hypertrophy Arc User


  • I found out the hard way that you need to choose one or the other. They do not allow enough spirit to do both. If you try and get skills for tiger and human form, both forms will end up weak. At level 45 I realized this and went strictly tiger and realized just how strong the tiger form gets at high level and it's not that…
  • Well, I just mean, grinding/questing in general. Doesn't really matter what I am doing. I do change spots frequently, but in many cases, I find a new spot that is empty, and a veno/psychic eventually finds me again and it's the same thing. Moving spots so many times will drag out my leveling even more. :/ It's too bad. I…
  • Wonderful. I have a Zeal and read that I should get rid of the skill the genie comes with because yuo can only have 4 total. Until I read that, I HAD been using Earthflame as a pulling method. I guess I just screwed myself out of that one. Is there another option I have now?
  • Yeah, it wasn't until a while after posting this I realized I didn't post up what I wanted to get out of the genie. I am looking for something that can help me tank a little better. Perhaps even an AoE would be nice. Class is a Barb Alpha Male and Cloud eruption look good. I was also looking at Tai Chi, Second Wind and…
  • Buy one from a merchant. You will notice that merchants have a few categories to choose from, like "Gems" etc that you can click on to see additional items. BTW, you can choose to do all of them, you don't have to do just one. :)
  • Ohhh, I see now. I just found the number "Stam 50/99999999" So why do they say "HP too low" if they meant stam? That is confusing for a new player.
  • I was under the impression stam was that gauge I am seeing on her gauge as full and was wondering why it wouldn't let me use her. So I misread it?
  • Another thing I can't seem to find is what to do with the stat points. I pumped them in to magic for my genie, because I was clueless, then it tells me one day "Does not have enough HP" and I can no longer use her skills. This genie thing seems WAY more complicated than it should be.
  • My graphics card isn't crappy, but still experience the issue. It's only certain angles that I notice it happening. The biggest issue I have is every time I jump with my Sin, his pants fall down. A bit funny at first, but now it's annoying.
  • I see. Is this a sticking point for most classes? Seems the mobs get considerably harder in just a couple levels.