hollychaos Arc User


  • that almost rhymedb:heartb:kiss
  • If My previous post seemed like it was refering to someone or to a previous event, it never was intended to be like it. sorry u understood it that way. I wasn't judging, I was just saying that maybe they shouldnt give the responsibility of picking the representing team to someone but maybe find a way to make it the less…
  • This will start looooots of drama (speaking of HT server only) and if we have to set up a kind of "team" that will represent our server and fight in the server wars, am sure the person who will pick players will be very biased and wont pick people based on their PVP skills only.
  • we'll miss u jim, u were one of the greatest barbs on server and playing with u was a lot of fun. Wishing u the best in whatever u do. love u and big hugs to drionnab:kiss
  • What Asterelle said is true, I remember few months ago (as far as I can recall I think it was before the imperial fury expansion, correct me if am wrong), Gold prices reached 2M-2.2M per gold on HT server but still we could buy things more easily than nowadays because even with the high priced gold, the items were cheap to…
  • It's sad to hear that, may he rest in peace, my sincere condolences to his girlfriend and family...
  • lolololol 5 b:laugh been reading this post, I guess we will never get a GM's answer or update on the issue, and I also think that they want us to "forget" about it. Anyway, I really dont care anymore about what they're willing/gonna/not gonna do about it. Not the first time they promised something and didnt kept their…
  • what Takeva said.b:mischievous
  • I dont see why casters would be considered as hypocrites. Casters do have less chances to farm good money in this game. Cmon we cant solo TT, we cant solo nirvy, (which are actually the two instances that gives the more money in this game, dont mention grinding on mobs we all done it but its not what will make us able to…
  • WHERE'S MY DOUBLE DROOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!b:sad b:surrender b:laugh