Calling all fellow mature players!



  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hello I'm 24 I've played on the MY server and am interested in joining a mature guild my last guild was a sub guild of a pretty successful guild however the guild chat consisted of "i like ****" and other similar pointless childish chat. I'm fairly active on the game and would like to prove that wisdom comes with age

    I'm on Heaven's Tear IGN: terrabyte
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    and a defector from MY also. I would love to join a mature guild. I have chars on both worlds and will log into the PvE world today. my chars are

    I believe I will try out the Cleric and her name is birdie if you want to message me in game. I will be looking up the sinful guild also
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I am 41 and I have been playing this game on another server. There are plenty of people that will be over 18 on here. We are forming a guild with the guild leader being Jahara. The guild cost 200k to start up and we are working on raising money. If you would like to party sometime with us message me The_Pope or Jahara and we will be happy to help you and party with you. Both of us have high lvls on the other server so this game we know pretty well. We play on the PVE server since PKERS are all young kids that are archers that do nothing but attack you when you are finishing up your mob so this way they know they can PK you.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I am a 33 male with 2 kids in grade school. Count me in... (Lost City server)

    I talk in chat to help people asking questions and try to strike mature conversation about the game.
    Please don't ignore me ;)
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I am 35 with two kids and also looking for a mature guild on the PVE server. I really want a guild that is active, likes to do fun things together and most importantly like to TALK to each other. I joined a guild on PW-MY and everyone was so quiet!

    I'm Anastase on the PVE server :)
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yeah I would be happy to join a guild like that as well, I'm actually sitting on 21 at the moment

    I'm in PvE, Elysoun is the name
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm 16, but am I mature? I couldn't say, mature has too many connotations.

    It depends all upon my day.. I have a few personalities, one more mature then the last.

    But because you're 20+ does not exclude you from the possibility of being immature.

    But what is immature? Being kiddish? If so, what is being kiddish? I could go on, but you get the point.
    IGN: Sheik
    Class: Bard
    Guild: Immortals
  • Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    betch wrote: »
    I'm 16, but am I mature? I couldn't say, mature has too many connotations.

    It depends all upon my day.. I have a few personalities, one more mature then the last.

    But because you're 20+ does not exclude you from the possibility of being immature.

    But what is immature? Being kiddish? If so, what is being kiddish? I could go on, but you get the point.

    Good ol' philosophy tricks coming out again eh? =]
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hello! I'm 27 and about to start lvl'ing, not real sure which server to go with, going to be a noob regardless of age ;) but if you say what server you are on, i'd really be interested in that ... mature... guild ;) Let me know =)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    kinetikop wrote: »
    Good ol' philosophy tricks coming out again eh? =]

    Haha yea, that's my favorite personality of all. So many things can branch off into so many ways.. Yuh know?
    IGN: Sheik
    Class: Bard
    Guild: Immortals
  • Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    betch wrote: »
    Haha yea, that's my favorite personality of all. So many things can branch off into so many ways.. Yuh know?

    Absolutely, and you can always win an argument with it as well. My family hates the fact I took just a couple classes on Philosophy, bet they would disown me if I majored in it. xD
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I am looking for something new as well, a group of mature gamers would be nice. I have been playing WoW for four years and want something differant
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Whats wrong with 16 year olds? :(
    WoW - CoH - LotRO
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm 28, from a GMT+2 timezone.

    I have a home with Radiance and so far, everything is going quite well maturity wise :) I do hope everyone finds a home they can be happy with.

    As for the under 20's responding in the thread, its not an attack on the younger players. Its just a mindset approach. Us over 20's generally have so much overhead in our lives our priorities and approaches are different. Not better, just different.

    Age has nothing to do with maturity, as many people continue to prove :) I believe, and I speak for myself, its more the older of us looking for others who share our mindset and time apprection outlook, thats all.
  • Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Turning 21 this september 14th :P
    i'm with RageQuit.

    i don't have a GF(never had one), I'm negative and i have mental issues >_> like an alter ego
    Sever: Lost City
    Making players RageQuit since 2004


    Hello, You have reached Severan on The RQ carebear's automated phone system
    To tell me I've got no life and I live in my mom's basement, press 1. To tell me that you are logging on your level 90 character to kick the **** out of me, press 2. To tell me that your friend is a GM and you're getting me banned, press 3. To tell me RQ is going to fail and talk more **** about RunQuick press 4. If none of these options fit your need please hold the line for idiot assistance, they will be with you shortly...
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Alright after less than 24 hours of being in TheEmpire I got the heck out of there. Definately not for me.

    I went back though the original posts on this thread and looked up the Sinful Guild leader Jaded and joined Sinful. I cant say how glad I am that I did. This is a VERY nice guild and more of the maturity lvl I was looking for. Adults playing a relaxing game and having fun.

    So anyone looking for a mature guild on Heavens Tear definately look for Sinful. Jaded is the guild leader and shes a bit shy so if she doesnt answer your PMs make sure you include in there your looking to join the guild :), and Im very much recommending this guild for the players out there looking for that relaxed, laid back, fun, but mature playing environment.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hey amp, add me plz ^^

    i am 41yrs old, anarchy-online veteran and looking for a guild with quit mature people in :D

    so long ^^
  • Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    27, playing on Heaven's Tear, the PvE server.

