Calling all fellow mature players!



  • wrjustus
    wrjustus Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Im 28, i feel the same way.
  • judasacolyte
    judasacolyte Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Wow, so many more people than I would have thought are older. Its quite a nice change of pace from the basic " Soz mi an mai gf was havsing secks lats nite an it wuz awsum luz!" Perhaps I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea. I'm only 18, but I'll be going to college soon, and I'm usually the mediator between parties during various disputes of many different natures, some uneccesary, some childish, and some which I would like to take sides but know it would be best not to.

    On another point, I would like to call your attention to the large number of replies we have recieved for a "Mature Guild". I believe that the simplest solution would be to make a group of affilliated guilds which all are "Allied" or share a common tag or portion of a name. I think it makes the most sense and will allow us to easily identify each other, that is, of course, if I qualify for being mature.

    On a side note, if we do end up making affilliated guilds, it would be best if we were to slot the players into them according to time zones or something similar, perhaps interests. Its just a thought. Along with that, we would name the guilds after slotting players, to allow for the collective to let their creative juices flow into the name for their personal guild.
  • kaeyo
    kaeyo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    so basicaly, a refuge guild for all "mature" players from the 1337 speech, retardness, trolling, and what not "mature" ppl dont like lol
    why not they ask...
    is cool they say...
    damn internetz
  • catica
    catica Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I posted some additional information about the guild Sinful in the guild section, for those interested in a mature guild you can read more about them here:
  • kyou
    kyou Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I guess I could join... eventually.
    Though I really don't think 21+ years of age gives you a hint of how much someone is mature.

    I know plenty of 30+ years old people that should go back to kindergarten for some additional 2-3 years. It would be better if you had written "to anyone that feels mature enough to join without angst and drama".
  • buny
    buny Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hey! I'm back again. I read all the post and would love to have anyone looking for a mature guild.

    The guild is Sinful (on pve Heaven's Tear). We want all mature players. One of our requirements is please put real life first. Most members work and have a family. So I'm hoping to have a guild where people can come after work unwind and have a family like atmosphere.

    Several people have messaged me asking about rules or policies. Please don't think I'm crazy when I say we don't have many yet. When the guild I was in on closed beta started talking about making a guild on open beta one of the things I pointed out was, most of the time I feel uncomfortable in a guild. I come in to a bunch of rules that I don't even understand where they came from. So thats why we are waiting for more members so all members can have a say so.

    Some policies that we do have.
    1. Please be mature. We haven't turned away people under 21 but we will kick you out if you can't act mature.
    3. Understand real life comes first. This isn't a race to be the highest level.
    4. Try and help all guild members with questions.
    5. Please help fellow members with FB's.

    Two MAJOR thing!!!
    6. In an fb tab holder gets the item drops...meaning 3star and molders.
    --All members must abide by this. The reason for this it makes you look good and it makes the guild look good. The more people that are happy with doing FB's with are guild the more FB's we will be able to do. We want the guild to have a good reputation in the community!
    7. NO PK! If you pk people you are out. If you are being pked defend your life if you want. No one will be forced to pk anyone.

    This is all I have for now. Message Jaded in game for more information... Also, you can try IceAngel or Cat.
    Sinful Leader
  • kyou
    kyou Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Ok, I'm convinced. Sign me in.

    I was in a guild with a frustrated little girl as a guild leader. You know how kids get when they get so-called "power" in their hands, they think they're invincible. So she has this omnipotent attitude in whatever she would say, calling people worthless and whatnot.
    I've seen it happen quite often now... Kids with no life whatsoever.

    Well, I'm sure we won't get that kind of patients in this guild, so why not :)
  • buny
    buny Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    kyou wrote: »
    I was in a guild with a frustrated little girl as a guild leader. You know how kids get when they get so-called "power" in their hands, they think they're invincible. So she has this omnipotent attitude in whatever she would say, calling people worthless and whatnot.
    I've seen it happen quite often now... Kids with no life whatsoever.

    Oh my goodness. I'm pretty level headed. Most people say I make a great leader but I tend to like to sit back and let everyone have a say so. In the event of drama I can step up and be a *insert dirty word*. Other than that I'm laid back. So just message me and I'll invite you in. Should be a Level 2 guild soon.
    Sinful Leader
  • meka87
    meka87 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    not bad am not sure am a low lvl , i just downloaded this game yesterday

    am 21 years old ... ign prop will be "Meka" or "Meka87"

    ^^ ,i would like to join an mature guild!! ^^

    Mage 1x||

    To handle yourself, use your head,
    to handle others, use your heart.;)

  • friday
    friday Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm in a small group of friends (7 of us atm) - all from Guild Wars within the same alliance, all mature with real lives that take precedence over a game, all into a laid back relaxed gaming experience. We are quirky and do tease and joke tho. I am 43, others are anywhere from 20 to 40. You will not find any of the e-drama queens in our midst. Belial, our leader, formed our guild called Nocturne on the PvE server in OB after playing CB together and deciding that PvP server was not for us.

    We would welcome any mature members, and be happy to ally with other like minded guilds. It would be a relief amoungst the general childishness, leet-speak that makes me turn off local and world chat permanently.

