hyoryujin Arc User


  • Id say a good aim is to get to the highest level, get into a really good faction, then try to win over all the territories and become the Emperors and Empresses of PWI.
  • Well they should at least let it be able to pick up items. Or since they cant grow by leveling since thats only for Veno battle pets, maybe it can grow over in game time until it gets old enough to be a mount?
  • U guys know what they should do? They should like let the cerberus pup be able to lv up. Like at first it just goes around with you but at a certain lv it gains the ability to pick up items, then at a higher certain lv its able to fight with you and so on. I dont think its cool to have the pup of a freakin Cerberus be that…
  • In my own humble opinion, everyone has their own ways of doing things. Everyone has their own ways of managing with an assassin.
  • I agree. There should be more customization for the beast/barbarian part. And turning into a tiger for EVERY barbarian creature, that makes no sense. Creature should change into there own creatures. Panda=Panda, Wolf=Big Wolf/4legged lycan, tiger=white tiger, and etc. Ive also as many of u thought of a lizard character,…