What's the best strategy to follow with Wyvren ?

ILubby - Raging Tide
ILubby - Raging Tide Posts: 287 Arc User
edited June 2010 in Cleric
Wyvren is that AoE physical damage boss at BH51 in the frostcoverd grounds

I have been there 3 times only and followed 3 different styles with it, they all worked but I want to be more cautious. ( I can do BB and RB )

The first time I was with another cleric ( I was doing FB, lvl 57) we just stood behind and healed + purified the tank, I had maxed IH but it didn't seem to get me out of his AoE range, so yea I was hit several times, but didn't die

The second time I was with another cleric as well (me lvl 60 and him lvl 66 ) he did BB at wyvren and said he always does that even if he's the only cleric and it worked, I was healing the tank of course and he said I can fight as well, I'm really worried about this as I read in the forums some ppl got squad wiped because of it.

The third time I was the only cleric (lvl 61) with lvl 70 tank, he went and attacked wyvren from the back saying AoE from the front is stronger o.o, okay so I went healing from the side and a psychic was with me along with other DDs, we all got hit with wyvren's AoE, I was healing the tank and sq heal every 10 seconds, the psy was healing too.

So what do you think? Got another style? I want some advice for only 1 cleric in squad :)

Post edited by ILubby - Raging Tide on


  • Frijolero - Sanctuary
    Frijolero - Sanctuary Posts: 820 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I remember that IH range is enough to keep you outside Wyvern's AoE, while purify's smaller range gets you inside AoE.

    You beign hit by it while healing makes me ponder if I am wrong. when you IH and then purify, does you cleric walks forward before casting purify? If she heals and pury without moving, it means you're not using IH at his maximum range, and that's why you are gettin' hit every time.

    I am the opinion that IH and purify is the best way to fight Wyvern. Once you start stacking heals on the tank, walk a little back and cast IH again. If she moves forward means you are at IH maixmum range, and you can keep spam healing without moving backwards again.
    When you purify, she will move a little forward (because purify has a smaller range). Move backward immediately after purify is casted and repeat the process of healing/go backwards untill you are again at IH maximum range.

    BB is a good skill that can save you on many ocasions, but is highly overrated and can get you and your squad killed if not used properly. I know Wyvern can be killed without using it,and with the reason I said before, I am strongly against its use on Wyvern unless you have a pretty good/high cleric/squad (not to mention that its use on polearm is suicide also o_0).
    Sliding we go, only fear on our side. To the edge of the wire and we rush with the tide.
    Although I'm still alive, pray to God I survive
    How long on this longest day, 'til we finally make it through.
    - June 6, 1944. The day earth stood still.
  • kaerys
    kaerys Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    My purify is high enough level to be cast from IH's max distance. I had to level it up a bit, so I never get into Wyvern's aoe range (:

    I've always just spammed IH on the tank and purified. I can keep up with the hp of a few other squadmates that are also in range, like bms or sins who insist on attacking -__-

    As for BB, I haven't used it much unless my squadmates were high lvl and they wanted it for leisure or something? I actually am not sure about the correct situations to use BB with bosses. The last time I used BB with a normal lvl 60ish squad, the barb's hp kept dropping even though he was in range. So i stopped BB and started IHing and it was fine...

    no idea about what my IGN might be lol...
    i'll put it on my sig once CB/OB Is out ^^
  • Picky - Lost City
    Picky - Lost City Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I remember that IH range is enough to keep you outside Wyvern's AoE, while purify's smaller range gets you inside AoE.

    I am the opinion that IH and purify is the best way to fight Wyvern. Once you start stacking heals on the tank, walk a little back and cast IH again. If she moves forward means you are at IH maixmum range, and you can keep spam healing without moving backwards again.
    When you purify, she will move a little forward (because purify has a smaller range). Move backward immediately after purify is casted and repeat the process of healing/go backwards untill you are again at IH maximum range.

    This worked the best for me. Every so often after purify/IH the tank depending on if there were close range or long range toons, i'd throw in a party heal for them if the aoe was getting bad.
  • ILubby - Raging Tide
    ILubby - Raging Tide Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Hmm so no BB, great, I wouldn't risk trying it lol

    Thanks guys
  • Jlora - Sanctuary
    Jlora - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    BB always works for me
  • Frijolero - Sanctuary
    Frijolero - Sanctuary Posts: 820 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    BB is a manaholic skill that makes you drink MP pots as if you were on Mardi Gras.

    For me, the 50% dmg reduction it's just not worth the cost on pots and charm you'll be using to keep it up long enough to get Wyvern killed.

    When I first started killin' Wyvern, my MP bill was 1 focus powder, wich can be get for free if you farm the mats (15 Crane Herb and 10 Salvia Root), and later on none cause my MP pool was big enough to hold a sustained fire of IHs and puryfies till boss went down without using any pot or mp regen. Just heals 'n double sparks (20% of your MP pool back FTW).
    Sliding we go, only fear on our side. To the edge of the wire and we rush with the tide.
    Although I'm still alive, pray to God I survive
    How long on this longest day, 'til we finally make it through.
    - June 6, 1944. The day earth stood still.
  • DeathBanana - Heavens Tear
    DeathBanana - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Back in the one BH days, I remember virtually every squad having the cleric BBing

    9x Demon Cleric
  • Tainte - Lost City
    Tainte - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    In the horror on my 6x's, I had my IH maxed, so I healed, and when wyvern cursed- run in, puri, run out, continue IH. I reasonably thought that it was a bad idea to BB because of his cursing, but I guess that it'd work, despite the mana eating =/

    I'd always suggest for the close ranged people to make a decision about whether or not they were going to participate, because in my experiences, many tanks disregarded they're armor and couldn't live a second with my IH. I'd normally ask them to pot it they had to, and they usually did.

