howdositfeel Arc User


  • well lets see there are tanks, healers,archers,magicians,clerics and some other ones, now all they need are some warlocs, mages, shaman,rogues,and the # 1 will be Paladins. cause they will be able to be protection, holy healer,or DPS. hahahahahah!!!!! well it would make the game more fun with a paladin,, as far as gear…
  • tank.. something to think about. does the tank have to be protection spec. or can it be a DPS barb.?
  • i must agree that they should be banned the first time someone botts and gets nailed doing it . Blizzard is not so kind to players that break policy. but then again this is not blizz. and a 3day ban will do.. but it should not be a 3 day . it should be for good.what taked an average player to achieve in 2 months it taked a…
  • this is going to be fun.. first time playing this game hope i do good ion heals .. i'm a world of warcraft junky. i have a lvl 80 Holy Paladin. this will be hope..