greenglare Arc User


  • This is just a long shot,if a non pack,200 gold (SOT)100% chance to get" Scrole of Tome" was added,folks would trip over them selfs to buy it.400 gold for an "Empior tome"they would sell there mother lol to buy it direct from the PW Botique :) sorry to all mothers sold off cheap lol.
  • Not enteringfrom rong place,or full,just cant seen to enter a TW,rilly need PWI to look at my acount & find the bug thats keeping me out of TW lol.Its a bug from PWI side that is stopping me,probly something simple to fix lol. B)
  • PM I have entered manny TW in times past & know how to enter a TW,click telaporter,then the cloured map.Just to elimanate that queshion lol :)
  • the folks who r locked out including me have bin in the fac for weeks+.we have decresed window,increased it,loged out & in tried telaporters at diferent citys.Simply put alot of folks seen to have bin locked out of entering TW eather for a single TW or in my case perma locked out.Then when we send a ticket,we R told the…
  • Im sorry that due to a lurning disability that i cant spell corectly all the time.You are corect about this,as soon as you hit lev 70 & you want to sell gold to get coin to buy tt mat to make your tt70 armer you will see thing from a difernt point of view when your spending 1400000 coin on mat alone just for rist…
  • if thats your best reply & only reply I gess my smart but learning diabiliy brain is saying to you,just becouse your a cheap dead beat who cant give a well thought out reply.Wait who is the one we sholdent take seriouly ?
  • your one of the losers who dont suport this game who want a free ride,my spelling may be off but I suport this game with real money so think before u chat & read the content,then stop & think about what u say,just dont say what u think!
  • There are 2 ways a game provider makes money.One is to charge a fee every 30 days & the other is to have a camodity that is bot using a credit cards.The player buying gold on credit card are the ones spending real money to suport this game to keep it going for the problims who take pride in a free ride.Its easy to mock but…
  • I have bin looking like a mad man saying this for 2 weeks.untill gold prices come up,im not buying gold to sell & my friends r holding off selling itb:angryb:angryb:angry/it use to sell for over 2.1 mill each so 1.7 is fair middle ground.
  • More & more females are playing vidieo games & admitting it openly,so why has this game not cot on to this fact.There should be a female toon of equil ability for every male toon & class as so to this there should be a male ven.2nd if u look at those with downsyom they do look alot like pandas,the panda was a cheap fast…
  • this idea excites me,the banter inbetween the squade chat,the ways to get there first that no one though up,the bragging rites.if its a dayly quest is wont be buggy like the 1 day out of every momth cause it will be intergraded properly.It will also re-energise the ride sales,both with gold & coin at the market.IT SOUNDS…
  • I like the water mount idea.And the Squad Quest Darly races Idea.If it added at + 50% healing rate,+the abilty to attack when on the ride to its rider it be rilly kool everyone would want 1.
  • every time something big,something new is put in this glitch happens.A patch that redirects the problem to the frosen river would be a poedic solution to the problem in the future.There is no quests there,good place to cool there heads.