Caster Nirv



  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Well suck weapon shouldn't be a hindrance much longer...with the PvE weapons and all...
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver
    ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I am so tired of the hypocrites. All the casters whine and cry that no one wants them in regular Nirvana. (I take them myself by that isn't the point). They whine that people only want aps or that casters are too slow casting etc. What I continue to see is this:

    Casters asking for peoples weapon refines in world chat and them only wanting specific classes to go on caster Nirvanas.

    I'd like to know how this is ANY different from the people doing regular Nirvana discriminating against those who do not have aps or highly refined weapons? Its a double standard and I don't see why anyone would continue to complain that they aren't a caster wanted for regular Nirvana when they are specific in the weapon refine and type of caster they want for caster Nirvana.

    Quit being hypocrites people!

    1st, caster nirvana is more difficult than normal
    2nd, for normal nirv, if 2 ppl pm u, would u rather go with +10 or +2?
    3rd u need specific classes, for example some boss just buff his physical attack and start doing physical aoe. if u dont purge it, average arcanes go poof
    4th (this one is personal) it also show how ppl work. TT99 is almost free, if u dont even have it, sorry but ur fail. shows that u dont work for ur gears. or u know that person farmed enough to get like 2-3 R8, but is still with TT90 or TT99. shuld focus on gears before fashs or mounts :o
  • alexander4you
    alexander4you Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    The truth is that never will be a balance in classes if the caster vana will be limited and normal vana not...When the Nirvana Talismans will have no timer and can be stacked like Nirvana Keys u can have a balance...Now everyone make aps sins and BMs for SPAM vana and thats not even balance! Thanks !
  • Eniyo - Raging Tide
    Eniyo - Raging Tide Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    That run we did with an archer went rather well and quite fun. He was concerned that his channeling was too slow but hey, everyone's channeling seems like it's kind of slow when bosses take a while to die.

    Also I've been in all types of NV caster parties. Last one had 4 wizards,an EP and a veno. We did pretty good there too. I suppose what matters is is how well geared we are and how we use pots, charms and our genie.

    Oh cool, I didn't know that archers had metal skills. Good to know. So far no archer pm'd me yet, so I've never been on a run with one whenever I made a squad. If one day an archer pms me it will be fun >:D

    Personally I like seekers with me in caster nirv. No idea why noone mentioned them before here b:chuckle. Whenever I go with my friend seeker and some others it's super fast. I'm not that much of a fan of "conventional" squads anyways. As long as they do their job, it's fine.
    I've seen some pretty fail wizzies and whatnot and I'd always prefer some non-fail unconventional class with me rather than some fail wanted class anytime.
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    1st, caster nirvana is more difficult than normal
    2nd, for normal nirv, if 2 ppl pm u, would u rather go with +10 or +2?
    3rd u need specific classes, for example some boss just buff his physical attack and start doing physical aoe. if u dont purge it, average arcanes go poof
    4th (this one is personal) it also show how ppl work. TT99 is almost free, if u dont even have it, sorry but ur fail. shows that u dont work for ur gears. or u know that person farmed enough to get like 2-3 R8, but is still with TT90 or TT99. shuld focus on gears before fashs or mounts :o

    1. I've heard from numerous casters that its easier than regular Nirvana. I've never been, obviously; so I don't know.
    2. If you aren't asking about their weapon, you wouldn't know weather they have a +10 or a +2. This goes back to the hypocrisy of it all.
    3. Sounds like its more of an issue with HP, not class specific.
    4. Again we aren't talking about gears, the topic at hand is the fact that casters all whine and complain that no one wants them in regular Nirvana and have specific things they want for squads. When in turn you guys are doing the same exact thing for casters.
    Oh cool, I didn't know that archers had metal skills. Good to know. So far no archer pm'd me yet, so I've never been on a run with one whenever I made a squad. If one day an archer pms me it will be fun >:D

    Personally I like seekers with me in caster nirv. No idea why noone mentioned them before here b:chuckle. Whenever I go with my friend seeker and some others it's super fast. I'm not that much of a fan of "conventional" squads anyways. As long as they do their job, it's fine.
    I've seen some pretty fail wizzies and whatnot and I'd always prefer some non-fail unconventional class with me rather than some fail wanted class anytime.

