jingoku Arc User


  • That particular page only seems to function properly in Firefox from what I've seen.
  • Would an Inferior Cactus make for a comparable luring pet when leveled evenly beside an Eldergoth Marksman? It seems that at level 50 the overall stats of both are very comparable with the Cactopod having slightly more attack, pdef, and mdef, while having a little less health, and a little less movement speed. Anyone use a…
  • Ah nevermind I found the answer to my problem in another thread. Apparently you have to abandon the other quests you received from the various npcs regarding extension (safe extension, inventory extension, etc), before it will allow you to get the next collection quest from the banker. b:victory
  • I abandoned the quest like you said, but the banker doesn't give me another quest for the next tier of "collect items?" So am I just SOL on another 8 bank slots?
  • Wow thanks, you rock. Also thanks to everyone to contributed to this thread, there's a lot of great info here. b:thanks
  • Is there any chance that anyone who's leveling a beetle has a Tuskmoor in the same level range? I'm awfully curious as to how the two compare at even levels. I haven't been able to test it myself personally but based on bobbeh's post here it appears that Tuskmoors are underrated tank pets as well.