    Is there even an ally system here like in GW? I don't know enough yet.

    Contact myself, IFriday, or Belial, or Canis, or Finale, if you are interested in joining us or allying with us.
  • dustytiger
    dustytiger Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm 28 and a "noob". I havent even downloeded the game. I plan on doing that laiter to day. I have experiance from WOW, and alot of sigel player rpg among uther games.

    i think ther shud be a (18-21)+ server

    PM me if your a mature guild in need of low lvl players.
  • renamon
    renamon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Greetings to you ladies and gentlement

    I was in the process of searching for a guild with my brother for Mature players and/or generaly open minded ones aswell (so I can be "weird" as what I am freely :3), was thinking about sinful for a while, but I recently read that you are not much into PvP. Is that as strict as it sounds or there are exceptions to that, cause I occassionaly would enjoy a small or bigger scale PvP battle. (That also means you are not going to TW at all?) Currently still in the process of leveling myself and my pets (currently lvl 14 and a Venomancer), would be nice to meet you all.

    PS: my in-game name is the same as the forum one, just with Capital R. Also if it matters for you guys I am past 22 (for me it doesn't, anyone could be mature despite age).
    PPS: I appologise if I butchered english, it is not my first language ;3
  • scotty
    scotty Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    38 and looking for aged guild that will be territory warring eventually, limited time with work couple hours here and there and PVe server in a fledgling guild cause wife had been partying with person and they made guild but open to everything since everyone is at square one. Depren is my wiz
  • alleria
    alleria Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm going to have to agree with what a number of people here have been saying - age does not guarantee maturity. I'm played a few free MMOs before (I'd prefer to pay money for something I enjoy, not to see if I do) and found myself toiling trough guilds like nobody's business, even those who advertised that they catered for a more mature player. Like hell.

    Anyway, that's besides the point. I've actually come to PWI under the urgence of a couple of people I used to play Flyff with - none of whom is over the age of 18 - and whilst I'd like to join their guild it seems kind of pointless when I'm on the opposite side of the world to them.

    So, I guess what I'm asking is this: is there a nice, mature and generally more family-friendly guild that has players in the GMT+10 (or similiar) time zone? ;)
  • keg
    keg Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    buny wrote: »
    Hey! I'm back again. I read all the post and would love to have anyone looking for a mature guild.

    The guild is Sinful (on pve Heaven's Tear). We want all mature players. One of our requirements is please put real life first. Most members work and have a family. So I'm hoping to have a guild where people can come after work unwind and have a family like atmosphere.

    Several people have messaged me asking about rules or policies. Please don't think I'm crazy when I say we don't have many yet. When the guild I was in on closed beta started talking about making a guild on open beta one of the things I pointed out was, most of the time I feel uncomfortable in a guild. I come in to a bunch of rules that I don't even understand where they came from. So thats why we are waiting for more members so all members can have a say so.

    Some policies that we do have.
    1. Please be mature. We haven't turned away people under 21 but we will kick you out if you can't act mature.
    3. Understand real life comes first. This isn't a race to be the highest level.
    4. Try and help all guild members with questions.
    5. Please help fellow members with FB's.

    Two MAJOR thing!!!
    6. In an fb tab holder gets the item drops...meaning 3star and molders.
    --All members must abide by this. The reason for this it makes you look good and it makes the guild look good. The more people that are happy with doing FB's with are guild the more FB's we will be able to do. We want the guild to have a good reputation in the community!
    7. NO PK! If you pk people you are out. If you are being pked defend your life if you want. No one will be forced to pk anyone.

    This is all I have for now. Message Jaded in game for more information... Also, you can try IceAngel or Cat.

    Wow! This is exactly what I am looking for. I am 41 years old, working a job, raising a family, etc. I can't play 24/7 and have to play somewhat casually. I will try to message you guys for an Invite. My current main is Silversong, a Venomancer. And just so you know I am male. I played a hunter in WoW and loved the pet system, so even though I have to play a girl character I HAD to be a Veno for the similar pet system.
  • smartyelf
    smartyelf Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Wow! This is also exactly what I am looking for. I am 41 years old, working a job, raising a family, etc. I play Daily but not 24/7. I will try to message you guys for an Invite. My current main is Smarty, a cleric. Game XP includes decent level in L2 and Rappelz.
  • mogtoth
    mogtoth Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Damm, does this mean I am the oldest playing?? almost 50. Been gaming in 1 form or another for about 35 years hehehehhe.

    Would love to join up and have share some senior moments!!! Uk based. 2 toons so far Mogred and Mogtoth. Pve for me. PvP has no appeal at all
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mogtoth wrote: »
    Damm, does this mean I am the oldest playing?? almost 50. Been gaming in 1 form or another for about 35 years hehehehhe.

    Would love to join up and have share some senior moments!!! Uk based. 2 toons so far Mogred and Mogtoth. Pve for me. PvP has no appeal at all

    OMG!!! O_O what a gamer! <3 Pappy!
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • catica
    catica Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    renamon wrote: »
    was thinking about sinful for a while, but I recently read that you are not much into PvP. Is that as strict as it sounds or there are exceptions to that, cause I occassionaly would enjoy a small or bigger scale PvP battle. (That also means you are not going to TW at all?)