    Archers also have a metal debuff. Which makes the target take a lot more metal damage. Which is good because at least 1 other class does metal damage! I know that a lot of people only see archers spam arrows and rarely use skills, but archers have some pretty awesome skills if given the chance to use them.
  • Takeva - Heavens Tear
    Takeva - Heavens Tear Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    The thread is about a double standard, not about refines. I think you missed the point of it.

    No they didn't miss the point. You did say we are hypocrites for asking for weapon links and refines and such. I do get why you are saying that but there is a reason. Your also trying to make it seem like we are excluding other caster classes though. I do get why you are saying that but there is a reason. But I think every caster class is wanted in caster nirvana.

    Cleric = Heals, magic debuff, and DD
    Mystic = Heals, plants, res buff, DD, and sometimes pet
    Veno = Amp, purge, and DD
    Wizard = Undine strike, and DD
    Psychic = HP regeneration debuff, DD, heals (optional: purify) and something else
    (If I missed something sorry but I don't fully know all the classes skills and such that is needed)

    A lot of people don't know but Archers are really decent in Casters. It's really interesting and awesome when they know everything about their class. They have magic attacks to.
    Seekers are also really good when paired up with a couple of wizards and/or psys.

    I don't know if it's a rumor but I do believe that no form of physical attacks are to be used. I've had a seeker in squad who your vortex on third boss. It was great for the adds that pop up but the boss was aoeing like a mad person. Died only once though. But third, forth and last boss are all like this. They have times where they randomly go frenzy mode and attacks get harder.

    Having a good weapon is a must. You can't help anyone with a level 90 gear and little HP. Third boss has aoe and adds that pop up on players who gives a defense debuff and can one hit you. If the clerics die it's basically a squad wipe but most of the time someone can hold until cleric can try to get everyone up (mystic res buff helps here)

    Fourth boss at first may seem easy at first but he does an attack where he comes up to you, then a red ring will form around him and he will do a serious number of aoe attacks. First round of attacks won't do much damage if you have decent gear for 100. After a while his aoe attacks hit harder and harder and last longer. He also poisons and puts mana drain on you.

    Fifth and final boss is all about who can spark the most. This is basically where you have to have wizards and psychics. You must take this boss down fast or he does an aoe that will kill the entire squad. I like this boss because once and a while he will give full sparks but he only does this about 6 times after that you have about 2 mins to take him down. He will use an HP debuff that decreases your HP and use an aoe attack that will kill the entire squad. He also has adds that need to be taken care of fast. If you don't take out the adds they will interrupt skills like cleric BB that has to be up. If anyone dies the boss will recover a good amount of HP. If more then one person dies don't even bother trying to kill him. Just reset him and try again.

    It's really not easy. I've died randomly so many times on the third boss. Hate her so much b:angry

  • Takeva - Heavens Tear
    Takeva - Heavens Tear Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    1. I've heard from numerous casters that its easier than regular Nirvana. I've never been, obviously; so I don't know.
    2. If you aren't asking about their weapon, you wouldn't know weather they have a +10 or a +2. This goes back to the hypocrisy of it all.
    3. Sounds like its more of an issue with HP, not class specific.
    4. Again we aren't talking about gears, the topic at hand is the fact that casters all whine and complain that no one wants them in regular Nirvana and have specific things they want for squads. When in turn you guys are doing the same exact thing for casters.

    Archers also have a metal debuff. Which makes the target take a lot more metal damage. Which is good because at least 1 other class does metal damage! I know that a lot of people only see archers spam arrows and rarely use skills, but archers have some pretty awesome skills if given the chance to use them.

    The difference with this is. We aren't excluding others because of what class you are that are able to come. If you gear is up to the standard that is needed then come along. We never really complain about "Oh they won't let me come because of my weapon and gear." We complained because we are rejected because of our class.

    Sorry for double post D:

    EDIT: Also the guy about the +2 and +10. I would take the +2 because obviously that person needs money to refine. I know some think getting to +5 is easy with tisha stones and the such. But I have really bad luck with those. I had to buy orbs to refine my weapon.
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    The difference with this is. We aren't excluding others because of what class you are that are able to come. If you gear is up to the standard that is needed then come along. We never really complain about "Oh they won't let me come because of my weapon and gear." We complained because we are rejected because of our class.

