excusemeplease Arc User


  • Is this a serious post? The man is raising an obvious concern. While you can't deny the possibility of an HTML page running Java applet or even Active-X can embed PUP and infect your computer with a virus. Someone running outdated version of JRE can easily get infected. But don't stress yourself out, living beings can't…
  • How could you say that? As far as I can remember, Crimson and Dark haven't been ally for a long time, so whats with the "hey we wont attack you as long as you don't attack us" kind of treaty? Unless you can get Crimson leader or even the snooping infamous "Dark" leader(pun intended for *******) with his terrible one liners…
  • I'm starting to wonder if you're Kanye West of PWI? It can be a tricky business to make jokes on someone with mild shades of seriousness even with that well-placed "TRUE STORY" banner. Above mentioned response can show how belligerently you can make things up over something which is literally not true and practically have…
  • Are you aware that every TW faction has an interest in winning the season, and that Dark was actually getting a rather unjustified run for it for a moment there simply no one was bothering to go stomp on them? In case you didn't notice it's a replica of your statement with couple of corrections here and there. If you can't…
  • I'm not sure what to make of your statement. How can you fake all this? I'm just wondering why the question isn't about Infamous who reared Mayhem instead of Crimson? Which is why your Dark/Infamous/Crimsonjr. chauvinism makes absolutely no sense at all because you're incapable of interpreting that it was Infamous FIRST…
  • -removed- Your calling to my statements as **** and plagiarizing is breaking my heart. I want to assure you that it's not stumbled upon, it's not **** and most certainly are not lies because I'm attesting every single statements with very sound facts. But let's try to give a more descriptive shot of the aforementioned…
  • And Crimson leader bluntly refused it. What do you have to say to that. As we all know Dark leadership have a bad history of lying and trash-talking about other faction leaders and members be it accusing Evangelos and now AsHeZ, denying all along about Dark and Infamous relationship(Longknife's argument on that was a sight…
  • Let me start off by saying my posts aren't directed towards anyone else so it doesn't concern me whether other cares or not. But your post made it abundantly clear that you do which kind of narrows it down to I-don't-err-care-yet-i-chose-to-post attitude. As far as I can recall, you asked Mayhem, Kylin and Deicide to…
  • Stop plagiarising me, Long. I never said or implied in any way how Crimsonjr. is run. I merely stated the alts of respective faction Crimsonjr piggyback upon and goes TW with while besmirching the names of other guilds who tries to do the same. I have no fancy for Crimsonjr. internal affairs as such. The point is…
  • Apparently, it's Valhalla. Too bad that they can't win their own fight. But I do sometimes begrudge watching WiskrBisquit leading Valhalla. Valhalla deserved a better leader considering the fame Valhalla enjoyed at it's prime. Just felt like posting something relationaly funny so here it is -…
  • Eoria attendance is marked present on this thread. Thank you for your non-relevant post. Your words spoken best on fashion threads only makes utter sense. Kazumadavis alt Barb, thelegends alt Barb, Yuyi's Psy etc. I could name more. This is really just the very tip of the veritable iceberg of alt's that actively…
  • -removed- You bidded on Bankai AFTER you recruited leftovers from Dark. As far as I can remember you have that pretentious r9rr self-proclaimed "pro" Barb, Pele, IronBananna, Mors_Mortis and few more and some of your household names featuring You, MissCherie, Alastar and co from Dark. Hell you even convinced ChaoKing alt…
  • Where was this co-ordination and whatever theory of pro-TW vanished when they lost straight TW's against Mayhem, Kylin and some other petty factions to the point where they were completely overthrown off map? And why didn't Longknife bothered to bid on those faction after those losses to have "Fun TW"? I'll tell you why.…
  • don't you see it has always been like this in every tw crimsonjr fought every single tw the opposition faction outgear and outnumbers crimsonjr. crimsonjr just have lousy 6-7 r9s(not even 3rd cast) and couple of g16 rest of them are in hh90 while opposition faction is full of r9rr+12 nukers. crimsonjr tws are full of alts…