kaerys Arc User


  • I heal and buff. I will be nice and heal even before aggro is taken. I will do so up to 2 deaths, because if they can't take aggro off before I die then yea...find a better squad. If the tank's hp is stable I help dd
  • My purify is high enough level to be cast from IH's max distance. I had to level it up a bit, so I never get into Wyvern's aoe range (: I've always just spammed IH on the tank and purified. I can keep up with the hp of a few other squadmates that are also in range, like bms or sins who insist on attacking -__- As for BB, I…
  • When the squad attempts to take on mobs, try to stay in the center of the action (unless there's aoe), in case you need to do a squad heal. If something goes wrong and you're far far away, and more than a few squad members are dying, there's a chance they'll die before you can be in range for everyone.
  • Thanks so much for the info! ^^ It answered my question very well.
  • 1. Playing one of the squishier classes (cleric) to around lvl 69, I can say that no, I haven't got pvped more than I expected it. The count should be around more than a dozen to a few dozen and up, but seriously, it's not that bad. It didn't stop my questing/lvling very much, although using powders and getting pked is a…
    in PVP v PVE? Comment by kaerys March 2010
  • LOL found you xDDDD If I can get PWI to work I'll pm you...
  • oh ok thanks b:victory i think i get it better now
  • That would be cool: the ability to change into the animal your true form looks like. :):):) But it's funny imagining a panda charging around, or a pink deer (for venos. wonder how they'd deal with that one XD). But then they'd have to change the skill names, like Fox Wallop to Cat Wallop or Deer Wallop.
    in True form Comment by kaerys March 2009
  • Nevermind I saw the answer in another post :p. Thx for all your efforts :). Now I have another question b:shocked Is it possible to play fox veno well if I still wear robes? Fox survivability is higher i think but with robes I will be more squishy than venos wearing armor rite>? I wear robes, but I still want to do Amplify…
  • lol I know this is random and probably not the right post, but can Undine Wenches fight on land?? I'm too lazy to keep switching water pets every time there's a quest underwater, so I am sort of thinking about leveling an Undine. ANd it'll go easier if it can fight on land. btw the Undine Wench has legs.
  • Cat. I think what you're talking about are antlers, so I guess it's a reindeer/doe/buck preset?