    Right now to my knowledge we havent decided 100% yet on what we will do with TWs, whether or not we will participate. Im sure Jaded will leave most of it up to the guild. Its pretty much a big democracy here. If the majority of the guild wants to do TW's then Im sure Jaded is going to let us.

    I dont think pvp is banned from the guild. If you and someone both agree to a fight thats fine. I think what Jaded is trying to avoid are those random pkings we all love. You know when your lvl 30 out grinding minding your own business and some lvl 50+ comes along and kills you for no reason other than because they can. This is the type of pk they dont want in the guild.
  • ryuuzaki
    ryuuzaki Posts: 680 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I don't think I'm active enough in-game to join any guilds. All of my characters are still level 1. XD

    But feel free to add Ryuuzaki to your friends lists. ^_^
  • renamon
    renamon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    catica wrote: »
    Right now to my knowledge we havent decided 100% yet on what we will do with TWs, whether or not we will participate. Im sure Jaded will leave most of it up to the guild. Its pretty much a big democracy here. If the majority of the guild wants to do TW's then Im sure Jaded is going to let us.

    I dont think pvp is banned from the guild. If you and someone both agree to a fight thats fine. I think what Jaded is trying to avoid are those random pkings we all love. You know when your lvl 30 out grinding minding your own business and some lvl 50+ comes along and kills you for no reason other than because they can. This is the type of pk they dont want in the guild.

    It is not possible on the PvE server, unless you turn the PvP shield off. I did not mean PKing by that, PvP on an even field so there is actualy challenge in it. Will PM one of you in game when I can then, if you accept any level that is. (if not then tell me the level restriction)
  • stacy019
    stacy019 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i am 25 and ive played a few others before checking this one out over the past 6 yrs including SRO, FLYFF, and WOW and a few others that didnt last, i have a lvl 12 vecro on the PVE server and am also looking for a mature guild that understands there is life outside the game :D if someone could befriend me in game and help me to find and join a guild like this i would appreciate it. my in game name is Shyy. thanks:rolleyes:
  • athalansy
    athalansy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    woah... looks like almost all of you guys are on the pve server T_T,
    I'm only 22 (i think i'm too old already ><) and i am playing on pvp server. I'm still alive after a few days on OB, ignoring world chat helps though =x. Anyway, if there's other on, feel free to give a chat. Talking to someone while doing a quest would be nice.

    Have fun

    Lost City server
  • kin
    kin Posts: 10
    edited September 2008
    Greetings. The Kin is 23 years of age, turning 24 in november on the 16th. Now granted The Kin speaks in third person on the forums as you see, however in the Game that is not the case. The character name is Kinohki and currently, the guild name is Celestial. If you wish to join, the Kin is looking for mature players that are laid back and fairly skilled, also not afraid to take on challenges or demand party setups. (Ie 1 wb, 1 veno, 1 cleric, 3 dd for Challenges etc.) But will work with unorthidox parties and all in all just have fun. Feel free to apply at the following website if you're on the Lost City server.
  • severan
    severan Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    sikozu wrote: »
    OMG!!! O_O what a gamer! <3 Pappy!

    my grandpa is 85 he plays WOW and he kicks booty there
    Sever: Lost City
    Making players RageQuit since 2004


    Hello, You have reached Severan on The RQ carebear's automated phone system
    To tell me I've got no life and I live in my mom's basement, press 1. To tell me that you are logging on your level 90 character to kick the **** out of me, press 2. To tell me that your friend is a GM and you're getting me banned, press 3. To tell me RQ is going to fail and talk more **** about RunQuick press 4. If none of these options fit your need please hold the line for idiot assistance, they will be with you shortly...
  • bcp2
    bcp2 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
  • bcp2
    bcp2 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    bcp2 wrote: »
  • severan
    severan Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    bcp2 wrote: »
    bcp2 wrote: »

    /caps off

    *oh noez the command does not work here*
    Sever: Lost City
    Making players RageQuit since 2004


    Hello, You have reached Severan on The RQ carebear's automated phone system
    To tell me I've got no life and I live in my mom's basement, press 1. To tell me that you are logging on your level 90 character to kick the **** out of me, press 2. To tell me that your friend is a GM and you're getting me banned, press 3. To tell me RQ is going to fail and talk more **** about RunQuick press 4. If none of these options fit your need please hold the line for idiot assistance, they will be with you shortly...
  • aurak
    aurak Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I am 35 still downloading game as I only found out about it to try it out seems very interesting just hope it is not one of those long grind games or I may be here awhile. Seen alot of hopefuls looking for a mature guild I am going to try out Heaven's Sent Server maybe drop Jaded a tell to join Sinful and go from there not sure what there requirements are hopefully they wont mind that I am just starting out.
  • suicidegirl
    suicidegirl Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yay I don't feel so old

    I am 28 and I play on PvE server D: ign: SuicideGirl