    Sorry for double post D:

    EDIT: Also the guy about the +2 and +10. I would take the +2 because obviously that person needs money to refine. I know some think getting to +5 is easy with tisha stones and the such. But I have really bad luck with those. I had to buy orbs to refine my weapon.

    I agree. In a "perfect world" it would be nice to see all the rank 9 and 5 aps people taking at least one person with very low refines and bad gear with them. Obviously they need the money. Personally for me, Nirvana is about spending time with my friends and socializing WHILE making money. Is it nice to blow through there in 7-10 mins, yes. But it is even nicer going through in 20-25 and have that personal contact with people. There is more to life than making money, and for some reason I believe the same about inside this game. More to it than just "making money"
  • Escorian - Dreamweaver
    Escorian - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    >.> I wanna say this aps mindset people are complete idiots. I have run into a sin with rank 8 gear on and hook and thorn +10..... seriously.... your 100 and your using daggers that are level 80? just because of the aps? and on top of that you refine them to +10.....

    anyways.... I have seen Caster Nirvana done with people in rank 8+5 (and less) and only 1 rank 9 person.... Gear doesn't have a major factor in caster nirvana unless it comes to killing faster. You magic users saying that you need +10 and stuff is just stupid you only want the high refines because you want it done fast just like aps users.

    Also a few have stated that you guys are excluding based on gear not class so it's different. all i have to say to this is BULL ****ING **** it is the same exact thing you are excluding others based solely on the fact that you want your run done faster. Excluding a class/excluding based on gear is the same exact thing.

    Oh and before you cry saying im a bm yeah I am a 5.0 sage bm with +5 deicides who takes Caster's in Normal Nirvana.
    ty Nowitsawn

    Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    >.> I wanna say this aps mindset people are complete idiots. I have run into a sin with rank 8 gear on and hook and thorn +10..... seriously.... your 100 and your using daggers that are level 80? just because of the aps? and on top of that you refine them to +10.....

    anyways.... I have seen Caster Nirvana done with people in rank 8+5 (and less) and only 1 rank 9 person.... Gear doesn't have a major factor in caster nirvana unless it comes to killing faster. You magic users saying that you need +10 and stuff is just stupid you only want the high refines because you want it done fast just like aps users.

    ^^THIS^^ I concur, this is why I made this whole thread! They just dont' want to admit it.

    Also a few have stated that you guys are excluding based on gear not class so it's different. all i have to say to this is BULL ****ING **** it is the same exact thing you are excluding others based solely on the fact that you want your run done faster. Excluding a class/excluding based on gear is the same exact thing.

    ^^Hypocrisy at its finest^^

    Oh and before you cry saying im a bm yeah I am a 5.0 sage bm with +5 deicides who takes Caster's in Normal Nirvana.

    So do I... so do I...

    5 chars
  • FayHumming - Dreamweaver
    FayHumming - Dreamweaver Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    1st, caster nirvana is more difficult than normal
    2nd, for normal nirv, if 2 ppl pm u, would u rather go with +10 or +2?
    3rd u need specific classes, for example some boss just buff his physical attack and start doing physical aoe. if u dont purge it, average arcanes go poof
    4th (this one is personal) it also show how ppl work. TT99 is almost free, if u dont even have it, sorry but ur fail. shows that u dont work for ur gears. or u know that person farmed enough to get like 2-3 R8, but is still with TT90 or TT99. shuld focus on gears before fashs or mounts :o

    1.Some boss
    2.b:chuckletake any from +4 and higher
    4.bez u weak and QQ
    the survival of the fittest

    -Thx all suport sell me SoW for 5M b:thanks tome/ring
  • hollychaos
    hollychaos Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I dont see why casters would be considered as hypocrites. Casters do have less chances to farm good money in this game. Cmon we cant solo TT, we cant solo nirvy, (which are actually the two instances that gives the more money in this game, dont mention grinding on mobs we all done it but its not what will make us able to pay for our R9..) we depend a lot on other melee classes IF they are generous enough to bring us with them to any instance. I am a cleric and I say that so I cant imagine how its much worse for some mage classes like psychics and wizards etc..
    Anyway for the caster nirvana issue I always ask for weapon, not because I wanna run with an OP squad but mainly because of two reasons:

    1. (it has been stated before) caster nirvy is pretty harder than normal, bosses have phys debuffs, AOEs, Adds, and final boss needs a good DD power to be taken down before he starts going berzerk and pretty much one shots everyone.

