evilgeek Arc User


  • I was having a problem accessing my zen from CB, I logged out of the site then logged back in which fixed it for me, thnx for the zen :-) I hope the other problems get solved if this doesn't work for you, gl!
  • Thankyou for that :-) RQ seems to be taking all the blame, but I know for a fact that other guilds have more than their fair share of PK happy people who are quite happily running around hitting on anyone in quest zones. If you don't ask you don't get :) and the fact that people are needing to dinge 40 prior to the end of…
  • I'm in a small guild (squad /sigh) of 6 all from the EU all planning on staying with the PWI version, we've thoroughly enjoyed the closed beta and wanna carry on playing ASAP when the open beta goes live. Members are from the UK and Belgium at the moment maybe some more from our guild in another game are joining us from…
  • I haven't played many other free MMORPGS, RFonline wasn't my cup of tea, i didnt like the graphics of Dungeon Runners and the few other F2P games i tried didnt stay installed on my machine for longer than an hour or two. I tried PW while I wait for some upcoming pay to play titles to be released, it's a hell of alot better…
  • Apologies if this has been reported before Everytime I take a pet over Broken Bridge it will unsummon before I reach the other side, doesn't matter which pet I have out..
  • I got a quest to get the pet tame skill at around lvl 8, I didnt see any other option for getting skill books. I am a total newb, never played any other version, if there wasn't a quest in the other version you played could this be a unique way to get the skill in this version?
  • I find this whole notion of **** people rubbing straight peoples noses in it by simply mentioning sexuality rather disturbing, think about it the other way round, how often do **** have to put with straight people rubbing their noses in it? A damn sight more I would say. I say go for it - I see no reason why same sex…
  • First off : I'm running the game on max settings and I am very impressed by the quality of the graphics, for a F2P I really wasn't expecting that much eye-candy, thnx! On-topic: I'm a PvE player, the way I look at it is this - Do I have the time to get a character to lvl 30 before CB ends? Unlikely. Will I roll a few alts…