jynxxx Arc User


  • i lag every where too and its not just spikes in west arch i get about 300-450 ping but as soon as i enter combat it goes thru the roof ive even seen it as high as 2600!!!!!!
  • wow u seriously dont get it THIS GAME ISNT ONLY IN CHINA!!!!! and to top it off most of the money coming in from the USERS of this game are from AMERICA and even then the game leans towards the males and the females get screwed a male has 2 b the 1 to tie the knott a male can carry a female but a female cant life more than…
  • Hello every1!!!!!!!! ok so i have been playing this game for a long time and i see soooooo many ppl that want same-sex marriages/embrace for soooo many different reasons!!!!! I personally hav some1 that i really like but he plays a veno and since im a girl we cant get married which i think is unfair!!! so what if in china…