen thus inceasing income, even more then having high prices...example: -> if 1 person buys 1 zen for 1 USD , and 2 people buy 1 zen each for 0.65 USD , 2 * 0,65 = 1,30 ...thats 30% more income not to mention the high amount of…
  • so...cash shop items too high and they dont seem to be changing them, every body uncomfortable about the amount of servers.... i fear to start playing the game now... and many other players will fear it too if this continues
  • yea i dont pay for f2p games...but many other players do bite that nuggets u know...and without them the game wont run...cuz its them who give donations
  • im not very into the "zen" in this game , cuz i havent start playing it yet anyway from what i hear players wont like the Zen cost unless u make it the same as PW MY or near it so for ur sake and sake of all of us this must change soon. some things i would like to point out : -if u lower the prices 1)the guys "behind" PWI…