haldis Arc User


  • There never was a point to this game. Much like any mmos. No point except for entertainment value aka "It gives you something to do in your free time." Of course, despite the game being free, they're still looking to make money. So they open cash shop that will cater to those who have money or those who have access to it…
  • I heard that the Psychic could learn a skill that could control a venomancer's pet. Of course, this probably isn't true since the person I heard it from couldn't confirm the information.
    in TideBorn? Comment by haldis October 2009
  • Hm...it'd take a really long time for pwi to get the same numbers as [removed]. [removed] cheats. Any person with an account and has at least been active once in three years time is added onto their census. Which means even though China stopped playing [removed], they are still counted in [removed]'s census until three…