    The venos also didn't want to send they're pets- they're heal wasn't out of range. So that was fine with me too.

    Somewhere along there, I maxed puri, so running in and running out didn't exist anymore. Got a lot easier- or maybe it was just the squads being less fail b:chuckle
  • ILubby - Raging Tide
    ILubby - Raging Tide Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Today I went on BH and the BM told me to BB and he will corner wyvren and tank it, I did exactly what he said and we both got killed, he said he couldn't keep aggro because he missed 6 times.....horrible experience!

    So we did it again with the old fashioned style, sorry BB b:surrender
  • Bubblegumdoc - Harshlands
    Bubblegumdoc - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I was recently cleric in my own FB51,

    Wyvern i found can be tanked by a 58 BM with 51 cleric and no purify,

    Wyvern did not aoe during my FB as the BM tanking was the only mele class in the squad,
    everyone else were ranged DDs,

    I have since tested this theory 6 times, and found that the wyvern doent AOE when only one mele class is tanking and is in close, b:pleased

    I also have found that it serves no purpose to turn wyvern round at all, and hate any TANK who does so, especially when he puts the mob between mimself and I putting me into AOE range to heal, b:angry
  • Bubblegumdoc - Harshlands
    Bubblegumdoc - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I was recently cleric in my own FB51,

    Wyvern i found can be tanked by a 58 BM with 51 cleric and no purify,

    Wyvern did not aoe during my FB as the BM tanking was the only mele class in the squad,
    everyone else were ranged DDs.

    I have since tested this theory 6 times, and found that the wyvern doent AOE when only one mele class is tanking and is in close. b:pleased

    I also have found that it serves no purpose to turn wyvern round at all (AOE hits me for 900to 1k) and hate any TANK who does so, especially when he puts the mob between himself and I putting me into AOE range to heal. b:angry

    * oopsie double post please remove
  • ILubby - Raging Tide
    ILubby - Raging Tide Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I was recently cleric in my own FB51,

    Wyvern i found can be tanked by a 58 BM with 51 cleric and no purify,

    Wyvern did not aoe during my FB as the BM tanking was the only mele class in the squad,
    everyone else were ranged DDs,

    I have since tested this theory 6 times, and found that the wyvern doent AOE when only one mele class is tanking and is in close, b:pleased

    I also have found that it serves no purpose to turn wyvern round at all, and hate any TANK who does so, especially when he puts the mob between mimself and I putting me into AOE range to heal, b:angry

    Hmmmm that could work, but try telling that to the squad when there's a BM and a tank and some sins, they will all refuse ' not to fight ', so yea, extra heals for me and more pots to burn while none of the squad even bother with using a HP pot at all, they always wait for me to miraculously leave the tank and IH them, just WTF come on I burn like 15-25 pots every run, I get asked for 3 star and molds if I get them and the tanks start attacking bosses while I'm meditating b:cryb:cry this is so unfair
  • Qingzi - Harshlands
    Qingzi - Harshlands Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I was recently cleric in my own FB51,

    Wyvern i found can be tanked by a 58 BM with 51 cleric and no purify,

    Wyvern did not aoe during my FB as the BM tanking was the only mele class in the squad,
    everyone else were ranged DDs,

    I have since tested this theory 6 times, and found that the wyvern doent AOE when only one mele class is tanking and is in close, b:pleased

    I also have found that it serves no purpose to turn wyvern round at all, and hate any TANK who does so, especially when he puts the mob between mimself and I putting me into AOE range to heal, b:angry

    Yes, he does use AoE even when only 1 is melee, it's just that the melee is the only one who's hit by it since it's 23-25m (not sure which) wide
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Back in the one BH days, I remember virtually every squad having the cleric BBing

    me too :)
    actually - i more often as not had bm tank, so it was damage reduction that was most important, not heals or puris. but i could heal and puri barb from outside aoe range, that means ih and puri maxed for level ARE enough
    i think bb or not bb depends of who is in squad, ie sin dd may need bb too even if tank himself doesnt
    and yes - i was killed in bb few times, wyvern is one mean @#!$%$^
  • Grego - Raging Tide
    Grego - Raging Tide Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    BB or not to BB there is a question!

    BB effectiveness depends on the amount of Base Magic Damage your character have (20% of it goes to Hp every 5 seconds). So if u have highest of BMDg maybe u have success to BB against Wyvern being the only one Cleric in squad. But maybe is not enough in my opinion, therefore u should decide what mode u gonna choose, between a safe one or risky one.

    I try BBing Wyvern and fail twice, i choose IH-Purify because this is 100% safe for me.