    2. Me and some friends have noticed that some times, some people had caster alts that they geared with really "****" gear just to be able to run caster. (when I say **** gear trust me I mean it, it can go from the one star ornaments and 3stars capes etc...)

    This being said and I hope you will take into consideration the first point because its not just some reason we give to justify being picky on gear or classes, we are complaining about normal nirvana because it is true, wc is spammed with (LF +10 5APS BM/SIN FOR 4 MEN NIRVY PM ME PLZ)
    thats when its not duo or 3 men or solo :)
    and when I hear about people farming 800M in 8 days (I wont mention who) just because the person was spam farming TT and nirvy and that's a thing we barely could dream of as casters because our classes do not have the ability to do that. I pretty much understand all the QQing.
    caster nirvana was and is the only thing that can bring us some profit in this game, I personnally love it and many casters do. The glitch in it helped us a lot but even with the glitch we weren't making as much profit as other classes. Now that we cant farm it as much as before we feel like our main source of money has been taken away.
    anyway hope I was clear enough, take care nd cya in gameb:bye
  • Takeva - Heavens Tear
    Takeva - Heavens Tear Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    >.> I wanna say this aps mindset people are complete idiots. I have run into a sin with rank 8 gear on and hook and thorn +10..... seriously.... your 100 and your using daggers that are level 80? just because of the aps? and on top of that you refine them to +10.....

    anyways.... I have seen Caster Nirvana done with people in rank 8+5 (and less) and only 1 rank 9 person.... Gear doesn't have a major factor in caster nirvana unless it comes to killing faster. You magic users saying that you need +10 and stuff is just stupid you only want the high refines because you want it done fast just like aps users.

    Most I've seen is people asking for tt99+ if they asking for r8 higher then that's really rare to me and annoying.

    Also a few have stated that you guys are excluding based on gear not class so it's different. all i have to say to this is BULL ****ING **** it is the same exact thing you are excluding others based solely on the fact that you want your run done faster. Excluding a class/excluding based on gear is the same exact thing.

    I think there is a difference. Excluding a certain class to me is like excluding a whole entire race just because they aren't useful. I'd rather be judge by my gear then to be judge by my class. At least with my gear there is a chance to work on that. But to not want me because I'm a wizard. And the only answer people can give me is to get over it and reroll and aps class?

    Oh and before you cry saying im a bm yeah I am a 5.0 sage bm with +5 deicides who takes Caster's in Normal Nirvana.

    That's nice but your only one of the few who do. Also try asking some of your caster buddies what is needed for caster nirvana

    Comments in Cyan.

    But believe me I do get where this mindset that some casters are hypocrites. But that's not majority. It will spread to majority one day, like the guy who said he'd take the +10 instead of +2. Basically lost the argument there. I'm happy as long as the weapon is tt99+.
  • TheDendra - Harshlands
    TheDendra - Harshlands Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    For the love of god, will you aps noobs stop trying to look smart if you have no idea what you are talking about?

    "anyways.... I have seen Caster Nirvana done with people in rank 8+5 (and less) and only 1 rank 9 person.... Gear doesn't have a major factor in caster nirvana unless it comes to killing faster."

    It's not about the time it takes you to finish a run, it's about the minimum amount of firepower required to actually finish caster nirvana. If you do not meet that requirement, you will FAIL.

    One r9+12 can obviously balance out the lack of dds if the rest of the squad is tt99. However, you can't walk in there with a squad full of tt99 geared people and expect to do it - especially if you have some whacked combo like 2clerics,2venos and 2dds.

    To do caster nirvana you need a squad of bottom tier r8 geared people - aka a squad of r8+2 people can do it. If you really feel like pushing it, you can have one or two tt99 geared people, BUT then you need to have a higher refined r8 to balance out the lack of firepower.

    While some bosses can be done with crappy gear in half an hour of torture, caster nirvana also happens to have a boss that will wipe the floor with ya if you take too long. I can't count how many times I was called to help out on the last boss in a caster nirvana simply because the squad couldn't do it - it's not double standards, it's not hypocrisy, it's the simple fact that you just can't march into caster nirvana with random tt99 people and hope to do it.

    So it's not like we deny certain players entry because we want to do it faster, it's because we can't do it with them! If I see my squad has enough firepower, I will invite a tt99 geared player to give him a free ride, but it's impossible to make a squad with primarily tt99 players.

