imakeyouqq Arc User


  • Diah !!!!! b:angry
  • Ast's the jester,strife's an entertainer too...a half naked dancer for the queen and the secret lover of the general. We all know I was one of those epic,elite warriors b:victory ,just like that.b:cool . K....enough epic talking though :P
  • MEEEEE ,what's nicer than taunting ppl in pk/TW and making them Q_Q or SZ hug b:sin . Drama b:dirty !
  • Lawl ,haha ... simple and yet so true b:victory .
  • Don't worry,your still in a hated faction b:chuckle .
  • Actually you had the same importance as mil had. Remember no1 is perfect and what mil lacked ,you made up for , and that is mil's hatred towards anything pvp related. Some1 to make the TW plans and take care of that part of the faction was needed. Let's try to sound more epic shall we ? :P : We can say that mil was the…
  • Well byno is flat chested,unlike you so If that's the case I'd say big boobies for the win b:sin !!! Butttt then again byno's actually a real chick ,while your gender remains unknown to me ,though pixel avatar speaking you >>> byno ofc xD . Though character with big boobies usually means that there's a behind the PC :P
  • Pffffff ,rich zhen chargers don't need to be given stuff !!! b:chuckle
  • The old swoosh probably, I used to ask her questions about the wiz class back when I was a newbie since she played it MY-EN version. The current swoosh used to ask me questions :P
  • Hellz no !!! I did say I'd keep trolling forums just like xAsch does. I'll even make sure I won't be back in case of whatever urge I'll have to do so by giving my all my gears and items to some1 worthy *cough*once my account is unbanned. Your gonna loose your gears decepti!!!!
  • LOL wait wait wait,you went to harshlands before?I never though you had some hidden pvp blood in you. And yes that's all thx to my stupid laziness of restarting again + lots of friends here......I <3 my faction as well as the fact that steel was still around then so pk wasn't actually lame like now. I did **** up AGAIN…
  • Ermm...what are you talking about ? And vince was never in nef,is this a wrong post? Hey,we pvpers sacrifice allot of GAs and charms and time to lvl fast like others,it's normal that we should get something,the pvp fun alone of this game is too damn costly,turning fun pvp into more than just that is more interesting…
  • Well that's a common thing since most of the class guides are made from ppl on PVP servers,and there we go ,yet another reason on why PVPers > PVErs when it come's to fame b:victory . Like I said ,I've been reading wiz pvp guides from ppl from PVP servers,not PVE and watching vids of those fights. Same with other classes…
  • Orrrrr do what I and others did,quit and just troll forums :P Or you can hope for new servers to be out after this "event" is over. <it's ayano btw.
  • Ermmm...Herne you can't delta till 86 b:laugh .
  • That guy's from another server zu zu,we're talking about sanctuary clerics here . And kaggy? Kaggy was a good pker but wasn't close to vince's level of skill. Her problem was that she was always too reckless,for being a pure mag build one should act much more carefully. But I guess she should be on the legends of sanctuary…
  • Because it's pretty!!! b:dirty
  • Oh I'll have to disagree with you zu zu, I forgot about some1 : Vincent_son - best pvp cleric on sanctuary and good in pve as well.Fast reactions,knowing what to do,who to take out 1st w/o being told to do so,like I usually have to tell every1 in my squad what to do when pking...kill who etc which is annoying when being…
  • Pshhhh!!! You see 2 nef barbs chasing one supposedly "squishi"(LA build ftw b:victory ) wiz and you felt terrible helping to keeeel? b:angry Ihu Ast b:cry . Oh yea here's another regret : Not being able to turn Ast into a bad **** pker. Now there's no1 left to keep your carebear instincts down.
  • Oh ya,thx for reminding me holy,here's another for accomplishment for me too : Seeing Ast pk for the 1st time. But honestly about PVP....I wonder if this is true in all MMOs : it's usually the 17-26 year olds that like to pvp allot. Almost any1 beyond that age which I've met never really cared much about it.
  • As a zhen charger yourself I'd expect you to say something like this.... But give us college students/high schoolers a break b:surrender . We come in peace!!!!!!
  • I tried to bring him down as much as I could but he didn't go all the way down to reach the players and AOE them b:cry . Oh ya btw,about pvpers having more fame than others .... well all I can say is: "The selfish blood run's through my veins,I gave up everything for fame!" Innerpartysystem > don't stop <3 the song,most…
  • It's banned lulz,I lured jewels to lost and advertised it in wc just cuz I didn't care anymore since the last patch.Whatever happens to my character doesn't concern me anymore.
  • The pvpers will always shine over the carebears,fighting another human behind the PC take's allot more skill than just an npc . + in this game you waste allot of coins pvping so it's only natural that the ppl who do it will attract crowds. I need not say that I'd probably have uber gears and be super rich by now if I never…
  • Best thing is for new servers (pve/pvp) to come out so that ppl can start fresh.
  • Ast is sad cuz SHE* didn't see HER* name on that list. Here I'll do ittttttttt !!!!!! Asterelle(fitting color ain't it? :D ) - Official PWI jester,pro forum troll,huge archer fan,girl at heart b:cute,flat chested character. Was leader of legendary since Akasera passed it to him till the anniversary packs.
  • Back to what? ( Go ask around or read about the last patch :P ).
  • Lol >>> this is getting kinda off topic .
  • I'm sry to say that you are a super idiot if you didn't realize that I was referring to nef as the only faction in our server that can just recruit new members on wc(especially rich ones ,don't make me gives names) and just zerg their opponents due to their superior lvls/gears. It just works for them but that doesn't mean…
  • New players won't make a difference,maybe a very few exceptions but that's it; I personally haven't seen many myself. The old,core of legendary is getting smaller and smaller . What truly made us shine was our trust and work between these members,that did well both individually in-game + took the time to document…