    Not sure I'll join a guild because my playing time is pretty irregular and frequently limited, but I'm going to keep an eye on this thread to see what guilds are recommended and/or formed so if I do it I'll know where to apply. :)
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well, im 20, not exactly in the age limit, but im definatly not 15. If there is a guild of nice "Mature" folks, i wouldnt mind joining myself. I would much rather be in a guild with older folks, than younger ones. (Much more successful)
    *Actual screenshot taken in game.

    IGN: Relek
    Server: Lost City

    PVE Is for Cowards b:surrender
    PVP is for the Cool people b:cool
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ok so im not 21+ but i am 20? I figured i would give it a shot being i consider myself very mature, im an archer on PvE
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I would love to join a guild with folks older then my kids too. I came here cause i got tired of all the other rpg out there. Thought I might try this one. Im on PVE though. Im not a high lvl characte so i can switch. I have just been experimenting with classes to see which one suits me the best. Let me know. Sounds like a great idea to me.:D
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Im 37 almost 38, married and have a daughter. I run a business. Im playing on the PVE server in Radiance. Most of the folks there are pretty cool. Their really into the game and have a wealth of knowledge since most came from past versions like PW-MY. I've seen a lot of folks helping each other out. Its been pleasant overall. Just feel like i have to level my **** off to keep up with the folks who have too much time on their hands;)

    Come over and hang out with us. You can find me as Danubus, lvl 19 wizard.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    well i always dreamed to play in game with large population of mature ppl, i think everyone likes a mature community...every body nice to each other and helping each other lol
    im only 16, i know im not mature in age, but i am in mentality...
    so if you can call mature to that too then im mature also >.>
    why not they ask...
    is cool they say...
    damn internetz
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hi, I'm 21, single and like long walks on the beach. My ingame name is Parshath and I'm an alcoholic. I am very adept at PVP and consider myself a master strategist (pardon my bragging but I'm... addicted to strategy games), however I prefer PVE over PVP anyday.

    I'd love to join a mature community instead of the typical "gangs" and their melodramatic behavior. I want an open minded community that'll accept me for what I am (a mad scientist is I would like to call myself), because I am known to create weird and innovative character builds (which are often very effective) that are often "outside the box" and often called "noobish" merely due to the fact the fact that they do not conform to the original nature of their jobs. Ie. a nuking Cleric, melee Venomancer, healing wizard, melee wizard, and etc. But I assure you that I put a lot of thought into my many creations (like Frankenstein (we can argue for hours and hours whether the monster was a success or failure)). (On a side note I still do play "normal" character builds and do perform on them pretty well.)

    I am a veteran of Guild Wars and loved the PVP there. However I left due to the rampant plague of immaturity and unsportsmanship among the players. Other MMOs I have played include, but are not limited to: FFXI, the Phantasy Star series, Grando Espada, Voyage Century, PW-MY, Shaiya, Mabinogi, and a vast assortment of other free-to-play MMOs. You may think I have too much time on hand, but on the contrary, I don't have the time to grind through all those games to high levels especially when the community is lacking in maturity. Out of the above list, my favorite was FFXI, the community in general was very mature and extremely helpful (until you get to the higher level elitists(Elitists ruin every game)). I only quit FFXI because all my friends either quit or moved to different servers. It gets very lonely without friends...

    I want a community open to new ideas, with a charismatic and caring leader, and a mature and helpful community base. I'm not looking for the "best" guild, nor the most "1337". I play to have fun. NO other reasons. I hate elitists and I hate people that make fun of new players and other players in general (joking among friends is all-right, I do it sometimes too (who am I kidding? I always make fun of my friends). :P (I wonder if that's why they left me... >.>))). On a more serious note, I know the importance of both being playful and business-like and the importance of the timing of which to apply either. If at times I am too playful, please correct me on this.

    I would love to join someone's community. Again my ingame name is Parshath (cleric). My time zone is Central and I'm from Wisconsin.

    PS. I am shipping out to BCT and AIT on the 17th of September and will be training for 20 weeks. After training I should be free and have my evenings free to play.

    PPS. Wheeee~! I typed up a resume!
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    33 yrs, here. I would like to be in an adult guild, even better I would like to see some of these games offering the option of playing on a 18+ server without chat censor/monitoring. There are probably many other adult players who would like the freedom of knowing that there aren't kiddies listening in on their conversations. Also I feel that more mature players have greater acceptance and respect for more personality types and viewpoints. Besides it would be nice to be able to hold serious conversations and joke and flirt with adults without having kids around. Some of the best conversational topics and humor is just not appropriate for little ears/eyes.
  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Ok well it's pretty obvious that there are a lot of people interested in a mature guild

    so i think we need to decide whether or not to create our own guild or to all join an established one

    cast your votes
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Also 30+ Age of Conan refugee from Wicanna server. Would definitely be interested in joining up with other mature players. Feel free to PM me if interested in hooking up for leveling or what have you.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i would love to be part of such a guild >.>
    why not they ask...
    is cool they say...
    damn internetz
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'd love to join. A "mature" guild would be a nice change. PvE server.

    (I laugh at **** jokes too, Ruu. xD)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    :eek: Wow, I'm amazed at how many non-teens are playing this game :D. I don't exactly qualify, but I think having a 'mature' guild would be a brilliant idea; I bet many more suitable players will emerge from the woodwork or be intrigued by the game and join you guys. It just shows how varied the PWI community is. Good luck with w/e happens.


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