    If you do your job and the squad's average gear quality can handle the caster nirvana, I never mind taking a tt99 person, but to call us hypocrites because we require certain gear is just stupid - try running a caster nirvana in tt90-99 geared squad and let me know how that went for ya... (and no, it's just a rhetorical question, I already know you'll all die miserably).

    On the topic of r8+10 requirements - while multiple nirvana runs were available, people were less picky about their squads, nowadays the superior geared people occasionally try to do 4-5men caster runs just to get some kind of profit into their pockets, so this just cuts out more players from doing nirvanas.

    I've never seen a squad on Harshlands that was looking for specifically r8+10 people, what we do is ask people to link their weapon and if they fit our squad's setup/overall dmg output required, we invite them.
  • Escorian - Dreamweaver
    Escorian - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Comments in Cyan.

    But believe me I do get where this mindset that some casters are hypocrites. But that's not majority. It will spread to majority one day, like the guy who said he'd take the +10 instead of +2. Basically lost the argument there. I'm happy as long as the weapon is tt99+.

    I have done caster nirvana as a cleric (only knowing to IH and BB) and my fiance in squad too who is a psy back when caster nirvana was first here and no it wasn't hard and no we didn't need high refines. and yes I understand wanting tt99 gear but in wc on DW they want r8+10 type gear.
    ty Nowitsawn

    Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    hollychaos wrote: »
    I dont see why casters would be considered as hypocrites. Casters do have less chances to farm good money in this game. Cmon we cant solo TT, we cant solo nirvy, (which are actually the two instances that gives the more money in this game, dont mention grinding on mobs we all done it but its not what will make us able to pay for our R9..) we depend a lot on other melee classes IF they are generous enough to bring us with them to any instance. I am a cleric and I say that so I cant imagine how its much worse for some mage classes like psychics and wizards etc..
    Anyway for the caster nirvana issue I always ask for weapon, not because I wanna run with an OP squad but mainly because of two reasons:

    1. (it has been stated before) caster nirvy is pretty harder than normal, bosses have phys debuffs, AOEs, Adds, and final boss needs a good DD power to be taken down before he starts going berzerk and pretty much one shots everyone.

    2. Me and some friends have noticed that some times, some people had caster alts that they geared with really "****" gear just to be able to run caster. (when I say **** gear trust me I mean it, it can go from the one star ornaments and 3stars capes etc...)

    This being said and I hope you will take into consideration the first point because its not just some reason we give to justify being picky on gear or classes, we are complaining about normal nirvana because it is true, wc is spammed with (LF +10 5APS BM/SIN FOR 4 MEN NIRVY PM ME PLZ)
    thats when its not duo or 3 men or solo :)
    and when I hear about people farming 800M in 8 days (I wont mention who) just because the person was spam farming TT and nirvy and that's a thing we barely could dream of as casters because our classes do not have the ability to do that. I pretty much understand all the QQing.
    caster nirvana was and is the only thing that can bring us some profit in this game, I personnally love it and many casters do. The glitch in it helped us a lot but even with the glitch we weren't making as much profit as other classes. Now that we cant farm it as much as before we feel like our main source of money has been taken away.
    anyway hope I was clear enough, take care nd cya in gameb:bye

    I truly don't get this. You guys weren't getting regular Nirv squads and you whined long enough that they gave you a special instance for casters and now you say its too hard? How do you think others feel about regular Nirv? DUh.. it only makes sense that if you have a squad full of ppl who are 5 aps and all +10 weapons it will go faster. My point is, that perhaps all of the casters can now understand why they aren't wanted as much for regular Nirvana. You are doing the same thing to your own kind for caster Nirvana.
  • Takeva - Heavens Tear
    Takeva - Heavens Tear Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I have done caster nirvana as a cleric (only knowing to IH and BB) and my fiance in squad too who is a psy back when caster nirvana was first here and no it wasn't hard and no we didn't need high refines. and yes I understand wanting tt99 gear but in wc on DW they want r8+10 type gear.

    Eh then I understand why you would call those people hypocrites. But are those same people on WC or the forums QQing about not being able to get into regular nirvana squads?

