eviltwin48415 Arc User



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  • OnNet is a Korean company with branches in several countries including the USA. They are known for their golf game, One Shot. Now they are more a portal to other games, none of which are worth noting.
  • ^ +1 Read the skill descriptions (sage vs demon) and decide which fits your play style better. For me, I chose sage because of the +50 chi skill and long range res. (among other things) I also know demon EPs that like the faster res cast and better chi building during casting. It really depends on what you plan to do with…
  • read the comment thread above with the link to the MMO website article... read that and the comments and you will be able to make up your own mind http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1383671 good luck
  • kk so I PM'ed a GM to tell them about the current glitches. To show them the glitches, I told them I'd get the team together and record it so they could pass it along up the chain. So, after a week and a day or two, I finally got the videos from the glitches and even put narration explaining how each is done, and I log in…
  • I can't wait to roll my Mesmer!!! Foreningen kriger 2 b:bye
  • hmmm How about a Heliffino? Could sort of be the PWE mascot. I can see it know... When is maint? Heliffino! When is the magic shell buff bug going to be fixed? Heliffino! When can we expect balanced gameplay? Heliffino! When is the rubberbanding going to be looked at? Heliffino! When is a GM going to answer my ticket?…
  • +1 QFT! I expect the new slogan of PWE to be... Come see us!!! All new girls, under new management. 24/7
  • There is no place for US political discussions entering this thread... No Progressives nor Conservatives had say in the way this Goonz hot-mess was handled. If you wish to carry on a political thread, I suggest making one and watch it sink to the LD like it belongs. Better yet, go vote and use your opinion come November.…
  • I guess, in all fairness to PWE employees... the TOS is something they may/or may not enforce at their leisure. These TOSs may/ or may not change according to whatever ticket comes into a GM at that moment. The TOS for this game is fluid. Will someone at PWE please take a moment and let us know what TOS items are in effect…
  • I did a forum search back 500 posts from frankieraye. there are multiple threads to read.
  • This is just a sample of what our offical CM told us about this glitch. I hope you enjoy this as much as I've enjoyed scanning the threads for you. Frankie's typing in red, just so you know. 09-13-2011, 10:40 AM Quote: Originally Posted by Daedallus - Sanctuary Ok, considering you're right ( not saying you're not ) why…
  • It has alreeady been established that no one employed by PWE gives a damn. Going over the CMs head will not accomplish anything. Going over the many GMs heads will not accomplish anything. Heck, I even complained to PW Beijing and all I got was a butt load of smoke blown up there and thanks for playing. No one cares about…
  • No **** Jesya... you know yer favorite EP would love to come back! b:chuckle
  • Why are you insulting McD's??? After all, McD has standards and their employees must have at least an IQ greater than a turnip.
  • For those of you who are now studying for your SATs, here is a new question for you... If +11/+12 Orbs in CS = Unemployed PWE staffer, then Goonz Punishment Debacle = ? A. PWI player revolt B. No reply from our Chinese Masters C. Lame attempt to silence the masses with 2x for a month D. All the above If you answered D, you…
  • There, fixed it for ya. Yer welcome!
  • Then please... for the love of all that is good... get PWE to give up PWI and let a company, who gives a fecal matter, the chance to run this game in a proper manner?
  • It's not me this time... I cant get into game after some mage QQed about me making comments in WC. lol
  • Come on... we all know that the current crop of GMs in the PWE office are nothing but over-paid, future Walmart greeters. They sit at the computer... ignore tickets, ban people for making fun of their friends in game ( while said friends can do no wrong ) then give each a high five for making through the day. You are…
  • Bob, glad to see ya online... I'm off for a bit. I got the vacation the same time you did, came back... and decided to be a bad boy again. lol I don't know if Im coming back to PWI TBH... but, just so you know... If you find that you need a towel, head on down to JCPenny. I hear they are on sale there. Whenever I have…
  • YOu know Shelly... I have a new found respect for you. YOu aren't the toon I thought you were. I'm sorry for making fun of you in the forums. I now see that you are as angry as the rest of us. Maybe, in another war, or guild or two... we can even become guildmates and fight along side one another. See ya in the MMORPGverse…
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