    If so then most of my argument is useless xD
  • Takeva - Heavens Tear
    Takeva - Heavens Tear Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I truly don't get this. You guys weren't getting regular Nirv squads and you whined long enough that they gave you a special instance for casters and now you say its too hard? How do you think others feel about regular Nirv? DUh.. it only makes sense that if you have a squad full of ppl who are 5 aps and all +10 weapons it will go faster. My point is, that perhaps all of the casters can now understand why they aren't wanted as much for regular Nirvana. You are doing the same thing to your own kind for caster Nirvana.

    No one is whining that it's to hard. We are only stating that it's impossible to do without decent gear to help take down the bosses. Please don't act like none of us have ever been in Regular Nirvana. I have but that's rarely when someone needs a 99 key runs with my faction. Regular Nirvana is doable with casters.

    My point is, that maybe you can now understand that I'm not wanted because I'm a wizard. While I'm channeling they could have had a sin or BM attacking during that time. Waste of space. Useless caster. Make a sin or bm and maybe we will let you come along.

    Like I said. I rather be rated by my gear then to be rejected because of my class. Most of us aren't even worried about speed. We only want to be able to do more runs.
  • hollychaos
    hollychaos Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    what Takeva said.b:mischievous
  • Eniyo - Raging Tide
    Eniyo - Raging Tide Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    People ask for R8 on WC - I pm'd them with my TT99 +2 weapon and they took me with them. (Thanks to them I am R8 now).
    Don't say all casters are hypocrites >> It's like saying: All sins are f***ing *****.
    Or whatever. That's simply not true.

    As for choosing ppl because of their gear, I found people not to be as picky as often seen on WC. They still take you with them. It does not have to be R8 but at least some decent gear so you'll survive. It's not all about the speed but so you can actually help on killing and not bother clerics (or mystics such as myself) to res and put buffs.

    All I see here is people hating on each other for being fake or whatever. Grow up.
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    People ask for R8 on WC - I pm'd them with my TT99 +2 weapon and they took me with them. (Thanks to them I am R8 now).
    Don't say all casters are hypocrites >> It's like saying: All sins are f***ing *****.
    Or whatever. That's simply not true.

    As for choosing ppl because of their gear, I found people not to be as picky as often seen on WC. They still take you with them. It does not have to be R8 but at least some decent gear so you'll survive. It's not all about the speed but so you can actually help on killing and not bother clerics (or mystics such as myself) to res and put buffs.

    All I see here is people hating on each other for being fake or whatever. Grow up.

    The reality is what it is. No1 is hating on anyone. And my point is extremely valid. I don't discriminate against anyone, I will take anyone with me. I'm just tired of all the whining by the caster classes who turn around and do the same thing in caster Nirv.

    I'm also extremely irritated at the 5 aps and rank 9 crowd who will not take anyone but 5 aps and rank 9 with them with +10 or higher weapons. The reality is we were all new at one time and the only way people can get better gear is to make money. Either in or out of the game. Many choose to do it in the game so it takes longer. It would be nice if both sides of the spectrum would recognize that someone Rank8 with +8 gear is nearly as good as someone with +10. Or that someone with a tt99 weapon +8 is going to be as good as someone with a rank 8 wep at +5.

    Seems there is no respect anymore here. Everyone is out for what they can get for themselves. I thin it speaks in bounds about the type of people in the world and the game.

    I remember a certain veno I met around lvl 40. Joined my faction, and I helped her get up to around 80. Then, assassins came out and she (who was actually a he) rerolled a sin. I helped him get to lvl 70ish and they left the faction. Now this person doesn't even speak to me as he's got a rank 9 assassin with all +10 or higher gears. No time for the person who spent literally countless days helping him. I knew him when he was nothing big and helped him. The mindset of the players in general just sucks.
  • Takeva - Heavens Tear
    Takeva - Heavens Tear Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    Seems there is no respect anymore here. Everyone is out for what they can get for themselves. I thin it speaks in bounds about the type of people in the world and the game.

    I remember a certain veno I met around lvl 40. Joined my faction, and I helped her get up to around 80. Then, assassins came out and she (who was actually a he) rerolled a sin. I helped him get to lvl 70ish and they left the faction. Now this person doesn't even speak to me as he's got a rank 9 assassin with all +10 or higher gears. No time for the person who spent literally countless days helping him. I knew him when he was nothing big and helped him. The mindset of the players in general just sucks.

    Ugh this. I 100% agree. Ex-friends I've had since day 1 and now they act like they don't know me. Was OK when you used to like to drag me everywhere to help you but now I'm nobody to you? LOL it really sucks. Not all my r9 friends or those who joined the top TW factions are like this though
  • Eniyo - Raging Tide
    Eniyo - Raging Tide Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    The reality is what it is. No1 is hating on anyone. And my point is extremely valid. I don't discriminate against anyone, I will take anyone with me. I'm just tired of all the whining by the caster classes who turn around and do the same thing in caster Nirv.

    I'm also extremely irritated at the 5 aps and rank 9 crowd who will not take anyone but 5 aps and rank 9 with them with +10 or higher weapons. The reality is we were all new at one time and the only way people can get better gear is to make money. Either in or out of the game. Many choose to do it in the game so it takes longer. It would be nice if both sides of the spectrum would recognize that someone Rank8 with +8 gear is nearly as good as someone with +10. Or that someone with a tt99 weapon +8 is going to be as good as someone with a rank 8 wep at +5.

    Seems there is no respect anymore here. Everyone is out for what they can get for themselves. I thin it speaks in bounds about the type of people in the world and the game.

    I remember a certain veno I met around lvl 40. Joined my faction, and I helped her get up to around 80. Then, assassins came out and she (who was actually a he) rerolled a sin. I helped him get to lvl 70ish and they left the faction. Now this person doesn't even speak to me as he's got a rank 9 assassin with all +10 or higher gears. No time for the person who spent literally countless days helping him. I knew him when he was nothing big and helped him. The mindset of the players in general just sucks.

    Then stop saying it's the "Caster classes" - you can't just call every caster a hypocrite if there are just some people doing this. Don't generalize. I know very well that those people exist but it's not "the casters".

    As for the respect it's true. No doubt that people feel superior because of their gear or whatever. Most of them are fail players though so I don't even bother spending time to think about them not paying attention to me or looking down on me because my weapon is only +3 or my boots are TT90 still.
  • FatalFem - Heavens Tear
    FatalFem - Heavens Tear Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Then stop saying it's the "Caster classes" - you can't just call every caster a hypocrite if there are just some people doing this. Don't generalize. I know very well that those people exist but it's not "the casters".

    As for the respect it's true. No doubt that people feel superior because of their gear or whatever. Most of them are fail players though so I don't even bother spending time to think about them not paying attention to me or looking down on me because my weapon is only +3 or my boots are TT90 still.

    My point is about the casters. So generally speaking its their class I'm talking to. Before Caster Nirvana you all (casters in general) raged that you never got to go to Nirvana b/c of your class. Reasons being b/c you weren't aps or your weapons wasn't refined high enough etc. Now, I see the same casters (generally speaking) doing the same thing in caster Nirvana. You are doing the same thing to your own kind that you were upset about the aps/melee doing to you. That is the whole point I'm trying to make with this thread. Is that it wasn't ok for regular NIrvana but now its somehow ok since you have a magic casting nirvana.
  • Nareeah - Lost City
    Nareeah - Lost City Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    My point is about the casters. So generally speaking its their class I'm talking to. Before Caster Nirvana you all (casters in general) raged that you never got to go to Nirvana b/c of your class. Reasons being b/c you weren't aps or your weapons wasn't refined high enough etc. Now, I see the same casters (generally speaking) doing the same thing in caster Nirvana. You are doing the same thing to your own kind that you were upset about the aps/melee doing to you. That is the whole point I'm trying to make with this thread. Is that it wasn't ok for regular NIrvana but now its somehow ok since you have a magic casting nirvana.

    i am seriosuly concered about ur mental health atm
    if after atleast dozen of posts don't see what people are telling u

    people "discriminate by the weapon" BECOUSE MOSTLY THEY HAVE TO
    it's not about the speed it's about finishing damn instance
    last 2 bosses CAN NOT BE DONE WITHOUT FIREPOWER cuz of frenzy and the tiny thing of last boss getting 300k hp if some1 dies
    and hh90 +5 doesn't cut it if u are an DD
    basically e1 with normal gear for their lvl and 4.5k hp is going to be accepted in NV
    u can't go lower cuz it will fail!
    and if u do take people with lower firepower logically u need a big DD to compensate

    as for the increase of +10 req (and it's still very rare among casters) u can go blame GMs that fixed a bug by creating a new bug that makes our intial Q fail and we lose our talis for nothing ( and sometimes taking 2 keys to enter instance) wich makes CNV even more rare so people want a party that can finish it np

  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    The reality is what it is. No1 is hating on anyone. And my point is extremely valid. I don't discriminate against anyone, I will take anyone with me. I'm just tired of all the whining by the caster classes who turn around and do the same thing in caster Nirv.

    I'm also extremely irritated at the 5 aps and rank 9 crowd who will not take anyone but 5 aps and rank 9 with them with +10 or higher weapons. The reality is we were all new at one time and the only way people can get better gear is to make money. Either in or out of the game. Many choose to do it in the game so it takes longer. It would be nice if both sides of the spectrum would recognize that someone Rank8 with +8 gear is nearly as good as someone with +10. Or that someone with a tt99 weapon +8 is going to be as good as someone with a rank 8 wep at +5.

    Seems there is no respect anymore here. Everyone is out for what they can get for themselves. I thin it speaks in bounds about the type of people in the world and the game.

    I remember a certain veno I met around lvl 40. Joined my faction, and I helped her get up to around 80. Then, assassins came out and she (who was actually a he) rerolled a sin. I helped him get to lvl 70ish and they left the faction. Now this person doesn't even speak to me as he's got a rank 9 assassin with all +10 or higher gears. No time for the person who spent literally countless days helping him. I knew him when he was nothing big and helped him. The mindset of the players in general just sucks.

    Your post seems to imply you are painting all casters with the same broad brush and many of us find that really offensive. Sure there are elitist self-rightious bigots in every class but can you see why a thread like this is not only based on a false self-serving assumtion it's also rather vague in its implications and deserves to be flamed as such.

    The context of your post comes across as that from an elitist bigot. You know that because you tried to mitigate it with a story about how you helped a veno friend but that really is irrelevent. Your original implication that casters are hypocrits still remains offensive in light of all the info already posted here that points to the contrary.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Takeva - Heavens Tear
    Takeva - Heavens Tear Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    My point is about the casters. So generally speaking its their class I'm talking to. Before Caster Nirvana you all (casters in general) raged that you never got to go to Nirvana b/c of your class. Reasons being b/c you weren't aps or your weapons wasn't refined high enough etc. Now, I see the same casters (generally speaking) doing the same thing in caster Nirvana. You are doing the same thing to your own kind that you were upset about the aps/melee doing to you. That is the whole point I'm trying to make with this thread. Is that it wasn't ok for regular NIrvana but now its somehow ok since you have a magic casting nirvana.

    Here we go again. I've never been denied from a regular nirvana squad because of my gear. It was because of my class. Raged? I never raged but I was a little sad to be denied because I am a wizard.

    And still trying to make it seem like it's the majority of us asking for r8+10. I'm in Heaven's Tear too you know and I'm always looking out for Caster Nirvana squads. There will be a couple asking for that high but most of the time you see others asking for tt99+. If all casters were asking for r8+10 I wouldn't be able to do Casters.
  • Eniyo - Raging Tide
    Eniyo - Raging Tide Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    My point is about the casters. So generally speaking its their class I'm talking to. Before Caster Nirvana you all (casters in general) raged that you never got to go to Nirvana b/c of your class. Reasons being b/c you weren't aps or your weapons wasn't refined high enough etc. Now, I see the same casters (generally speaking) doing the same thing in caster Nirvana. You are doing the same thing to your own kind that you were upset about the aps/melee doing to you. That is the whole point I'm trying to make with this thread. Is that it wasn't ok for regular NIrvana but now its somehow ok since you have a magic casting nirvana.

    Are you serious right now?
    Please go and re-read all the posts in this thread so far. 90% say they don't care for R8 and such and they take every class. How is it still not clear that the assumption ALL "the casters" ask for R8 +high refine or only special classes is simply wrong.
    You need decent gear - not OP and that is not too much to ask, since you need it in every damn instance. TT99 is MORE than fine. I even went to nirv with ppl who had TT90 or lvl 95 gear and it was just fine. The possibilty of failing at last bosses is much higher though and I fully understand that people don't want to take the risk of losing a talisman [even before the glitch was fixed the person who opened lost one!] and not getting drops from last boss because of failure. I can't blame them for that.

    [And I wasn't even high enough to go to nirvana before caster was introduced. So "all casters" is not even possible, ijs.]